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Real Time Base Building – Ages of Star Wars


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Ages of Star Wars has made the code! Its in ALPHA STAGE.




Ages of Star Wars: Jedi Civil War

real time base building code ALPHA STAGE



this code is in ALPHA stage so there are bugs

known bugs:

turbolaser turrets hover above the ground

shield generators are invisible and do nothing so dont buy them


only the rebel team has real time base building(the patch will include the empire) you need to upgrade to tech level 2 and purchase a rebel infiltrator he is your "builder"(dont ask me why i picked him i just did) i have enabled build anywhere so you can place any type of unit and building out side of the reinforcement points.



do not use this code in your mod without getting my permission i took 2 days to make it the least you can do is obtain my permission. to obtain it email me at: MSEagle2@agesofstarwars.com if agesofstarwars.com is down email me at EAWBF2@hotmail.com



this is an ALPHA so i would appreciate if people would report bugs. to do so register at agesofstarwars.com forums and post here: *removed*


im 99% sure rebel AI WONT build the buildings that are real time base building because i didnt LUA code them.


credit to the following:

Ages of Star Wars-My Mod


Exar Kun-tester

EaW Devs-Founding fathers of EaW and EaW modding










You can Download the ALPHA STAGE Real Time Base Building file here: http://agesofstarwars.com/Downloads/Ages_of_Star_Wars_real_Time_Base_building_ALPHA_STAGE.zip

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So the change is: "<Use_Reinforcement_Points> False" ?


How advanced!


Kudos to AoSW for getting this stuff out. I've been searching in the LUAs for a long long time, never thinking it'd be that easy.



thats mearly 1/30 of the code :p its not even related to RTC just a little thing i added to give it a better game play value.

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Shield Generator hovers

Turbolasers Hover


if a fan could find me a solution to this and code it i will give them and there mod credit for every release of RTC




cost 1200 credits

20 second build time

limit of 4 on the battle field at one time




cost 1000 credits

15 second build time

max of 10 on the field at one time(to prevent spamming)

6 shots per round with a reload of 1.5 seconds(was 4 shots and 2 second reload time)

nearly doubled strength and now has pin point accuracy



Light Factory

cost 2200

build time 25

max of 3 on the field at one time



Heavy Factory

cost 2800

build time 30 seconds

max of 3 on the field at one time



Shield Generator

cost 2000

build time 24

max of 4 on teh field at one time



Command center

cost 5000

build time 60

max of 2 on the field at one time

max of 2 allowed to be built in one skirmish game



Communication Center

cost 2300

build time 30 seconds

max of 2 on the field at one time

max of 4 in one skirmish game



research Center

cost 3900

buildtime 45

max of 2 on the field at one time

max 3 in one skirmish game



Power Generator

cost 4000

build time 40

max on the field at one time 2

max in one skirmish game 3



this code is in ALPHA stage so there are bugs


only the rebel team has real time base building(the patch will include the empire) you need to upgrade to tech level 2 and purchase a rebel infiltrator he is your "builder"(dont ask me why i picked him i just did) i have enabled build anywhere so you can place any type of unit and building out side of the reinforcement points.



do not use this code in your mod without getting my permission i took 2 days to make it the least you can do is obtain my permission. to obtain it email me at: MSEagle2@agesofstarwars.com if agesofstarwars.com is down email me at EAWBF2@hotmail.com



this is an ALPHA so i would appreciate if people would report bugs. to do so register at agesofstarwars.com forums and post here: *removed*


im 99% sure rebel AI WONT build the buildings that are real time base building because i didnt LUA code them.


credit to the following:

Ages of Star Wars-My Mod


Exar Kun-tester

EaW Devs-Founding fathers of EaW and EaW modding




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