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the steering

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in all fairness, I like point n click Guybrush better, maybe it's coz of what I'm used to, but trying to control Guybrush with the keyboard really got on my nerves, and with that sorta thing, it got really annoying, coz you had to use the keyboard to select stuff for Guybrush to look at or do something, and most of the time I couldn't get Guybrush to stand still for me to highlight the particular text, and more often or not Guybrugh would be the thing that would move, that's why I had so many problems with the Cannon bit, coz Guybrush kept moving and I didn't want him to and I couldnt highlight the appropriate thing like "throw boulder into left canel"




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The keyboard control is pretty sluggish. I found myself using the shift (or whatever) key all the time to run, and getting out items, combining them, etc, was a hassle.


The mouse was MADE for adventure and strategy games (well, not really) and those are the games that really take advantage of it. The mouse makes it much easier. The only exception to this, IMO, is vehicle steering.


Piloting the log boat with the mouse would mess up the puzzle a bit.




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