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Download Mirrors

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I've just started getting back into the game and apparently SWK is having technical difficulties. The main files I've been trying to find are the the latest versions (or at least somewhat updated versions) of Kotor Tool and the K-GFF GFF Editor. Does anyone know of any mirrors, or can anyone upload them to a free site or maybe one of the other modding sites? I don't have a lot of time left to wait, as I'll be pretty busy soon enough.


I'd appreciate anyone that can help.

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swk will be back online within a few days at most. Just be a little patient. We are working on it* ;)


Please do not upload files on other sites without the authors' permission.



(*note: to those who wonder, starwarsknights.com is part of LFNetwork, just as the present forums and it is ran by the same people: the lovely team of moderators...so we know it will come back. )

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This has nothing to do with pcgamemods. pcgamemods is a completely different site operated by a different individual and we have no control over this.


However, the downloads at starwarsknights.com and its subdomains (that includes the kotor tool site) should be available within a few days at most.


Edit: and please, no need to double post.


For info on the starwarsknights.com site status, please see this thread: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=171669

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