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[TSL] Disciple and battle precog feat?


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Ok I looked around for a mod request like this one, but didn't come up with anything so here goes: how about a mod where the female PC can learn a similar "battle precognition" feat from Disciple?


I've no idea why the developers gave a major bonus to males through Handmaiden but left females short through Disciple. What's up with that? He should teach battle precog as well! That, or maybe the fem PC could go a different route with Disciple, having him grant bonuses something like one the following:


heightened senses (wisdom modifier gives bonus to all saves)

lightsaber expertise (wisdom modifier adds to deflection bonus)

skilled combat (int modifier adds to attack roll)

lady's grace (lightsaber finesse feat)

natural leader (+4 cha)


Not all of these, of course. Just one. I'm just tossing out some ideas. Can anything be done to balance the sexes?

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The thing is that feat is an Echani feat, and Mical isn't an Echani, only the Handmaiden... but unless someone decides to "Echanitize" Mical, then it couldn't be done, because it wouldn't make any sense




Lady's Grace, sounds like a good idea, but Mical is male, it wouldn't make sense for him to have a female feat.... but maybe he has a special feat, and he has heard of that kinda thing, and he would have a holocron teaching the PC how to use it....

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Personally, I just use Stoffe's Handmaiden for female Exile mod and be done with it. Disciple annoys the hell outa me anyways. :lol:


Though, I'm sure it's completely possible. You'd have to decide what you wanted disciple to teach and then unless I'm mistaken it would be a matter of a little dialogue editing and scripting from there. Nothing *too* terribly involved.


I might even be able to make one once I get my feet back under me. Been gradually getting myself re-familiarized with the tools and whatnot since my recent return. Though I probably wouldn't even be able to begin messing with it until sometime after the first week of January. Too much RL crap happening right now.. 'tis the season and blah blah blah. ;)



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Though, I'm sure it's completely possible. You'd have to decide what you wanted disciple to teach and then unless I'm mistaken it would be a matter of a little dialogue editing and scripting from there. Nothing *too* terribly involved.

Easy Just make a new class and add the ability to multiclass him!


OR you could make your own feat!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Actually, Battle Precognition is a Force power, not a feat. It's described as allowing the Jedi to sense the flows of the Force, and helping a Jedi's reaction time in combat. Though I can see it as the male Exile hearing Handmaiden describe what the Echani do, and then developing a Force power to accomplish the same thing. Though Atton could have a similar conversation with a female Exile and she could develop the power as well. Atton has had Echani training.

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