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Exile Saber?


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I can't work out how the game grabs the item for the exile to use in the flashback, if I can do that, I can do this.


The specifics of the "old lightsaber" is set during conversation with Atton aboard the Ebon Hawk in the 003atton.dlg file, found in 003EBO_dlg.erf.


This conversation sets the global number "003EBO_PC_Lightsaber" to a value 0-9 to determine the color of the blade, and the "003EBO_PC_Hilt" global to a value 0-2 to determine the type of hilt (normal=0, short=1, doublebladed=2).


Those two global values are then used in two scripts both called a_createpcsaber which exists in both 950COR and 262TEL (for the Atris and Flashback scenes respectively; they are fairly similar but with some minor differences).


That script, when merged together to work for both areas if put in override, will look something like:

// ST: a_createpcsaber.nss (950COR_s.rim and 262TEL_s.rim)

void EquipAndDressPlayer(string sResref);

void main() {
   int nHilt = 0;
   int nSaber = 0;
   string sResref;

   nHilt = GetGlobalNumber("003EBO_PC_Hilt");
   nSaber = GetGlobalNumber("003EBO_PC_Lightsaber");

   switch (nSaber) {
       case 0:
           switch (nHilt) {
               case 0: sResref = "g_w_lghtsbr10"; break;
               case 1: sResref = "g_w_shortsbr10"; break;
               case 2: sResref = "g_w_dblsbr010"; break;
       case 1:
           switch (nHilt) {
               case 0: sResref = "g_w_lghtsbr02"; break;
               case 1: sResref = "g_w_shortsbr02"; break;
               case 2: sResref = "g_w_dblsbr002"; break;
       case 2:
           switch (nHilt) {
               case 0: sResref = "g_w_lghtsbr03"; break;
               case 1: sResref = "g_w_shortsbr03"; break;
               case 2: sResref = "g_w_dblsbr003"; break;
       case 3:
           switch (nHilt) {
               case 0: sResref = "g_w_lghtsbr01"; break;
               case 1: sResref = "g_w_shortsbr01"; break;
               case 2: sResref = "g_w_dblsbr001"; break;
       case 4:
           switch (nHilt) {
               case 0: sResref = "g_w_lghtsbr04"; break;
               case 1: sResref = "g_w_shortsbr04"; break;
               case 2: sResref = "g_w_dblsbr004"; break;
       case 5:
           switch (nHilt) {
               case 0: sResref = "g_w_lghtsbr05"; break;
               case 1: sResref = "g_w_shortsbr05"; break;
               case 2: sResref = "g_w_dblsbr005"; break;
       case 6:
           switch (nHilt) {
               case 0: sResref = "g_w_lghtsbr08"; break;
               case 1: sResref = "g_w_shortsbr08"; break;
               case 2: sResref = "g_w_dblsbr008"; break;
       case 7:
           switch (nHilt) {
               case 0: sResref = "g_w_lghtsbr09"; break;
               case 1: sResref = "g_w_shortsbr09"; break;
               case 2: sResref = "g_w_dblsbr009"; break;
       case 8:
           switch (nHilt) {
               case 0: sResref = "g_w_lghtsbr07"; break;
               case 1: sResref = "g_w_shortsbr07"; break;
               case 2: sResref = "g_w_dblsbr007"; break;
       case 9:
           switch (nHilt) {
               case 0: sResref = "g_w_lghtsbr11"; break;
               case 1: sResref = "g_w_shortsbr11"; break;
               case 2: sResref = "g_w_dblsbr011"; break;

   // ST: ADDED! ---------------------------------------
   // ST: Added to merge the script with the same name that Atris
   //     uses in 262TEL and the cutscene uses in 950COR.
   if (GetModuleName() == "262TEL") {
       object oSaber = CreateItemOnObject(sResref, OBJECT_SELF);
       ActionEquipItem(oSaber, INVENTORY_SLOT_RIGHTWEAPON);
       ActionPlayAnimation(115, 1.0, 0.0);     
   // --------------------------------------------------
   else {
       object oArmor       = GetItemInSlot(INVENTORY_SLOT_BODY,        GetFirstPC());
       object oLefthand    = GetItemInSlot(INVENTORY_SLOT_LEFTWEAPON,  GetFirstPC());
       object oRighthand   = GetItemInSlot(INVENTORY_SLOT_RIGHTWEAPON, GetFirstPC());
       object oBelt        = GetItemInSlot(INVENTORY_SLOT_BELT,        GetFirstPC());
       object oHeadgear    = GetItemInSlot(INVENTORY_SLOT_HEAD,        GetFirstPC());

       AssignCommand(GetFirstPC(), GiveItem(oArmor,        GetObjectByTag("HoldArmor")));
       AssignCommand(GetFirstPC(), GiveItem(oRighthand,    GetObjectByTag("HoldRight")));
       AssignCommand(GetFirstPC(), GiveItem(oLefthand,     GetObjectByTag("HoldLeft")));
       AssignCommand(GetFirstPC(), GiveItem(oBelt,         GetObjectByTag("HoldBelt")));
       AssignCommand(GetFirstPC(), GiveItem(oHeadgear,     GetObjectByTag("HoldHead")));

       DelayCommand(1.0, EquipAndDressPlayer(sResref));    
       DelayCommand(1.5, SetLightsaberPowered(GetFirstPC(), TRUE, FALSE)); 

void EquipAndDressPlayer(string sResref) {
   object oSaber = CreateItemOnObject(sResref, GetFirstPC(), 1, TRUE); 
   object oRobe  = CreateItemOnObject("a_robe_08", GetFirstPC(), 1, TRUE);

   AssignCommand(GetFirstPC(), ActionEquipItem(oSaber, INVENTORY_SLOT_RIGHTWEAPON));
   AssignCommand(GetFirstPC(), ActionEquipItem(oRobe, INVENTORY_SLOT_BODY));

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This conversation sets the global number "003EBO_PC_Lightsaber" to a value 0-9 to determine the color of the blade, and the "003EBO_PC_Hilt" global to a value 0-2 to determine the type of hilt (normal=0, short=1, doublebladed=2).


Those two global values are then used in two scripts both called a_createpcsaber which exists in both 950COR and 262TEL (for the Atris and Flashback scenes respectively; they are fairly similar but with some minor differences).


So is this a mod for the exile lightsaber? Can I download it? I need it for the dark side quest of the game.

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It will spawn dependant on the script used already in game, so yes, you say your lightsaber, that's what you get.


@goldenflames, please write your posts in proper english where prudent. This isn't MSN messanger, and you are one of a few people that type like that and make it hard for everyone to read. I respect the point you made, but please write so it can be easily understood (I'm not telling you to use perfect spelling and grammer, just to actually try. I would also like to comment that I do not like the idea of making a super powered saber, hence why I joked and called it a noob version.


Back on topic, I will still be a little while with this because my life has taken another turn for the worse. No details at present, and I'd rather not discuss it, but I won't be online for a few days.

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dude y hav it that good it ruins the game, i love it when i die cos it means i need to train more to beet my oponent, but if i can kil any 1 in a second..... well thats just borin
goldenflames, please attempt to use proper english in the future. The IM speak is painful to read and is annoying.


Thank you.

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If Goldberry doesn't want to do it is there anybody here who does? Its not fair that Darth Revan gets all his crap but not the exile. Not to sound ungrateful but I need this mod as soon as humanly possible, I don't think I can't wait much longer for this mod to come out. Thank you.


This idea came to me at the last second can the exile lightsaber hilt look like black and red like one of those sith prestige lightsabers except of course not the purpleish lightsaber color?

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Don't get me wrong, I don't particuarly want to do two sabers, but it makes little sense in me making one if I can add another with five minutes work. It will simply be a few days because I'm... indisposed... for the next few days. You're probably looking at a Tuesday release. If anyone can't wait that long and wants to take over, by all means feel free.

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No, I thought wrong then. I understand that it will take time to do but you guys are going to have to set a time table on when and how to start and finished a mod, because whether or not how big the mod is I want to know that I am not left in the dark for this matter. But anyway I digress, I can wait till Tuesday depending on whether your dilemma is solved or not I can still wait but only for so long. Also if you think that the lightsabers is not enough work or unsatisfying to do then their is other things I can add to the list, but its only alinged for the darkside:


1. black and red hilts for the lightsaber

2. An exclusive exile robe that has a black robe with a black tunic, redish brown pants like Anakin's off of Episode 3, and black boots. Not the bulky kind of robes but the regular kind, thank you.

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I'm back for a few days and will work on it today. However, I disagree with you that I should set a timetable, if anything because nobody ever mods to time, by releasing a timetable I would only be putting a strain on myself to get it done. My timetable is (quoting Team Gizka)

It'll be done when it's done.

As I said, if anyone else wants to take over before I am too far into it, I will gladly step down.

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