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Keep original class in K1...

Agent Xim

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I've been playing through K1 without ever becoming a Jedi... changed "k_pdan_makejedi.ncs" to just give a few special items (Unique Force Talismans) instead of choosing a Jedi class. I haven't yet finished a complete play-through as a non-Jedi, but I'm enjoying myself immensely lol. I really have no idea how the end will play out... I doubt it'll change much tho.


If anyone's interested, I'll polish up the mod a little and release it for your gaming pleasure. Lemme know!

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Setting things up this way does sound awfully interesting, but I'd guess you'll have a lot of difficulty in the later battles in the game without being able to use force powers. To even things out, you may want to edit feats.2da so all classes can take the Weapon Proficiency: Lightsaber feat whether or not they start with it, maybe making it available to the Soldier, Scout and Scoundrel at level 8? I'd also maybe make Weapon Specialization available to all classes around, say, level 12.

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I created Force Talismans which provide some Jedi abilities just for that purpose (used as implants). There are currently 3 levels of talisman: Force Sensitive, Force Adept, Force Master - each providing different level Jedi abilities accordingly and are restricted to Soldier, Scout and Scoundrel...


The Force Sensitive Talisman is given in place of becoming a Jedi ;)


I know I've finished the game in difficult as a blaster-weilding Jedi, so I know it's at least feasible to finish with the original class. Late game battles are certainly more challenging, although certain Party NPC's are Jedi after all...

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Hold on, what about the suspended masters at the end of the game??? Don't you have to use offensive force powers to blow them to bits?


If you mean the pickled Jedi at the StarForge observation platform then you don't need to do anything with them. You can just let Malak consume them all until they are all drained and then kill him as usual. The fight will go on a bit longer if you can't prevent Malak from using them to heal, but it doesn't make the fight that much harder. (Which you'd have to do as a Jedi class character as well if you don't have darkside powers, Destroy Droid, Breach or Saber Throw.)

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ohhhh...I always wanted to play without being a jedi...I would love it as a mod.


It would be nice have the dialogues changed to fit it (tell the jedi masters what I really think about them and their methods)...but perhaps I'm asking to much... :D

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It would be nice have the dialogues changed to fit it (tell the jedi masters what I really think about them and their methods)...but perhaps I'm asking to much... :D

Without voices, it just won't be the same. I suppose Master Zhar could get so upset by you not wanting to become a Jedi that he reverts to his native tongue... :D


Seriously though, the best I could do there would be to cut some dialog maybe? (That still doesn't account for the many NPC's who already reference Jedi in their dialogs throughout the galaxy)

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Real men do it with twin stun batons (but not the Two Weapon Fighting feats).
Hehe... I've always wanted a stun baton that casts a force push... and with two of 'em... :D


I'm still playing through as a non-jedi at the moment - when I'm done the game I'll package it up. I just wanna be sure I can finish the game lol (I really see no reason why it wouldn't work). I'm attempting to avoid using any party Jedi (except when I have no choice).


Changing the dialogs or not I'll really appreciate this mod Xim!!
Kewl, so yeah I'll work on the polish up then ;)



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