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force split story


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this is my final idea for the day


you are approached by a jedi and sith on dantoine


each uses force pull on each other but u are stupid enough to walk imbetween


then suddenly you are able to judge wether you go to the jedi or sith (light side or dark)


(asuuming you chose light)

as you rise you see a sith version of you has emerged from the other sith's dead remains just as you stand over the dead jedi's remains


the sith version atacks you with new force powers


but you are now enlightend by the force and so you face of agains the sith with youre current kills


after winning the sith version vanishes and master... (hm... mayb vandar) approaches you as this wass all a test created by the force to test you

( the sith versio would be the same but with you as a sith)


he does not know what side you chose but you can tell him or lie to him


he now tells you that you have recieved a great gift caled force split , this is where you summon a force being on the other side of the force next to you who will fight by you for ... uh ... some amount of time... (lets sa 2 mins)


right thats it for today so i'm off to sleep (i've been at a competion all day so i'm to dead to party this friday :( )

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