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revan meets the exile


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i got a better idea for this, (just for the TSL), after the battle wit (the final Boss) reven appers an dertermining what u pick for "It" Earlier in the game, u know was reven a man/Women was he Light/Dark Side, an under those cercumsatsion, an lets have another Hypothectical Situation




U are a LightSided Female Jedi Master, u chose reven to be a Darksided Male, an after u beat (Final Boss) Reven show up, an than u an him duke it out.


But here is my idea for a even better final battle For reven


He has 3x for health than (final Boss)


2x more states than (Final Boss)


HAS ALL Force Powers, Feats.


2x More Force than (Final Boss) (Otherwise know as MP, For the Final Fantasy Freaks out there)


an heck for the "f" of it Lets add some Voice for reven.



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