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the folly of optical media


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Sigh. I recently dusted off my Grim Fandango CDs. I was looking forward to a great time traveling through the afterlife with my good friend Manny. I installed the game, applied the patch, and started copying the .lab files to my hard drive, when suddenly... noooo! Errors galore! I pulled out the disc, looked on the shiny side... and there it was, a big old scratch, staring me in the face. I would really like to play Grim again. Would anyone be so kind as to help me get my missing files? I was unable to copy vox0001.lab, vox0003.lab, year0mus.lab, and year1mus.lab. I would be forever grateful. I guess the simplest way would be to zip them into a multi-part zip file, each part being 10 megs (gmail's attachment limit) and e-mailing them to me. The files total about 100 megs, so I know it's a pain, and understand if nobody wants to go to the effort. Of course, if someone has a server, that would be even easier. Thanks, and I hope I get to play this wonderful game again soon.


- FunkyMonk


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I don't think it's illegal if I already own the game. I'm not asking for the full game or anything, just a couple of missing files so I can play a game I legally purchased. The files would be totally useless if I didn't already own it. I know it's a long shot, but I figured it was worth a try.

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I don't think it's illegal if I already own the game. I'm not asking for the full game or anything, just a couple of missing files so I can play a game I legally purchased. The files would be totally useless if I didn't already own it. I know it's a long shot, but I figured it was worth a try.


Actually, that's true, if you already own the game, it's a "security copy".

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