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Sith Marauder starting feats


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You get Fury which is essentially the same as the Wookie Rage line of feats except you get to the highest level of it quicker.


Well actually thats a force power. But you also get the ignore combat feats and increase damage ones that at the end make it so that you shrug off 15% of all damage against you and do 6 more damage per hit.

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Superior Weapon Focus: Lightsaber (3 levels - increases lightsaber attack bonus by +1 for each feat level)

Increased Combat Damage (3 levels - increases damage by successful attacks by +2, +4, +6)

Ignore Pain (3 levels - reduces damage by 5, 10, and 15%)


Also a Sith Marauder can select Superior Two-Weapon Fighting I, II, and III if all the normal Two-Weapon Fighting feats have been selected during level-up.


All this info is available on GameBanshee's TSL walk-through <link>

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Why should everyone be forced or at least recommended to run around with 2 sabers when everyone in the movies has one??
Good question but unfortunately I think you would have to ask and get an answer from the devs to know why they set up TSL this way.


Maybe continuing the dueling feats at superior levels would have been too much. For example, if TSL had a set of Superior Dueling feats that continued the pattern of the normal Dueling feats then Superior Dueling I would be +4 Attack, +4 Defense, level II would be +5 ATT, +5 DEF and level III would be +6 ATT, +6 DEF. That is a pretty huge bonus and IMO overkill for a game that was already fairly easy.

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Yes, but there should be either superior dueling or no superior two-weapon fighting.


Sure, the option of two lightsabers or a double-saber is cool, but it shouldn't be quite THAT much better than the single saber, or it would seem odd that nobody ever uses two sabers in the movies. The way it works in KotOR2, it doesn't seem very balanced to me...

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I think the way the devs set up the WM/SM is fairly balanced. If you're playing your PC with just a single lightsaber and pursue the Dueling feat path then it makes sense to pursue the Superior Weapon Focus: Lightsaber feat path to increase your PC's attack bonus. The Superior Two-Weapon Fighting feats do essentially the same thing.


Master Two-Weapon Fighting = -2/-2 (0/-2 with balanced off-hand weapon)

Superior Two-Weapon Fighting I = -1/-2 (+1/-2 with balanced off-hand weapon)

Superior Two-Weapon Fighting II = 0/-2 (+2/-2 with balanced off-hand weapon)

Superior Two-Weapon Fighting III = 0/-1 (+2/-1 with balanced off-hand weapon)

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