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Darth Raptornus

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Sometimes in multiplayer, when I retreat when attacked and my spacestation blows up, my opponent's close ships will be damaged/destroyed.

Sometimes, nothing happens at all, the space station just blows up, no damage to my opponent.


Why does it damage them sometimes and won't it damage them other times?

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Guest DarthMaulUK

The space station has a self destruct. Depending on the size of your station, can depend on how much damage you do to enemy ships that are close by. A good tactic is to weaken alot of ships that fly past, then retreat. You can take out vettes, tartans and smaller capitol ships doing this. Oh and fighters!



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I think the damage might be dependant on the size of the station, but what triggers it to not do/do damage when selfdestructing?

I think it's if the shield generator's destroyed or not...


I would think it's purely based on the distance between the station and the ships, but I could be wrong. I doubt it's based on a small detail such as the shield generator.

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Nope, I really think it is, I played a long GC online today, and once I had gotten to my opponent's last planet which had a lvl 5 space station, and after some fighting, my ships were very close and had surrounded it, lots of hardpoint left.

He retreated, and I didn't destroy the shield generator, no damage to my ships, no destroyed fighters...

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I wish I knew the answer but it seems to be a random call if the space station destroys ships or not. I have actually only had two games in which the space station destroyed and hurt some of my surrounding ships.


In all the others my ships would be right at the stations front door and be left undamaged, even fighters.


This is one of those things you think the manual would cover.

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That happened to me once in multiplayer online, my enemy's ships were RIGHT NEXT to the level four station, and not a one with a scratch.


If it is the Shield generator that triggers the damage when the station blows, then I inted to find out, time to start paying attention to which hardpoints are still there when I retreat :)

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