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JO_JA project closed


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The project known as JO_JA (filename) Jedi Outcast/Academy conversion patch is closing. But as you may not know there are no available download sites for this file anymore.


1.pcgamemods.com is down, indefinitely?

2.JK2files has decided to remove the file siting legalities, why this file alone? idunno...


This project started with elvencrest and strangely ends there too....


As I have been working on Version 3, incorporating the Academy levels into the mod. I get a great email of support from elvencrest, really makes my day. So I go to check the file at JK2files and it is gone...removed and banished.


So it has come to this... despite all the hate-mail, viruses, and hackers that have plagued me throughout my time in the community. I still feel the need to leave what is left of this project to the players of the JK series who have enjoyed this game as much as I have. And for those in the community who gave a good word in when I needed it (razorace, tinny, elvencrest....) I really appreciate it.


If Lucasfiles doesn't object I would like to upload it to the server. Still a few things left to fix, but still very enjoyable. I don't find this mod more or less illegal than anything else I have seen released anywhere in the JK community. If you own both games why shouldn't you be allowed to install both into one game?

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It'd be awesome if you could upload it, I heard a statement somewhere about raven saying that they don't mind assets from one of their games being used in another game made by them. Can't find the source for that info though. Well best of luck with everything, hope everything works out ok :)

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Hey there obXI, this is Matthew speaking. I am one of your big supporters of this mod as well. You helped me out a lot that time I asked you how to incorporate the demo into your mod, and thanks to you, it worked. I just found out myself that JK3Files deleted your mod. Are they NUTS?!?!? Like you said, it's no more illegal than some things I could think of (does that ill-reputed illegal port of KOTOR models to JA ring a bell, anyone?). At least this was used with the same type of Jedi Knight game, for crying out loud?! This is my favorite mod, and I have actually made some neato changes with models and such on my own with it for my own use, and it is still a fun mod. You know what, ob? I say screw JK3Files and go ahead and finish up and release Version 3 elsewhere. You might could try Force Temple or even Massassi Temple. Neither of those guys have had any good files in a while, so you might could try them to upload it. Good luck, buddy.

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Thanks guys. :)


I would like to make clear that I am not stepping down or leaving, etc... I am just closing this mod due to lack of support from some in the community (for so-called legal reasons). Plus I can't fix everything, it must be impossible, so I must end it before I drive myself nuts. ;)


Maybe someone else can do it, I think the KOTF mod is supposed to incorp. the Outcast levels provided you have the CD. I hope that team doesn't run into this problem with the site managers.

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obXI, you're not gonna believe this- but I have found your mod. It is still up and able to be downloaded, from Filefront! I typed in something along the lines of what you called it and it came up on Yahoo. Folks, here's where to download it:


Update for everyone: apparently every 48 hours the download links for files on Filefront changes, because I tested the link and it had been changed, because I got an error screen. So, I am now posting the URL page from where you can click "Download Now!" to download this. So, here it is:




Sorry for the change.

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obXI, you're not gonna believe this- but I have found your mod. It is still up and able to be downloaded, from Filefront!


Hmm, yeah that is strange. I guess they have just not deleted the file or maybe the link is to my file storage there. I shouldn't take it personally cause I have noticed other files disappearing from that site, mostly anything to do with people bringing stuff over from Outcast to Academy. Whatever, so be it...


I know there were a some problems that a few people had with that version. So it would probably be best if we could just forget that one anyway. I will go ahead and upload a new version that I know is a working improvement. I wish I could've fixed the yavin maps (swamp, canyon) legally, but that would require recreating a whole new map. And I am not a mapper, at all.


There have been a few extras added just to keep everyone entertained, which is the whole point of it. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

So finally it's up.




I did use pcgamemods while it seems to be up and running. Being on a sometimes 56k connection I had to take advantage of the fast upload. Plus, there are several links to the page it's on around the web. pcgamemods allows you to replace versions so the links stay intact. Nice feature.


It does remain unfinished but most people still playing the game mostly adjust the settings making their own personal mods. I hope this expands the realm.


Eh, I may get bored someday and pick it back up. It's addictive...

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