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Remodeling Luxa


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I'll post her tonight when I get home from work at pcgamemods and KotOr2files and leave you a link here. My only problem is that I'm not sure how to make her, her own selectable character, right now I just have her taking the place of PFHH01. So at the very least that will work but give me a few hours and hopefully I'll have a better solution for you. Is her skin color ok?

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Drumroll please...and here she is:




All dressed up and ready to download. I adjusted the skin a little more and fixed her eyebrows and lips so they look more natural. I didn’t have much time to work on her but soon I'll throw an update together with a full 4 skin darkside transition with portraits. Do you have a preference or some suggestions as to her darkside shift? Also she'll have her own slot so she’s not overwriting PFHH01. Anyways, hope you like her.


Click here to download!

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Drumroll please...and here she is:

All dressed up and ready to download. I adjusted the skin a little more and fixed her eyebrows and lips so they look more natural. I didn’t have much time to work on her but soon I'll throw an update together with a full 4 skin darkside transition with portraits. Do you have a preference or some suggestions as to her darkside shift? Also she'll have her own slot so she’s not overwriting PFHH01. Anyways, hope you like her.


I do :)


I was waiting for this since I read the post earlier today... She looks excellent, cant wait to use her in game..


Also the update would be awesome, anyways, you asked for suggestions, I would say don't go to overboard, cus she is a cute girl, don't wanna fugly her up too much..


I would say for her skin color change, wrinkles, etc do something like po_PFHA03 darkside transitions, cus luxa and her look a lot a like.. sorta...


Maybe make the lipstick slightly darker or lighter whatever looks best on her as she changes, nothing drastic, just a slight shade change, perhaps make her eye shadow, and liner get slightly darker to define her eyes as they turn sith like and give her a an evil look..


Think vampire/goth chick, maybe a little Crow(brandon lee) thrown in, but tastefully done(ie, no evil clown vibe lol).. :)


I tried to find a pic, because I actually am describing a goth girl I knew, and her look would be perfect for luxa but its hard to describe..



Hope those ideas are usefull probably not, as you are a far better artist than me, so do it however you feel she looks best, anyways, cant wait to see the finished product... Excellent work.. :)



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Thats excellent Krimsyn, thats pretty much what I was trying to describe,. You captured it perfectly..


I like how you did the eye liner, and her lip color is awesome, I think you did an excellent job on the skin tone/texture, I even like her red eyes...


I usually don't like tatooing on the darkside transitions, but in her case I think it was good decision to do so, and you did it in a subtle way.. She would have looked off if you hadnt..


About the eyes most ppl prefer the yellow sith eyes, though I like the red ones.. So thats up to you, maybe include both..


Anyways, just wanted to let you know I like it, so as far as I am concerned you did an excellent job..



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Depends, I have all her skins done, portraits aren't finished yet but that’s a quick job, the tricky part is setting her as a unique selectable PC so she is no longer overwriting any existing PC's. That I'm not too sure on, SithRevan and Darkkender have been helping me with that but I'm still a little confused so I'm waiting on Dark to respond to a PM that will hopefully clear things up. After that I just have to package her in the TSLPatcher program so she doesn’t conflict with any other MODs out there but that seems simple enough. So assuming Dark gets back to me soon...a few days perhaps?

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Haha sorry, I ran into a bit of a snag. I'm having a lot of trouble making her uniquly selectable. Theres a thread going about it but it hasnt been resolved yet. If I cant get it fixed within the next few days I'll update the mod with the new darkside skins and portraits at least so people can use them.

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