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NEw islands


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Guest The Feral Chicken

Always the same? What the hell are you talking about? Only MI1 and 4 (and a tiny tiny smidgen of 3, which I don't count because you couldn't explore the island itself) share islands (Melée and Monkey)




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Guest ZeroXcape

If there are going to be new islands in MI5 (which is likley the case,) I also hope that they will manage to find some time to expand on the islands we've already visited.


Hopefully, (for the sake of Monkey Island,) if/when the fifth version is announced, it is the final MI. I'd like to see MI go out with a bang while it's still popular. It would also be nice if the game revolved around the stories of the first two games more.


Whatever happens, I hope EMI isn't the last cut. It isn't a very good way to end a series as good as this.






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I still think my idea for Papaya Island, a sort of leper colony where various undesirables are stowed. There could be a lunatic section, a notorious criminal section and a quarrantine section where those with dangerous diseases are put.

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I think in MI5 they should get Lechuck seemingly gone forever, but leave a small loophole that would have allowed his survival. Then, in much later years when nobody expects it, BAM, Monkey Island returns.

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