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New to mapping


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Making textures isn't hard, what u do is make jpeg or tga file with:


1) Size of Power of 2: both sides must be one of these:

2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, etc

The sides don't both have to be the same, however, like 128x256 will work


2) Put this in base/textures/<mapname>/ where <mapname> is the name of your map. Save it (remember, JPEG or TGA only) then in Radiant do flush and reload shaders, and then select your <mapname> from the list.


Select brush (SHIFT CLICK) or a brush face (CTRL SHIFT CLICK) and then press T to open Textures, and click the texture you want to apply. You can also hit S to adjust how the texture is fit onto the brush, and the little lock button on the toolbar locks the texture to the brush so it won't move when the brush is moved or rotated by 90 degree increments.

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well, so far I've used MS Paint, ArcSoft PhotoStudio, and IrfanView to create my textures, I've never used Photoshop but I found out that using filmgrain effects can make nice concrete, playing with the sharpness and amount of grain, noise, and other filters can produce anything from hard concrete to soft carpet, then color can be added using hue/saturation settings. If you use film grain or sharpness settings you might have to convert to grayscale and then color your image. I use my digital camera to take pictures of walls and floors and then crop out a portion to tile, and you can use clone tool to fix up the edges.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Using GTK Radiant 1.4.0


Problem: I am unable to edit the worldspawn entity in the entity menu. I am hitting ESC to deselect all entity brushes. Then I hit N to get into the entity menu. Once there I scroll to the worldspawn entity. However in the text box I can't change anything. Is there something else that I'm supposed to do?


EDIT: nevermind. I figured it out. The tutorial I was using wasn't very clear on how to enter the data. It's hard to explain what I was doing wrong. Long story short, it was just the wrong thing.

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