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Revan's Robe and Lightsaber for TSL


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I thought of something that would be cool to have for TSL: Revan's Robe and Revan's Lightsaber. Being a Revan fan, I think that finding those things on Korriban or something would be an awesome addition to the game. Is it possible for someone to do this? If they could, it would be even better if they could fix that annoying Revan-cape problem too. Thanks for reading, and please reply.:)

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I am already makeing this mod and more. Its my main project, it includes Darth Revan's Robes (not star forge ones, I am not a modeler), Darth Revan's Lightsaber, several datapads written by various NPCS from KoToR1 involving Darth Revan and i also will include a ton of mentions to Darth Revan, makeing him/her more involved in the story.


~Darth Meatbag

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There is no "cape fix"? :confused: That is how it works, even in TSL.


The only mod that does anything with the cape is one that removes the cape entirely, T7nowhere's Revan's Mask + Mod. But that isn't for TSL it is for KotOR I.


This mod does adjust the positioning of the cape for the Female variant of the Revan robes to prevent the cape from clipping in through your legs while standing idle, as the standard model does due to the female idle stance, making it hang down more like the male model one does. But the cape is otherwise still stiff as cardboard, and you will kick through it when running.

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