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I just thought of something.


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What if there was a mod for FOC or regular EAW, where a station could build either a ship or something like a ministation like a Golan Platform sort of thing for the station and I'm not sure what kind of ship, but anyway what if we could build a station or ship that could build units? like if you got to station level two you could build a level one ship or ministation that could build corvettes and fighters, and when you got to level 4 you could build a ministation or ship that could build Acclamators, Nebulon B Frigates, Venator cruisers maybe(?), and everything under, and when you got to level 5 you could build a ministation or ship that could build Frigates, Victory Cruisers and under. And each ministation or ship had weapons of course to defend itself.


Anyway it sounds like a cool idea, don't know if anyone WILL make a mod including this, just thought I'd throw the idea out there.

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