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Darth Traya & Dark Woman similarities, differences, etc.

Darth Avlectus

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What of that?


I invite phillosophicals from every corner, come on out! I really want to stir it up!


I may hold a poll on who'd win in a fight, but I wouldn't vote--I'd want to see what the people think.


This, however, is for the discussions. Debates, and philosophy.


I won't respond unless it is something directly addressed to me. Plus I can only blog 2 nights a week--so you'll have to wait, and since there is only one of me, try not to embellish but do annunciate your point(s) add add juicy details. I may ask some questions to clarify what you mean. Else, have at each other! I am dying to see what you all come up with next week!


With that out of the way, let's get down to it!



I find this fascinating. Both are different, yet kind of the same. Perhaps perfect opposites.


Darth Traya, though a vengeful evil sith, had a bit of compassion and a maternal side of her in her role I'd say. At least how it all ends, I'd say she embodies a sort of maternal teacher in a sense. Making her strongest student, then go out fighting the student. Tragic or honor?


Dark woman, though Jedi, Knows the dark side well--if a bit ostracized by the order for her methods--but a little morbid, unfliching, and a bit maternal in her own way. Raising her students to be ever mindful and vigilant. Killed at Vader's hands, but it was a vicious fight. Tragic extermination or going out in a blaze of glory?


How similar were these two women and in what aspects?

Both died by the blade--sort of tragically, gloriously, or maybe it's all just point of view?

Where did they differ? How so? Greatly or slightly?

Could they have coexisted or not?

How different/similar were their philosophies?

What would Male counterparts with similar personalities & philosophies be like?

Their students' similarities and differences? (And *PLEASE* don't make this too much about your own exile character(s) in KOTOR 2; you may discuss it but in specifics and philosophy relating to your POINT!)


If it were a serious possibility and circumstances were possibly different for them, would they pursue personal relationships or stay single?

(Remember-jedi had married before and they did again recently, and sith were all about these emotions).


Would it work or not? (this calls to mind Jolee Bindo's philisophical talk)


What kind of families would they have?


As Maurice Chavez would say if this were "pressing issues" radio station in GTA Vice city, "Let's press the issue!"

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