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Can't get HK-47 influence bonuses (TSL)


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I've been foloing the Influence walkthru and have HK-47 down to 10, but he won't give me his special tips so I can't get my coveted CON/WIS bonuses. Every time I ask about it, I get the [influence:Failure] response.


Anyone else get this? Do I need to get below 10 inf? Are there other conditions that must be satisfied before he will talk to me?

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Yes, both The Disciple and HK-47 have the last influence shift at 98/2 like Jediphile and Emperor Devon said. Mainly because they are quite easy to influence, for example if you are Dark Sider, almost all or even all "meatbags" killed give you a influence boost with HK-47, but if you show compassion (Light Sider) HK-47 will simply say that "you are getting soft" (Thank you for this one Calo Nord ;)), and you will loose influence.


And sorry for my Bad English. :D

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