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Dual saber wielding NCP's?


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Hey guy's I was just wondering how do I make an NCP dual wield lightsabers like the PC or one of the party members? Also if this can be done what is "Struct ID:" for the chracters hand so I can equip it on them? So if you guys could help me with this I would really appreciate it, Thanks.:D

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Actaully they are not enemies, they are actaully just fellow jedi that I want to have two sabers in thier hands instead of one. So will that still work giving them the feats and what not? Also what would the struct ID in the gff editor be to equip the lightsaber to the character? If you would be willing to help me with that I would really appreciate it, thanks.

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Hey guy's I was just wondering how do I make an NPC dual wield lightsabers like the PC or one of the party members? Also if this can be done what is "Struct ID:" for the chracters hand so I can equip it on them?


Why not use KotorTool's UTC editor? That way you'll only need to drag the weapon into the proper slot (or double-click the slot and type in the ResRefs in case of custom items), which is a lot simpler.


If you for some reason want to use a GFF editor instead the two active weapon slots are determined by structs with type id 16 (0x10) and 32 (0x20) in the Equip_ItemList list field in the UTC file. The struct type id determine which slot an item here ends up in.

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