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How about a more effeminate-looking Sith trooper uniform for female players?

Sir Vougalot

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I don't know if anyone has noticed it or not, but in KOTOR I when you must dawn a Sith trooper disguise in order to get into the Lower City on Taris, it seems that you player assumes the same generic-looking male Sith trooper model, no matter what gender your customized character is. If you are playing as a female, once you dawn that armor you suddenly become taller and a man. How about is someone remedies this with a Sith trooper model possessing a feminine body and of shorter height?


Also, what happens when someone finishes these custom mods? I see many people posting these ideas and modders saying, "I'll get on it right away," but I don't think I've ever seen links to the finished mods posted in ther respective request threads. Are they all posted together somewhere? If so, could someone direct me towards it (particularly mods I've requested, if any have been finished?)



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Don't you think the sith armour is pretty sexually-ambiguous as it is? All the other armours that you can put on clearly indicate the wearer's gender. The sith one is by far the most androgynous.


Even the only other disguise in the game - the sand people clothing - does not hide the fact that your characters are supposed to be disguised as the male of the species. I think the sith armor can hide sufficiently cover that.


And the thing about becoming taller... Don't you think it's worse if you became shorter instead? Haha! Now that would be weird!

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Yes I totally get your point.


What I was trying to say was, it is quite believeable for a smaller person to be able to put on a bigger suit of armour. A little bit of padding goes a long way, as they say... LOL! It's far better for the characters to look like they're suddenly taller/bigger, than for the reverse to happen.


If the model is shrunk then it will be even more unbelievable when your other beefier characters - like Canderous*, or even your PC if you start as a soldier - suddenly look like they've shrunk when they don the disguise.


I must say, though, that I'm not trying to dissuade you or anything... In fact I've always wondered why the sith troopers were (probably) the scrawniest enemies in the game.


The answer to that, of course, is that every humanoid character in your party is able to put on the sith armour... even Mission! Naturally they couldn't make it too large. Of course, it's still not small enough to satisfy everyone.


But, if and when this mod is made I'm definitely gonna try it out, no doubts about it! :) I look forward to RSM's work!



*You can choose not to return the armour to whatshisname, keep it for a while longer and let Canderous wear it. (But I think you lose it eventually when you leave Taris.)

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