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SteinersAdvancedUnitMod - A quality Mod made in Germany - Have look

Lord Revan Ktor

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no joke ^^

Maybe we should scare the providers "What did you pay when we NOT upload our next Mod to your Servers ?"


Maybe we could manage to get some money out of it to provide some new Max or Photoshop ad-ons ^^


(Or some Turtorials ^^)

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u can place bets on it :D

its hella fun with all the new stuff u put in, all the new textures, ships, stations, scaling things etc.

just started a new campaign cause of this mod and i was so "done with it", and now it feels like a new game with an old storyline :)


im curious what ull do with this game when the expansion pack hits the shelves

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no joke ^^

Maybe we should scare the providers "What did you pay when we NOT upload our next Mod to your Servers ?"


Maybe we could manage to get some money out of it to provide some new Max or Photoshop ad-ons ^^


(Or some Turtorials ^^)


I Know, tryed to download the File some few minutes after the Upload. And the first Server was down at this time, after Steiner changed the link to the download as I mentioned the link was false in the news anouncement.

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Dumb question. How do you install it? I downloaded the mod and have located all the files but am not sure how to install it. Do I just put the new SUA3 files in my EAW folder to replace the old ones? Any help is appreciated. THanks.

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its a self-installing-exe and it will create a .bat file and a shortcut on your desktop. i dunno if it matters or not when u change the path where its gotta be installed, but i dont think so.


PS: i think i found a bug in the imp campaign after installing your mod. moff kullust wont appear in the battle, and when the battle is done it says he dissappeared, u get that ship to stop him, but he never appears anywhere from that moment. and i played the game for a long time after that, round bout 2 hours or so.

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its a self-installing-exe and it will create a .bat file and a shortcut on your desktop. i dunno if it matters or not when u change the path where its gotta be installed, but i dont think so.



When I install the mod it creates its own folder outside of my EAW folder and the link it puts on my desktop does not do anything. Any suggestions?

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yeah, wenn the installer asks you where to put the mod, point it to your EaW Root folder ^^


Thanks. That works. However, I have some "ghost ships." I can see most ships but some just come up as a pair of engines and I can't see the ship. Its happening to what looks like frigates and some star destroyers. Any suggestions? Thanks.

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Yea, i had the same problem, i got it fixed by simply changing the grpahics options to full detail. oddly enough the normal game usually gets quite slow when i do that, but seems to work fine with eh mod :S


Anyway, Ive got to say, i haven't logged on in a wile but i just had to tell you how fantastic I'm finding this mod, tis great.

I had some things to point out, but the only one i can remember is that lando's info is still in German lol

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DC yeah , we found a way to improve the Space Battle Performance.


If some of you are interessted in real BIG Spacebattles , the Performace would hold now up to 150 Popvalue and works fine on avarage PC´s (Tested with P4 2,8 Dualcore @3,2 / 2 GB RAM / and a Nvidia 7800 GTX 256 MB) it´s only goes a little slow when you start moving more than 20 Squads Fighters ^^.


For all of you who now say "Well when it takes so mutch Pop , why we had then only 45 Battlepop ?" Well , we try to cover all Users and not all had average PC´s and at the otherside , well it´s funny when you have so mutch Ships , but it could also be worse when the KI comes first ^^

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The mod is pretty nice, after a few polishings this could become the "end of all mods", some things like weird campaign descriptions and stuff. For example on some campaigns you cant tell whats changed, or there are are weird descriptions. The in-game units and gameplay is still top-notch. Btw i took my 5 corvettes to kill a pirate ship and they couldnt get its shields lower than 99%, that was strange.

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It´s my sad Honor to announce that currenty no Download of Sau 3 Reloadet is avaiable.


We are working on a new Download link whitch should providet in about 2-4 Hours from this Post.


(Yes .. that is the 3rd DL Server whitch is currently lock the Sau 3.0 Reloadet Mod cause of to many connects or downloads)


Edit : Mirror at Wikiupload up again !

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