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[Fic]Order of the Grays

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By spending every minute of his time in the infirmary, Link sat on the chair next to Naya’s bed, waiting for her to wake up any moment now from unconsciousness. He barely knew her at all, and yet they spent an eventful period together on board the Imperial Flagship. He was just plain lucky that he teamed up with the Jedi and managed to escape the vessel alive with her.


Link just began his training as a Gray Jedi. Right now all he learned was to clear his mind of thought, and feel the force running through him. It was a great lesson Link experienced. But before Link could proceed to learning to use the Force, he needed to learn the facts and ways of a Gray Jedi.

He needed to learn brief history of Grays, the facts they possessed and the laws and rules.


Link was eager to learn more and more of this organization. As Link was daydreaming on what the next lesson would be like, Naya’s eyes slightly opened. She was awake.


“Hello sleepy head!” said Link smiling.


“Link?” Naya croaked. “We’re alive?”


“You know it! You’ve been asleep for a day!” Link commented.


“Where are we?” Naya asked rather drowsy.


“Okay, where to start? Uh… we are in a hidden, underground facility that’s being used as an academy for Gray Jedi here on Kirilt. When our ship crashed, they found our wreckage and dragged our unconscious bodies inside this facility… where they did all sorts crazy experiments and mutilated us while we were asleep and…”


“Link, you don’t have to be over dramatic!” Naya frowned. “Tell me what really happened!”


“Okay, okay. I was just joking!” Link laughed. “Err, basically the same story without the “experiments and mutilating” part. Right now we are in the infirmary.”


“What do you mean by Gray Jedi?”


“I mean people who can use the Force and don’t see any big deal in the Light side and Dark side of the force.” Link explained.


“Hmmm… sounds like a complete load!” said Naya.


“Not really. In fact I’m training to become one!” told Link, which seemed to get Naya to sit up.


“Really? You’re not joking about that either?” said Naya, surprised.


“Y-Yeah? Why, is that a problem?” asked Link in concern.


“I don’t know… I guess it’s okay! I mean I don’t know much about these kind of people, but I guess its okay!”


“Don’t worry, Naya. These people mean to bring peace and justice into the galaxy… I think!” said Link confused. He thought about it for a second, than remembered what the council said.


“They mean to aid the Jedi in this war between the Alliance and the Empire!” said Link.


Naya was somewhat relieved and at the same time looked very curious.


“So, how are you finding your training?” she asked.


“Well, I barely even started yet! All I know is how to feel the force, but not use it!” Link stated.


“Well, Link! I’m proud of you for making a decision to experience something great in life!” said Naya, smiling.


Naya once again flattered Link.


“Err… thanks!” he said pleasingly.


“So where are the others?” Naya asked.


Link dreaded on hearing that question. He hanged his head and took a deep breath.


“Link? What’s wrong?”


“They’re… they’re… they’re dead!” he said faintly.


Naya was also surprised at this news.


“All of them? How did they… oh, I’m sorry!”


“Don’t be!” responded Link, now raising his head. A look of sadness was in his eyes. “Although, they were my friends. My family! I’ll miss them so much!” Link said calmly.


Naya reached out her hand to hold Link’s. Her palm was smooth and warm to the touch. Link gripped her hand gently.


Suddenly there was beeping noise coming from within Link’s jacket. He fumbled around in the inner jacket pockets, to find that the noise came from a small communicator Link had been given yesterday. He turned it on.


“Link, it’s Master Jaarn! Report for further exercises in the Training Facility!” the little communicator said.


“Very well, master! Be there in a sec!” Link said back into the communicator.


He stood up, and put the communicator back inside his jacket. He smiled at Naya.


“I gotta go! I’ve got another lesson with a Gray Jedi Master!” Link stated.


“Okay! I’m feeling rather tired anyway, and I need rest!” said Naya, now laying her head on the pillows.


“Good! ‘Cause you kinda look cute when you’re asleep anyway!” said Link, resulting Naya to laugh. He exited the room and made his way through the many passages towards the training facility.





“Good to see your arrival, young apprentice. I am looking forward to train you!” said Master Jaarn, as Link entered the training facility.


Master Jaarn was the Zabrak Master from the council. He was to be Link’s teacher and Master set by the orders of the council.


The training facility was basically a tall hallway, filled with many doors leading to certain training rooms; sparing areas, virtual reality simulation rooms, shooting ranges and even a small obstacle course.

Link often spotted students exiting the rooms around them.

The walls in the hallway were made of gray stone, with huge-shaped cobalt lights set in them.

Master Jaarn was standing in the middle of the hallway, where two of large cushions lay.


“Okay, Link. Today we begin our lesson by going over our brief text. Please, sit!” Jaarn pointed down at the stone floor with the cushions set on them. Link did as he was told, and sat down on the large scarlet cushions. His master did the same. The cushions were surprisingly comfortable.


“Now, Link. I shall begin our first lesson with how we first came into establishment—“


“Awe, can we hurry this up? I hate history lessons!” Link whined.


Jaarn sighed.


“Nobody has any respect for our history anymore. Very well, I’ll give you a shortened version!” said Jaarn, taking a deep breath.


“It all began in 126 ABY, exiles and outcasts of the New Jedi Order fled here to Kirilt, where they uncovered an abandoned VIP shelter for senators from the New Republic era, which later on became our hidden academy. So our “ancestors” decided to forge a new organization, one where you can find a balance between the Light and the Dark side. As the establishment secretly grew, they trained others in the ways of the force from their own perspective. Later on, we called ourselves the Order of the Grays, because the name “Gray” originates from how the Jedi refereed to us kind as Gray Jedi!”


Link suddenly was filled with many questions in his head.


“I sense that your mind is filled with many unanswered questions!” commented Jaarn.


“If you guys are hidden, how do you train others in the ways of the force if people have never heard of you?”


“When Jedi are exiled from the Order, the force guides them here on Kirilt. Also, when we are sent on missions, sometimes a young being with a potential to wield the force come into our presence. We present them a choice whether they wish to learn our ways.”


“How do you get funded?” asked Link, exploiting all his questions out of his mind.


“Ah, a good question! We aid the Galactic Alliance on missions, disguised as mercenaries. Thousands of credits were paid for our victorious status, which goes towards funding our academy. About a third of the award gets paid towards our fellow “soldiers” for fighting.”


“Do you guys get sent on missions without being disguised as mercenaries? You know, like the missions the Jedi receive?”


“Oh yes! We send spies of our order to gather all information they can about future plans from the Empire. Then we plan ahead on what to do next to sabotage their intentions. Because of this, most of the credit of victory over the Second Sith-Imperial War, goes to us. Without us, the Alliance would have fallen again.”


“Second Sith-Imperial War? I thought there was only one?” asked Link.


“You obviously haven’t been paying attention to your history lessons! You see, the first war was victorious for the New Empire, ruled by Darth Krayt. After a few years, a second one was declared because the remnants of the Alliance formed a rebellion against the Empire. The Alliance won, more because Darth Krayt was slain by Cade Skywalker. Afterward, the historians decided to name that war the “Second Sith Imperial-War”.”


“One more question. How do you prevent your students from falling to the Dark Side?” asked Link.


“Another good question. You see, the Jedi and the Sith have one thing in common: they meddle with the students minds; telling them what to do, what to think, resulting them to turn to the Dark Side, becoming an evil they aren’t. But our Order is much different. We simply do not give them guidelines on what to follow. It’s their own choice on what they wish to do with their lives. The secret is to just simply treat them like “non-Jedi”. Treat them like a regular person. Then they can make the right decision on their own.”


Link began to understand the meaning and purpose of this Order. He admired these people for who they were.


“Okay young student. Lets proceed with your lesson…”

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Darth Vaed stared coldly at his line of Bounty Hunters he hired. Many of them looked fearsome, some looked below average. They were standing on the metal catwalk.


“I have chosen each and every one of you for your outstanding success record of your bounties. The many skills you possess. And even your intelligence. I have chosen each and every one of you for one purpose! My master seeks a young Jedi, who has uncovered some information he intends to exploit. She will compromise my master’s plans if this information gets out. You are required to bring her to me, dead or alive.”


They were onboard a newly designed Star Destroyer, currently in the main deck, where every computer controlled the reactor core of the ship. People in uniform were working in front of a computer, monitoring the ships status.


Vaed walked over to one particular, Korun bounty hunter. He was a very big man, rather taller than Vaed himself. His entire torso was made of metal and machinery. His whole chest was somewhat armor plated. Both his arms were mechanical, completely cybernetic. Embedded on each wrist was some kind of miniature blaster canon with duel nozzles. The man was a complete cyborg, and the only parts that were human were his shaved-bald head and his left leg.


“You! What’s your name?” demanded Vaed.


“I am Ox Mauler, but people refer me as “Borg”. I am the most feared bounty hunter on Nar Shadda.” said the cyborg.


“Well, Borg! You seem like a well-respected bounty hunter. Tell me, how do feel about Jedi?” Vaed asked intimidately.


“I… I hate Jedi… I hate them more than you can possibly imagine! This… this is what they did to me!” Borg breathed, pointing at his cybernetic body.


“Well, my friend. You will have your revenge by killing this particular Jedi. And this I am approving of!” said Vaed. Borg smiled with satisfaction.






Link woke up the next day. He was in his own bed, of his own apartment inside the academy. His eyes were simply too heavy to open, so he slept for a few more minutes in the warm and cozy bed.


Ever since Link joined the order, he had been given a small apartment in the quarters. The entire apartment was merely the size of regular room. The walls were made of cream-coloured marble. His bed was set up against a wall, while on the opposite direction was an automated sliding door that exited to the quarters.


Yesterday he had learned much. He learned all sorts of texts about the Gray Jedi; the courses he is set out to do, how they think, the ranks there are to promote students to. Instead of the Jedi ranking, which goes from Apprentice to Master, the Gray’s were much different. You start off from Student – Soldier – Elite, and then after some time you choose your own path whether you wish to be an Agent, or an Advisor (which was formally to teach others, and they were referred to as “Master”). Not only did he learn to feel the force, but can use it. Only right now he can move a rock with his mind, but his powers will be expected to grow and become more powerful.


Link slowly brought himself up, and forced himself to walk. He went over to his wardrobe, which was a large-square indent in the stonewall. It was currently closed, the access panels were also made of the marble stone, making the wardrobe technically hidden. Link pressed the button on the side of the invisible wardrobe, and the panels opened up, revealing a small space in the wall hanging with nothing but his Marine coloured mesh jacket with T-Shirt and his very own Training Outfit.


The Training Outfit was a dark-gray, light exoskeleton suit, with low quality armor plating fitted on the chest. The suit was designed for protection of the wearer during training, because it was very likely that a student could get injured. Link pulled the Training Outfit out of the wardrobe, and strapped it on over his body. Afterward, he buckled up his boots and exited his apartment.


He arrived at the Training Facility, with Master Jaarn waiting patiently in the middle.


“Are you ready to proceed with your training, student?” he asked as Link approached him.


“Yeah” Link responded.


“Very well. Follow me!” Jaarn led Link through the hallway into an open doorway. The two of them entered it, and stepped into a small circular room. Round Pillars against the wall supported the dome-like ceiling. The walls around them were made of rough stone. On the floor was some kind of marking. A large circle about two meters in diameter was engraved on the stone floor.


“Today, you are going to learn how to make your force powers stronger. The best way to do that is through meditating. Sit!” Jaarn pointed down at the center of the circle. Link did so.


Then the next thing that happened was Jaarn walked over to one of the pillars, and heaved out three large rocks, no bigger than a small box, from behind it. He then placed each rock on the line of the circle in a different direction from where Link was sitting.


“Now, I know what your thinking; “why do I have these rocks here?” Well, its pretty simple on what I am going to ask you to do. Lift each of these rocks up in the air through the force.” said Jaarn. None of this made any sense to Link.


“Ooookay! And how do you propose I do that?”


“Through meditation! What did you think? Now, I want you to close your eyes.” Jaarn commanded. And Link closed his eyes. “Now I want you to breathe rather slowly. In… and out! In… and out!”


Link breathed through his nose slowly, filling in his lungs with air and letting it out slowly.


“Now, I want you to clear your mind of thought” Jaarn whispered, “And feel the force flowing through you…”


It was a difficult process to clear his mind. He just simply ignored all the thoughts coming through his head, and stared into the blackness of his closed eyelids. He then relaxed his body, and he suddenly felt something calm flowing through him. Like a gentle current.


“Now, follow that current flowing through you, and you should feel the surroundings of this place.” Jaarn again whispered.


Link suddenly felt everything around him, the stone walls, the placed rocks, and even the air. He felt like he could see everything, even though his eyes were closed.


“Now, concentrate on the rocks. Feel the force flowing through them. And eventually, you should feel like “you’re” flowing through the rocks.”


And so Link concentrated on the rocks, following the currents of the force flowing through them. And he did indeed feel like he was inside the rocks.


“Now, lift the rocks up! All three of them”


Link concentrated all he could on the rocks. Through the currents of the force, he felt as if he outstretched his hand to touch the rocks, all three of them around him at the same time. And through his mind, he simply lifted the rocks up with his hand.


“Good. Very good!” said Jaarn, who now didn’t whisper. “You may open your eyes, but concentrate on the rocks around you!”


Link opened his eyes, and while stunned and concentrating, he saw all three rocks around him simply floating in the air.


“Okay, you may let go now!” said Jaarn, and Link cut his flow from the force and the rocks dropped down.


“You have impressed me! You started from feeling the force, then from lifting one rock, and now today, three rocks!”


Link was rather pleased with himself.


“But this is just one step further. Through meditation, your force powers will grow stronger, allowing you to lift large and heavier objects.” Jaarn smiled at Link.

“But, you need to learn different kinds of force powers other than moving rocks and stones. Through our Order, we believe that our soldiers should find a balance between the Light and the Dark side of the force. And to do that, you need to learn the three primary powers of a Gray Jedi!”


“What are the three primary powers, master?” asked Link.


“Each force power is a fragment of each alignment. For Light side, you must learn to heal your wounds and scars through the force, better known as Force Heal. For Neutral, you must learn to push and pull certain objects or beings, or also known as Force Push. Finally, for the Dark side, you must learn to create shots of energy through the force, which is also called Force Lightening.”


“Why am I only restricted to only three force powers?” asked Link curiously.


“That’s not true. You can learn more than the three primary force powers. Through our archives, you can learn other kinds of force power. But be careful, because some certain force powers are very dangerous, which is why the archives are restricted to both Students , Soldiers and Elites. If you wish to learn other force powers, you must ask permission to enter the archives and appoint with an Advisor who has already mastered the art.”




After many hours of training to use the force, Link was already exhausted. He walked back to his apartment, but on his way back, he found a group of four students, which looked like they were hassling someone. He walked right over to them.


“Why don’t you just leave our academy, Jedi? You aren’t wanted here!” said a very scrawny looking student. As Link approached the small mob, he saw that they were bothering Naya.


“Believe me kid, I’m not in the mood for your ignorance!” Naya said back at the scrawny kid.


“Oooh! What are you gonna do, Jedi? Perform a mind trick on me?”


“Hey, you kids! Get the hell out of here!” Link shouted at the mob. The kids turned around to face Link.


“Well, if it ain’t the new guy! Trying to protect your Jedi girlfriend I see!” said a female Rodian of the group, speaking in her native language.


“You better leave Naya alone, or else!” threatened Link.


“Yeah? Or else what?” said the Skrawny student. That was a good question. Seeing as these students have more advanced skills than Link’s limited force powers, and are probably good with a Lightsaber, what could Link do?


Suddenly, Master Cor’yan, the black-haired human Gray Jedi Advisor from the Council, came rushing down the corridor of the quarters.


“Knock it off, people!” he exclaimed. “Shouldn’t you be outside the academy, training for your Promotion Ceremony?”


“Come on, guys! We better let them be!” said a rather taller student. Master Cor’yan came walking towards Link and Naya.


“I deeply apologies, young Jedi Miss! Not every student in the academy is this arrogant. It is just that some of our students have fled from the New Sith Order, and came to join and train among us.”


“Sith? Those kids used to be Sith?” Link said astonished.


“Yeah, when they were Sith students, they abandoned their title months before the death of Darth Krayt. So once again, I apologize for their immoral behavior towards you, young Jedi!”


“Your gratitude is not needed. Speaking of which, I just made into contact with my master Cade Skywalker…”


“Yeah? What does he think of our organization?” asked Cor’yan smiling.


“Well… he doesn’t seem too happy with the idea of Gray Jedi running an academy, so he wants me to stay here for a period of time to observe and inspect your organization.” Explained Naya.


“Well than, we shall treat you as our guest. Here you can use the apartment we gave you during your stay. You can also find supplies here in the academy which you may need.” Cor’yan stared into space, as if he was trying to remember something.

“By the way, the council wishes to speak with you, Naya. It concerns this new Sith Lord, and we need all the information we can get. You may come too Link, this might concern you as well.”

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  • 2 weeks later...

Link could remember the Council chambers like it was yesterday. The large, circular room made of rock with the water feature in the center. Everyone who was a member of the council wore gray Robes and Tunics, siting on a uniquely designed chair.


Link could remember some of the Advisors of the council: Master Yoobta, the old female Twi-Lek. Master Jaarn, the Zabrak who was Link’s trainer. Master Cor’yan, the man with jet-black hair. Master Jule, another aged human man with hazelnut eyes. But Link couldn’t remember the rest of everybody else’s names.


Naya was standing next to Link in front of the encircled council, discussing the matter of this new Sith Lord.


“Naya, the council has summoned you for brief details of this new Sith Lord. Who he is. Where he comes from. His future plans. Everything you know about him!” stated Master Yoobta.


“Where to begin with?” said Naya, rubbing her chin. “First of all, why should I discuss matters of the Jedi to mere Gray Jedi?”


Link strangely found this rather insulting, because he himself was a Gray Jedi.


“Do you not fully trust us already? Do you doubt our order? We are more than you expect. We thought we had convinced you our loyalty to the Alliance and the former Jedi Order. What more do you want from us?” Master Jule exaggerated.


“I need more than just simple words coming from traitors of the Jedi Order!” Naya said sharply.


“We did not betray you! Our founders were exiled from your Order, not abandon you! Reasons behind this was because sufferers needed our aid, even if it was against the Jedi Council’s wishes.” Cor’yan explained hastily.


Naya frowned at the council before her. She was still undetermined whether to trust them or not.


“Young Jedi. You are a noble servant of the Light, who has the potential to wield the force! Surely you can sense right through us. Surely you cannot sense a hint of Dark Taint within us all!” replied Master Yoobta.


Naya closed her eyes, breathing slowly as Link could sense that she was examining each and everyone of the council. Link was somewhat surprised with himself that he possessed a power to sense someone else’s abilities.


“Naya, it’s okay! You can trust them! They mean to bring good and justice!” Link persuaded. Naya looked as though she was convinced enough.


“Well, I suppose could pass on to you some information I do know.” Naya murmured.

“I can tell you brief information about this Sith Lord. During Darth Krayt’s domination of the galaxy, he funded a Bio-weapon program the Empire was designing. A super-soldier to be exact! Going by the code name of Program: Caedos!” Naya paused to take a deep breath, then she continued.


“Program: Caedos was originally designed to be an elite combatant as well as an assassin. So Imperial Scientists and Paleontologists traveled to Korriban to uncover fossils of the extinct race of the pure Sith species. Once they gathered bones of Sith individuals, they extracted the DNA to be put into the cloning process. Many decades later, before the death of Darth Krayt, the cloned being was extracted and put under mind programming for combat training and high intelligence. When Darth Krayt came to inspect the Sith Clone, it was under his intentions to train Caedos in the dark ways of the force. He taught everything he knew to Caedos, and eventually gave him the title of “Darth”. After Krayt died, as well as his minions, Darth Caedos took control of the remnants of the Empire, and became the new Dark Lord of the Sith.”


There was a long silence, enough time for Link to recap on what he listened to.

“Soooo… let me get this straight! This Caedos lunatic is a clone, who has a complex DNA signature of several original Sith individuals, and is now the new Dark Lord of the Sith? Sort of like from Zero to Hero!” Link summarized.


“Precisely! A Sith Hybrid of his own species too be exact. More powerful and more intelligent. He is the perfect weapon!” Naya explained.


“And how did you uncover this information?” asked Cor’yan curiously.


“I was sent on a mission to investigate Krizzen by the council, to find that it was conquered by the Empire as we suspected. When I was captured, I made several escape attempts. One of those attempts I made myself to Caedos’s data bank archives of his Flagship. I copied the information on my DataPad.” said Naya.


“Well, at least we now know who he is and where he came from. What are Caedos’s plans?” Master Yoobta wondered.


“I am not exactly sure! All I know is that the Empire is doing some activity at Baroonda, at a certain destination near a volcano. I couldn’t get specific data, but I do have the coordinates of the location of where they are.”


The Council made a small conference, words mixing with more words they were making. After the short brief conversation, they made a decision.


“Then we shall dispatch one of our spies to investigate! Something may be going on at Baroonda that we may not know about.” Replied Cor’yan.


“Very well. Do what you will. Meanwhile, I shall continue with my inspection of your Order. I need to see your previous history, specific information, behavior patterns and even medical history!” Naya ordered.


“You have our permission to do so! Here you will find all sorts of information to convince you that we are loyal to the Light Side of the Force, as you are!” Jule commended.






Many months have passed. Already Link’s powers have become stronger, as well as his Lightsaber skills. In the training facility, were rooms with a vast amount of Virtual Reality sets! They were designed to run training simulations to progress skills with Melee Weapons. During the time Link spent at the Academy, Master Jaarn ran Link through numerous amounts simulations.


“At certain times, Link, you will be faced in a situation involving Lightsaber combat! Through these simulations, they contain education programs and skill developers to help you progress with your Lightsaber Combat!” explained Jaarn, a memory that seemed a long time ago!


“Our research has proven that students who run our training simulations of Melee Combat learn twice as fast as a regular Jedi Padawan. Between your sessions using Virtual Reality, we shall practice in real life to show what progress you have made!”


A Virtual Reality Set was like a man-sized sphere, with an access port so you could enter. They all lined up against the walls of the circular room, hooked up to cables and wires that led from the stone wall. Once you step inside the Virtual Reality Set, and stand on the circular platform, projections of holo-images spring before your eyes. Like small information boxes, targets and holograms of enemies.


Link learned a lot from these sophisticated machines. And after each simulation, Jaarn called for Link to meet him in the Sparring Chambers.


“Simulations is one thing, but real life is much different. What you must understand, Link, is that real life combat can be more dangerous and quite deadly then you can imagine. By sparring with me, in real life, you will improve your percentage of life expectancy!”


The sparring chamber was a large-square room. The floor was made of gray marble, and like the Mediation Chamber, had a carved patterned circle. The ceiling above was a dome-like, skylight filling the room with bright light from a sun.


Every session he spent in the Sparing Chamber, he fought with Master Jaarn with simple Vibroblades. Every session Link was getting better and better, so Master Jaarn comments.


For spare time Link had, he spent most of it in the Training Facility. Running through Training Simulations over and over again, sparing with Combat Droids who wielded Vibroblades in the Sparring Chambers. He even went to the firing range to practice his skills with Blaster Pistols and Rifles. Link was told that there will be times that you won’t have to fight with a Lightsaber, but with Blasters instead. Link was a natural at the Firing Ranges, seeing as he was raised in a farm that owned a blaster rifle to protect the property.


And even during his spare time, Link spent most of his hours outside of the academy. Wandering the courtyard outside of the hidden bunker, which was mostly occupied by the native species of Kerilt, the Caamasi. A species of furred humanoid mammals with well-distinctive features, like; their long snouts, short-drooped pointy ears, and beady-gold eyes. They basically resembled a marsupial like animal.


Often, Naya joined with Link walking the Courtyard, talking about matters between the Jedi and the Grays, the new Sith Lord, and even the ways of the force. Through this time, Link knew Naya more than he thought he knew.


After the end of the many months spent in the Academy, Link had just received news when he entered the Training Facility to receive his next lesson. Already, and as usual, Master Jaarn was waiting for him.


“You have done well, Link! You have passed our expectations. You have proved yourself over and over in a matter of months, the average time frame of training. Which is why you shall be promoted to Gray Soldier the second of our rankings!” Jaarn said proudly. Link was filled with a rush of excitement of this news.


“But before you get graded, you must compete in the trials for your Ceremony, next week. I suggest you use this time for practicing!”

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Link couldn’t wait to be promoted to Soldier. He hardly ever slept at night. Just the thought of being promoted to something even greater than he was now, was just so superb. He promised himself to train even harder for the trials to come. To prepare for the unexpected.


He was just walking down the many corridors of the academy, heading to his apartment, when all of a sudden he bumped into Fir’an, the medic of the academy.


“Gosh! Link? I haven’t seen you for a while. How goes with your training?”


“Fantastic. In fact I’m going to be promoted to the Soldier class!” Link exclaimed.


“That’s good! Soon you’ll be taking challenges to even greater levels. Good luck with the trials, Link!” Fir’an wished.


“Thanks! So, how have you been coping with Naya?” Link asked.


“Oh… you couldn’t believe the torment! Searching through my files of medical records! It’s an invasion of privacy I say. But I still have to allow her to continue due to the Council’s orders!”


“Hmmmm… well I gotta’ go! I’ll catch you around!” Link greeted goodbye.


Link wondered how much longer Naya’s inspection would last for. After all, she has been here a few months under commands from her master.


Link finally reached the quarters and was about to enter the apartment, when all of a sudden Naya called out from behind him.


“Ah, Link! There you are! I’ve been looking all over for you!” Naya announced.


“Really? Well… now you have found me! Good job, you’ve won a medal!” Link jested.


“I don’t get it!” said Naya, frowning.


“Yeah, sorry! Bad joke! How goes your inspection?”


“I’ve now finished. And after months of studying the backgrounds, behavior patterns and medical records, I’ve finally come to a conclusion!”


For some reason, Link prayed on an answer that he wanted to hear.


“That I have mistaken. The Grays are in fact peace-keepers, and they are absolutely committed to both the Alliance and the Jedi!” Naya announced.


Link was relieved at the news he was hearing.


“So do you think you can trust them now?” Link persuaded.


“Absolutely. And by the way, I’ve heard the news! Congratulations on your promotion!” Naya complemented.


“Yeah… thanks! You don’t know how many people have commented me on that!”


“Actually, your trials are what I wanted to talk to you about. There is no doubt that you’ll face unexpected things. Which is why I am offering you my help!”


“Gee, that’s nice and all, but I think I can manage!” said Link as-a-matter-of-factly.


“No, trust me! You need all the help you can get. But first let me ask you this; how are your Lightsaber skills?”


Link thought about it. He had been making great progress with melee weapon skills, when he was training with Master Jaarn.


“Exceeds my expectations. Why?” Link wondered.


“What forms do you know?” Naya asked.


“Err… lets see! When I began my training, I learned the basic Medium Style form. Next I learned the Fast Style, but I am currently having some difficulties.”


“What about the Strong Form, have you learned that?” Naya wondered.


“Yes I have. And I found it to be rather easy than the Fast Style, as well as Medium.” Link replied.


“I see! And have you built your Lightsaber yet?”


Link had been told that he would need to build a Lightsaber for the trials, but already he just began building one.


“Err… not exactly! I have just started. I still need to fit a few more components in the hilt. And also, I still need a crystal for my blade!”


“As soon as you finish your Lightsaber, let me know so I can spar with you. To test your skills and teach you a few things.”


“That’s a kind offer, but are you saying that the Grays lack in Lightsaber Combat?” asked Link.


“No. They are a very formidable opponent. But I mean to test you! I need to know if you are prepared for the trials so I can make sure your safe!” Naya replied.


“Oh… gee that’s nice of you!”


“I suggest you first fit your components together, and then add the crystal in afterwards!” Naya commented. “With the technology they are providing, you should be able to make one in no less than two days!”



It was a difficult process to construct a Lightsaber. And Naya was quite right! It did take no less than two days to build one. All that was left was the crystals for the three chambers inside the hilt. Link had specially designed his own hilt. It was like a basic cylinder object, but the very bottom of the hilt was slightly curved.


As Link read on construction plans for Lightsabers, he learned that curved ones were designed for better precision and accuracy. Link’s hilt looked almost like an ordinary Lightsaber, but only the bottom was slightly curved and smooth. Yet Link managed to build a design such as that, he was amazed he did it in a matter of two days!


He went looking for master Jaarn, and just as well to find him in the Training Facility.


“Ah, master Jaarn! Just the man I wanted to see! I need to discuss to you about my Lightsaber!”


“Yes, I have been meaning to talk to you about that. How is it coming?” Jaarn asked.


“It’s coming along great. All I need is a crystal!” Link stated.


“Which is what I have been meaning to talk to you about! If you’ll please follow me!” Jaarn pointed.


He led Link out of the Training Facility, down into many corridors and Tunnels in the underground academy. As always, the walls were curved and were still being constricted by the growing vines. Many passing students, soldiers and advisors made there way through the mazes of passages.


Jaarn seemed to lead Link further downward under the depths of the academy. Everything seemed to turn slightly darker when they walked down stairs and climbing down numerous ladders. At last, they made a halt in front of a door. The glass embedded on the doors revealed what looked to be a vast cavern, with numerous glowing things that lighted up the area.


“This here is our own Crystal Cave! Here we grow cultures of many crystals in the underground. This is the appropriate place for you to select your crystals!” Jaarn explained.


“How do you grow cultures of crystals? I thought they only formed on certain planets and asteroids?”


“We mine-out crystal formations on many other worlds and regions. Then we set them here in the underground where they may presume their formation!” said Jaarn.


“So how will I know which crystals to pick?” asked Link, anxious to get inside the cave already.


“That depends! What sort of properties do you want in your Lightsaber?”


Link thought about what Jaarn asked him. What sort of Lightsaber do I want, he asked himself.


“I understand that it is a very difficult decision.” Chuckled Jaarn. “But focus around your attributes. What are you most skilled at?”


“Well… I am most skilled with the Medium Style form.” Commented Link.


“Indeed you are! You are most efficient and powerful with that Lightsaber Form. As well as the Strong Form!” complemented Jaarn.


“But I also aim to improve on my Fast form…”


“Then I know the exact crystals you’ll want. But first let us discuss the color of your Lightsaber, the primary crystal!”


“What colors are there?” Link wondered.


“As Gray Jedi, we find that we can have a balance with our freedoms and desires as well. So, you may pick a color of any to satisfy your desires. Our current selection is; blue, yellow, green, violet, bronze and even red!”


This was easy, Link told himself. His favorite color is blue, so why not a blue Lightsaber?


“I pick blue! All I can say is that it is my favorite color!” Link said simply..


Jaarn chuckled.


“Fair enough! Then lets explore the caverns to choose your crystals!” said Jaarn, as he opened the door and they entered the vast darkness of the cavern. The glows from the crystals were the only sources of light. Link looked up and saw rows of stalactites, visible to the glowing being produced from the crystals.


Jaarn led Link into the wide caverns, the walls around them with amazing structures of crystal formations of many colors and shapes. The sight was absolutely amazing. And what was more amazing, Link could feel, in the force, the powers producing from the crystals themselves.


Jaarn led his over to one particular crystal formation, which was near the back of the cavern.

It was an entire fortress of huge overlapping crystals, producing a blue color.


“This formation is for the color of your Lightsaber. As you specified, you wanted blue. And so, here they are! Naturally polished and ready to be taken.”


“How to get a crystal? I cant just “rip” one out with my bare hands!” exclaimed Link.


“Whoops, forgot about that! Here, you’ll need this!” said Jaarn, as he pulled about some sort of device from inside his robe. It looked like a really small, miniature sized laser cutter. With a black handgrip and button set on it. He lent it to Link.


“Just simply take a little piece off. About the size of a thumb nail.” Said Jaarn.


Link did as he was told. He approached the formation, put the Cutter against the top spike of a large crystal, and activated the little device. A little laser beam shot out of the Cutter, sawing away a piece of crystal for Link. Then, he obtained the little piece of blue crystal and put it in his pocket.


“Don’t lose it! Now, let’s get to your enhancing crystals.


Jaarn led him to two other formations. One of a gemstone formation knew as Lorrdian, which was known for enhancing defenses. The second was another crystal formation known as Jenruax, which looked like a pointed spike that had a color mixture of Blue and yellow. Jaarn said that the Jenruax was known for producing a blade for fast pace and also to give enhanced dexterity for the wielder.


“At last, Link. You have found your crystals. Now all that’s left is to place them in your Lightsaber, and you’ll be ready for anything!” said Jaarn

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