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Hardcore mod + Improved Combat AI


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Hi all! :)


I'm trying to get these two mods to work together, but is just to hard for me so I came here to ask if anyone would be so kind to mail me a modded k_ai_master with the moderate difficulty setting. Many thanks and merry christmas! :)


email: ~snip~



* e-mail snipped per Forum Rules ~ Cz


Edit: Apology Cz. My email is now in my profil. ;)

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Hey there!


I did this myself rather recently, so I could walk you through it if you wanted me to. That way, you'd know how to do it in case you want to change the difficulty setting in the future. Once you know how to do it, changing the difficulty setting is quite simple thanks to stoffe's TSL Patcher.


First off, you'll need KotOR Tool (that's what I used, at least :) ). To use KotOR Tool, you'll need Microsoft's .NET Framework installed.


Second, you'll need to use KotOR Tool's text editor to open the k_ai_master.nss file in the improved AI's TSLpatchdata folder and "uncomment" the relative lines in that file by deleting the "/" marks around them (at the beginning and end of each group of words). There is text inside the file itself that tells you where to do this (it's at lines 21 and 158, BTW). Then save the file.


Next, you need to open the "Source Scripts" folder that comes with the Hardcore Mod and find the HC_Control-Mod.nss file. This is the control file with the moderate settings. Select it, copy it into the Improved AI's TSLPatchdata folder, and rename it EXACTLY HC_Control.nss. Then copy the Hardcore_Mod.nss file from the same folder ("Source Scripts") into the TSLPatchdata folder.


Now all you need to do is to copy the file k_inc_utility.nss* into the TSLPatchdata folder and run the installer like you normally would to install the mod. The documentation inside the HC_Control.nss file (viewed by opening the file with KotOR Tool's text editor) states that this particular file is required to compile correctly, and I can't remember exactly where I found this file, but I know that it was in the "source scripts" folder of one of the other mods I have (and I've got a lot!), so if you have a lot of other mods for TSL, chances are that you'll find it if you look hard enough. :) Just have Windows search for it.


Lastly, there are a couple of options concerning the HC_Control.nss file that you may want to consider tweaking AFTER copying this file into the TSLPatchdata folder and BEFORE running the installer (the installer does the compiling). This involves opening it with KotOR Tool's text editor and scrolling down to lines 60-61, and line 66. These involve giving enemies extra attacks and boss AI. All you have to do is change the numerical values of these lines as the instructions tell you to do and save the file before you run the installer.


I hope that this was clear enough to help! :)


*EDIT: k_inc_utility.nss can be extracted from KotOR2 BIFs/Scripts, Source with KotOR Tool (I can't believe I didn't know that already-duh!)

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You're quite welcome. :)


I'm particularly enthusiastic about these two mods as they actually make TSL challenging, even when played with modded equipment that buffs the PC and NPC's. I also suggest that you DL and install Achilles' Game Balance Mod to use in concert with these two mods. All 3 work together quite well-with no "surgery" :xp: required to install the Game Balance Mod.


Oh yeah, and I almost forgot:


If you want to change the difficulty setting in the future to, say, the "Hard" setting, all you have to do is delete the current HC_Control.nss file in the Improved AI TSLPatchdata folder and replace it with the HC_Control-Hard.nss file from the Hardcore Mod's "Source Scripts" folder, change it's name to EXACTLY HC_Control.nss, and run the Improved AI's installer again.

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Hi again, I need some help :halo2: I've deleted the / in front of the * at line 158 and the / behind the * at line 161, I think I did that right, but at line 21 I'm not sure what to do, should I just delete // in front of #include ?

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Hi again, I need some help :halo2: I've deleted the / in front of the * at line 158 and the / behind the * at line 161, I think I did that right, but at line 21 I'm not sure what to do, should I just delete // in front of #include ?


Yes, you need to uncomment the include directive. // is a comment marker, making the script compiler skip all the text that follows it.


As for /* and */ those are also comment markers, signifying the start and end of a comment block. Everything coming between those two are skipped as well. Make sure you remove the asterisk as well and not just the slash if you want to uncomment such a block of code.

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I don't know what I'm doing wrong but I can't seem get it to work. Here's what I did:


1. Edited the k_ai_master.nss with kotor tool.


2. Renamed HC_Control-Mod.nss to HC_Control.nss.


3. Copied Hardcore_Mod.nss, HC_Control.nss, k_inc_utility.nss into the tslpatchdata folder. I found k_inc_utility.nss in another mod.


4. Installed the mod using Install AI Tweak.exe


Now the problem is the installer only copies the .ncs files from the static folder within the tslpatchdata folder to the override folder. So I'm kinda lost right now but maybe I'm just a noob. ;o)

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3. Copied Hardcore_Mod.nss, k_ai_master.nss, HC_Control.nss, k_inc_utility.nss into the tslpatchdata folder. I found k_inc_utility.nss in another mod.

Which k_ai_master.nss are you using? You should only be dealing with the one that is already in the Improved AI's TSLPatchdata folder. The k_ai_master.nss that comes with the Hardcore Mod should NOT be used or copied into the Improved AI's TSLPatchdata folder. And don't forget to save after editing.


Also the stuff at line 158 has a "/" and a "*" before and AFTER it, so you need to delete BOTH sets like so:



if (!GetPlayerRestrictMode() && !GetFeatAcquired(FEAT_IMPLANT_LEVEL_1))



And after:

if (!GetPlayerRestrictMode() && !GetFeatAcquired(FEAT_IMPLANT_LEVEL_1))




Line 21 only has "//" in front of the text:


// ST: Uncommenting the line below would include beancounters hardcore mod in the AI.

// Note that the code at line 158 needs to be uncommented as well,

// the HCMod source placed in this folder and the scripts recompiled.

// #include "Hardcore_Mod"

And after:

// ST: Uncommenting the line below would include beancounters hardcore mod in the AI.

// Note that the code at line 158 needs to be uncommented as well,

// the HCMod source placed in this folder and the scripts recompiled.

#include "Hardcore_Mod"

This is all that you have to alter in the file. Again, YOU MUST SAVE after you're done editing in order for these changes to take effect. Other than that, I can't think of anything else that you may be doing wrong. Don't lose heart, though. It took me several tries to get it right. :)


If you think you may have screwed up a file, it may be easier to delete everything, extract fresh files from the archives that you downloaded and start over than to try to find any mistakes that you might have made.

Now the problem is the installer only copies the .ncs files from the static folder within the tslpatchdata folder to the override folder. So I'm kinda lost right now but maybe I'm just a noob. ;o)

Could you post the text in the installlog.rtf so that we can get an idea of what the installer is doing? It should look like this:

• Installation started 11/4/2006 1:45:28 AM...

• Installing unmodified files...

• Replacing file k_sup_droid.ncs in the override folder...

• Replacing file k_sup_grenade.ncs in the override folder...

• Modifying file "spells.2da" found in Override folder...

• Updated 2DA file C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR2\override\spells.2da.

• Modifying and compiling scripts...

• Compiling modified script k_ai_master.nss...

• Compiling modified script k_hen_attondlg.nss...

• Compiling modified script k_hen_baodurdlg.nss...

• Compiling modified script k_hen_discipdlg.nss...

• Compiling modified script k_hen_g0t0dlg.nss...

• Compiling modified script k_hen_hanharrdlg.nss...

• Compiling modified script k_hen_hk47dlg.nss...

• Compiling modified script k_hen_hndmaiddlg.nss...

• Compiling modified script k_hen_kreiadlg.nss...

• Compiling modified script k_hen_manddlg.nss...

• Compiling modified script k_hen_miradlg.nss...

• Compiling modified script k_hen_t3m4dlg.nss...

• Compiling modified script k_hen_visasdlg.nss...

• Done. All changes have been applied.


There shouldn't be any compiling errors or whatnot, and the Hardcore Mod's k_ai_master.ncs should be removed from KotOR2's override folder BEFORE you run the installer.


Lastly, are you using the stoffe's High-Level Force Powers? I am, so if you're not, you're going to have to ask stoffe about it, as the files in the "static" folder are ALREADY COMPILED.

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Woohoo I got it working, the problem was that the installer doesn't compil any files but only copies the files in the static folder if you choose to install without the High Force Powers mod.


I wanna thank guys so much for taking the time to help me out, and maybe this thread can help others like me out as well. :):ltblubou:

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  • 10 months later...

I have folowed the instructions, but get one error when I try to install.


It says: Unable to find compiled version of k_ai_master.nss. The conpilation probably failed. Skipping....


Any ideas?


Edit :Strange...I got the error when I tried to install with HP Force Power support, but no error when I chose to install without HPFP suppot.

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