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Crashes at Character Creation(GAH!)


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First off, Force be with you guys, seems a helpful forum and hope you guys can help.


My problem is quite a unique yet simple one and I have no idea on how to fix it.


Install, worked fine, OpenGL, check..everything alright. Used the LucasArts patch, everything checks out, all tests are passed, etc.


When I start it up, the LucasArts logo'll show fine, the Activision intro'll begin, etc. with no problems. It's when I click New and the character creation loads the game(on top of my ENTIRE PC) will freeze. Entire PC as in..CTRL+ALT+DEL=Nothing, keyboard completely doesn't work, mouse doesn't work, the light that flashes on the CPU indicating loading: Nothing. If not character creation, the game crashes if you just let it sit on the menu for about four seconds.


I'd figure, with my ancient (1999) hardware that it'd be my RAM or something, but the tests were all passed fine as I mentioned. I decided to turn my Graphics Accelration tab down to the point where it's just a bunch of textures on the menu(Direct3d disabled, etc.)...and the game won't crash at all. I let it hang on the menu for 30 minutes just fine before exiting(Although it goes 6 FPS). I've also done Seta Com_Hunk Megs 32....64...and..128. I don't know if I'm doing them right because it seems to have no effect and says, "Usage <set> <variable>." So my question is, what in the deuce can I do? Is it my hardware? PC too crappy to run it? Thanks in advance.

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I have 128MB RAM btw, but get no virtual memory out messages. I've literally been working at this for three days straight with a break from it finally being tonight....Jedi Academy's gotta be the first game to suck up my weekend without me even playing it. It's really eating away at me, please help?

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Alright, my PC on top of 128 RAM has a 511 Mhz processor, which apparently is way underline nowadays.....looking at various other forums it seems people's low ends are much better than my high end. I feel a little sick typing this because it feels like I'm giving up and giving up is not in my character, but I realize a PC that can run Jedi Academy is not in my financial solution. I'll just have to get back to hunting it down for Xbox. May the Force be with you, suggestions are still welcome.

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You said that you didnt have any virtual memory ?, i would say you really need that.

It makes some of the space on your harddrive to work as Memory, but the loading time takes time.

Try to add 1.5 x 128 mb, hold on let me thing, my brain doesnt work so fast, my laser bullets in my brain travels very slowly, like a Pentium 200 mhz = 10 years to get the result.

Sorry bad joke.

128 MB X 1,5 = 270 MB of Virtual Memory.

That should do it.

If you have a large harddrive, then add 1024 mb as virtual memory.

Because the harddrive is fast if its larger so why not take advantage of it. ( just try )

By the way, which operativ system are you using ?

Dont play around with this ---> the com hunk megs, cause Jedi Academy handles that automatically.


May the force be with me only and only me, nothing else but me, thats right, thats me.

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Ooh, a reply! I do have a virtual memory, I was saying I don't get any "Virtual Memory has run out." error messages, so I don't know what was causing them(the crashes). My C: drive(not where the game is installed)has 1,324 MB free, and I set it to, "Initial size:192 MB," and "Maxium size 384." It's Windows XP btw, C: is where Windows is installed if that has any impact on the game not running.


My D: drive, where the game is installed has 7,547 MB free, I set it the same. I assume I did something wrong...does the C: drive even matter? Just the installation drive? I'll mess around some more, thanks.

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  • 1 month later...
My PC is over 8 years old and hasn't had a graphical upgrade since, amongst other things. It's pretty obvious by now my computer just isn't up to par.


100% alright though(or at least 75%). Ha, I should finally be getting it for Xbox today.


Well I didnt real the whole thread, but that might just be the problem ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Oh noes, JA on the Xbox. Nah, never mind. Just you can get a whole heap of mods for the PC and the Xbox is harder to use. But I used to have it on the Xbox, and it played better than on the PC.


I've already beaten Outcast on Xbox, so I was naturally used to JA's controls. Been lovin' it, 'nother fave game.


Mods? Couldn't care less for them.

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