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WIP selectable heads

Darth Dragoon

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Well I hope this works out well for you, especially nihilus because he does not have a head model. Also remember when you are making these characters selectable to modify the appearence.2da's clothing colums so you can allow them to wear different types of clothes. But besides that good luck and hope you can pull it off!:D

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Kreia, - mdlops would destroy facial anims, making it static head.

Zez-Kai Ell - Possible

Sith Assasin, - Possible

Darth Nihilus, - Impossible, due to difference of facial animations between Malak/Nihilus models and regualr pc models. mdlops would destroy facial anims anyway, when attempting to make head useable.

Davik - Possible

Bao-Dur. - Possible.


marked out models would need to be cut separate from bodies, and that would lead to things above.

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