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Revan's Robes Replacer


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I searched up and down the forums before posting this, and I didn't find anything like this, so here goes:


Is it possible for someone to make a mod where the Revan's Robes the player gets on the Starforge in KotOR 1 are replaced by a hooded and masked version? All I've seen so far are mods adding the robes to places in the game like Dantooine, or the Endar Spire. If I can do this myself, I'd be glad to, as long as someone can tell me what tool I need to use to change the model of the Revan's Robe to one of the ones found online.


Sorry if this has already been done (I tried to do an exhaustive search), and thanks for reading.

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Well it is somewhat noticable, but still it is darth revans robes so who cares. I also find keeping the cape is defantly the best way to get the Darth Revan look if that is what you are going for. So I hope this all cool with you, I will go get back to getting it done. I will also be back with some screenshots later on like I said before. See ya later!:D


Update: I just wanted to update you on my progress, I have it sort of working and I am really doing well. But other than that all that I can tell you is that it is going to look awesome, I will post screenshots soon!:D

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Thanks for the quick reply; I put my game on hold until I can get those robes. Also, many thanks for taking up this project. Will this be with or without the cape? I've heard that it clips with the feet, but is it really noticeable?


The cape is stiff like cardboard and does not flow when moving. On the male model you will just see the feet kicking through the cape when running, while on the female model it's much more noticable.


The Revan model also doesn't have force power hooks in the correct places, meaning you will shoot lightning and other beams from your feet rather than the hand. This mod contains a modified Revan model that fixes that problem and reduces cape clipping a bit as well.

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Yeah I noiced that when I tried to use force lightning last night, so I am going to move the force hooks around so that it does not do that anymore. Oh and sorry about last night not being able to get screenshots for you guys. I am still hard at work on it, and I am having a harder time then I thought I would have. So just to reassure you I will definatly have screenshots by today. Just keep hanging in there!:D

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Thanks for the link, Redhawke, but what exactly is the mod supposed to do? I extracted the files to the Override folder, but my Revan's Robes did not change appearance. Is it because they're already in my inventory; should I do the Starforge over? Or is the mod intended for something else? The readme seems kind of vague.


Thanks for working on this, SithRevan, but it looks like your screenshots aren't showing up.

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Try pasting these links into the address bar on your browser...


Picture 1



Picture 2



Picture 3



They should take you right to the pictures, and if you have anymore problems with them I will try something different so you can see them.:D

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Thanks, those look great! A real :thumbsup: job. Is there some way, though, that you could make the robes and mask one item? Just to check, this is supposed to replace the Revan's Robes that you can make on the Starforge, correct (I don't want to use the console, or go back further than the Unknown World)? If so, it'd need to be one item, unless you can add the mask somewhere on the Starforge.

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Thanks for the link, Redhawke, but what exactly is the mod supposed to do? I extracted the files to the Override folder, but my Revan's Robes did not change appearance. Is it because they're already in my inventory; should I do the Starforge over? Or is the mod intended for something else? The readme seems kind of vague.

All this mod does is fix the Revan models, you will need to have a mod that alters the Revan's Robes appearance to that of the cutscene or masked models for you to see the effects of this mod.


You can also do this on your end by doing some easy file wrangling... you just need to copy and re-name the mods files.


When I get some free time later on tonight or tomarrow I will post some instructions on how you can do this. ;)


Edit: Sorry, I haven't been able to post the instructions yet... :(

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Hey, thanks for finishing it. I'll take a look at it once it's available and tell you how it goes.


Redhawke, can you post your intructions anyway, if it isn't too much trouble? I may want to use them for another case, and they may be useful to others who are looking for that sort of thing.




The mod worked great. There were only a few minor clippings at the cape, hood, and front, but I guess those are to be expected, since you can't fix those without seriously altering the animations on the model. Thanks for making this for me.


I just have one more quick question: Which files are used for lightside Starforge Robes (no offence intended; I just prefer the old yellow unhooded robes, since I don't want to wear the mask as a lightsider, and the hood looks a little silly without the mask)?

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