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Translating byte code...


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I'm trying to get back into modding this engine but I got stuck at byte code. I can't seem to find a reference for it, the previous link I had seems to be dead so I would appreciate it if someone would be kind enough to direct me to a new one. Thanks in advance :jawa

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Byte Code? ewwww...


Try this link for a source of pre-decompiled scripts (TSL)



If you're looking to decompile another mod's script's and they didn't unclude the source, try jmac's program here:



If all else fails, feel free to post a thread asking for a specific byte code translation (unless you just really want to learn how to decode it)... hehehe

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If you're looking to decompile another mod's script's and they didn't unclude the source, try jmac's program here:



That one does not decompile scripts as far as I know, it's automatically generating some types of scripts from scratch. For automatic decompilation of existing scripts try JdNoa's and Dashus' DeNCS utility. It requires Java to run, but should be able to handle most scripts as far as I have heard (don't have Java so I haven't tested it myself).


DOH! :headbump ~ Cz

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lol, that's great and all guys but I forgot to mention I'm working with KotOR 1 not TSL, so I don't think either of those are of much use to me -> hence the problem...


DeNCS should work with KotOR1 scripts as well if you use the nwscript.nss file from that game, if I remember correctly.

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Well it doesn't hurt to try either way, although I would have prefered to do it manually (I like doing things the hard way). If all else fails, I'm just gonna rewrite a few things and run over others. Thanks for the help.


If you haven't saved the documentation there is probably little else to do; the Torlack.com domain has expired so the site is likely not coming back. Since Torlack had written that documentation himself I doubt you'd find it elsewhere. I think I have a copy of if on my harddrive somewhere, but couldn't make it available to others without Torlacks permission without risking to break copyright laws.


You could try to see if it's still in either google's cache or in the Wayback Machine site's archive if you're lucky.

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