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Sell T3-M4

boba fink

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In KOTOR, after you get the door to the military base open T3-M4 is really useless. He provides no extra missions and never says anything interesting considering all he does is beep at you. I was wandering if someone had a mod or thought it would be possible to make a mod where you can sell the droid to someone or even if there was some mission where you can give him away. This can be good because it would open up a spot in the party selction screen for a custom character. Maybe Mekel's recruitment mod or a similar mod can make a version that replaces T3's spot with a new character so then you're not loosing a part of the story with Zaalbar.


I have very little knowledge at all on how to do this but I have played around with the KOTOR tool and made some .2da edits to give myself more force powers and feats but beyond that I don't really know anything.


My proposed mod idea if I start from scratch would be to be able to sell T3-M4 to the one Aratech merchant on Dantooine that sells droid parts. He could say "Wow thats an interesting droid, I'll buy it from you for 2500 credits" . Then he's no longer in the party and maybe I can have him act like the other droid in that shop and run around like he's busy or just have him stand there by the merchant the rest of the game.


To fill his empty spot, I guess I could do a custom character but I'd rather tie this into the Mekel Recruitment mod because I kinda like the idea of having Mekel a Dark Jedi on your team and it makes since to the story too that after you work together to defeat the old hermit he might want to join with you. If someone knows how to change Mekel to replace T3-M4 instead of Zaalbar that would be great. Besides, I LIKE HAVING A WOOKIE SLAVE!


Another idea would be to have it so somehow Trask survived Darth Bandon and he meets up with you later.


I don't know there are lots of possibilities, let me know what you all think.

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Seriously? I didn't know that considering I never use T3 anyway. Well maybe then that would work except I don't know if I want to wait that long. Usually I do Korriban last and if we're going to get rid of the droid anyway then why not do it as soon as possible? I'd prefer to get rid of him on Dantooine before you even get to travel to other planets. Selling it to the droid merchant there makes a lot of sense and Aratech is supposed to be the rival company that wants to beat out evil Czerka Corp. anyway.

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Are you talking of K1 or K2?


In K1, T3-M4 is useless. I would like a mod to sell him off.


In K2, he's very key to the storyline. He gets you out of Peragus, and later reveals that he is working for Revan and is recuriting Force Users for the War against the True Sith. So, I wouldn't like to have him be replaced.

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