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Twi'lek slave girl on Telos


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On Citadel Station, there is a twi'lek dancer who was enslaved after her boyfriend used her as collateral in a pazaak game (and lost). Isn't slavery illegal in Republic space? And even in places where slavery is legal (eg Hutt space), would it be legal to use a freeman as collateral (did she volunteer herself as collateral?)? Some people have suggested it's because of the weak TSF presence, but I don't think something like this could fly under their radar (she dances in public).

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It probably has something to do with the fact that the guy involved has ties to the Exchange. That tends to make people reconsider their positions, even if they really have the law on their side. After all, what good it is to have the support of the law if somebody slices your head of during the night? And the Exchange seem to have a lot of influence on Citadel Station...

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Have you tried talking to GOTO about that? I dare say he has a rather different perspective on that arrangement to say the least... He may travel with you, but his idea of who is the employer is rather different.


QFT epecially if you play the dark side. Then you tell GOTO that you will save the republic for credits.

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Isn't slavery illegal in Republic space? And even in places where slavery is legal (eg Hutt space), would it be legal to use a freeman as collateral (did she volunteer herself as collateral?)?

Depends...outer Rim regions are known for their 'slavery' laws. Look at Mira, for example, or the slave girl. As long as their's money to be made, the Outer rim guys will put everything at stake.


Do you remember episode 1? Qui-Gon used a Nabooian Elite cruiser thingy as collateral. No questions were asked. If (IRL)someone would offer his Ferrari in a game of Poker, I would DEFINATELY start to ask question :xp: (Unless I'd be winning o'course).


So, imo, slavery is a commonly accepted thing in the SW universe, like it was in the 17th century around the world (black page in human history).


Imo, in SW, the core worlds have stopped slavery, but the outer rims worlds are still 'doing' it. Since it's a Republic, no questions are asked, since no-one likes a Hutt-war.

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Tatooine isn't a Republic world; it's a Hutt world. Padme herself expressed astonishment that slavery still existed, to which Shmi replied that the Republic didn't exist way out there.


Telos is in the Outer Rim, but it's still within Republic space.

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Another point to consider is just how chaotic Telos really is. Czerka has managed to bribe and swindle their way onto the world and gotten away with sabotage and similar. And the Exchange is hardly secretive about their presence on Citadel station. Even more telling, note Lieutenant Grenn's frustration at being unable to expose Czerka or even catch Samhan in the act in spite of knowing full well what he's up to.


And that's all AFTER an assassin managed to infiltrate the ranks of the TSF and attempt to kill the Exile. No, Telos is definitely not a world run by proper regulations, and the efficiency of the TSF is just one step above being a joke in spite of Grenn's best attempts to prove the opposite.


Also, this is 4000 years before the movies. Not sure whether slavery is allowed or not at this point of the Republic's history.

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