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A book about the Mandalorian Wars and Darth Revan???

Grey Master

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Hey guys, Darth here, I am noob so I just wanted to comment about a very strange rumor that maybe somebody (could be a famous author or not) will make a book about the most coolest guy in the galaxy: Revan!!!


I will like your opinion on the subject, and what would you expect from the book. Thanks.

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Hey guys, Darth here, I am noob so I just wanted to comment about a very strange rumor that maybe somebody (could be a famous author or not) will make a book about the most coolest guy in the galaxy: Revan!!!


I will like your opinion on the subject, and what would you expect from the book. Thanks.


Correction, noob is someone who keeps breaking the rules when they are new. You are a newbie. Anyway, I've welcomed you to the Forums already and have discussed this matter in your other Thread. In future, create only one Thread on each topic. Enjoy.

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