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Is it possible to add?


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Hi again.

I want to add a Shield Converter at the MP map.

I'm using an Entity Editor.

I've tried to add this by code:

"classname" "misc_shield_floor_unit"
"origin" "bla bla bla"
"nodrain" "1"

But it was ineffectual. This type of Shield Converter is allowed only in the Siege gametype.

When, i've tried to add "misc_model_shield_power_converter" (JK2 Entity):

"model " "models/items/power_converter.md3"
"origin" bla bla bla"
"classname" "misc_model_shield_power_converter"
"angle" "90"
"count" "1"

But this is terrible too. This object is appers, but when i use it, my server is crashing by error: S_FindName: Empty name (i think, the problem is in the sound during the use).


I havnt more ideas. Somebody help me.

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Ya know I dont have GTK radiant on this machine so I cant recall exactly, but I beleive it is a misc_item, but adding a misc_model doesnt do anything but put in eye candy and is useless in your case.


if you have the q3map2 converter you can take any .bsp and convert it to a .map file readable by gtkradient, and learn all kinda tricks from the maps included with the game, IF you can interpret it hehehe.


Waitaminute, the uh first one, misc_shield_floor_unit should be it, at least it works in SP, but I don't recall ever seeing one in MP, once is used its gone UNLIKE everything else in MP that respawns. You may not be able to use it in MP.

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That entity doesn't spawn in MP (at least not FFA, while in baseJKA), through a mod it will load (lugormod) and can be placed in Radiant. However, this will not spawn when using plain (base) JKA. I've been looking as well but I guess there's no good way to do this. I guess you could make the model of it, put a trigger around it, and make it give shield somehow (though I'm not sure how).

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Decompiling is pointless, and Illegal...

Its pointless because it ruins loads of entities, screws up textures, and just overall messes up the map.

I believe it is against the rules on most forums to speak of Illegal things, so cut it out!


Wrong, if you are not actually using the map itself and just looking for some specific info its completely fine. And if you're using q3map2 to decompile it only messes up texture alignments and some light entities are gone unless the map has _keepLights set to 1 i believe. How do you think people go figure out origins of certain exact entities, etc. They decompile and open in radiant. lol That's basically how I do my fix brushes by getting mins/maxs and figuring out the origin and then putting my fix brushes into my format. Is also how I figured out the exact spawn entity on ctf3 that was incorrect for the team color that it was in.

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