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Atris for KOTOR II


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This is has probably been asked a time or two, but I was wondering if someone could made a mod so that you play as Atris from KOTOR II. Doesn't have to be a private mod. I'm sure there are a few other people out there that wouldn't mind it.


I have absolutely zero knowledge in modding, and barely have time to play as is. I guess I should write down what I am requesting, exactly.


-Specialized character skin (guessing this is an appearance.2da file?) with portrait. Getting it as close to the box art would be nice, as they did her a grave injustice with the in-game graphics.

-Robe compatability with other in-game robes, complete with underwear skinning (preferably *not* the default game...ew.) and clothing.

-Able to choose her own robe skin as an equipable robe that only she can wear, with modified stats.

-Finally, lightside/darkside transitions, including with wearing the dancer's outfit.


If this is outrageous, apologies now, and I will accept any bashing that comes. However, if there is a modder that feels like having some fun, by all means, have it!


Thank you!!




Edit :: Shoot...I'd be happy with just a portrait and head model. I can deal with her having the fixed in-game robe she has, because I love her robes!

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Here you can get the robes (And implement Atris' own ones by yourself with a bit of basic editing knowledge)

I downloaded that mod, and have it in use. Thank you, though, Mr. Kain. And thank you very much for considering to work on it. =^.^=



I've tried searching throughout the site here, as well as pcgamemods.com, and the only one I've found turns Mission Vao into Atris.

To a degree, I stand corrected on this statement. There is one thing - NPC to PC mod, I think it was released by Redhawke. However, when I tried using it, it crashed my game, so I had to take it out. When I selected Atris's portrait, I got no head, so I'm thinking that, as mentioned in Dragoon's posting about certain heads being made to PC selectables, she is one head model that cannot be disconnected from the body.


Yes....no....maybe so?


Mod edit: I'm sorry Esper, but bumping topics are verboten here in the requests forum, I have combined the 'bump' double post. Also I have never made a NPC to PC mod. ;) -RH

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