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[Fic]Order of the Grays

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Hello chumps and chumpettes! (Sorry, bad joke!)

Believe it or not (I'm sure you will) this is my first fan story!

It is a tale about a spice smuggler who gets trained at a hidden grey jedi academy (a place founded by those who left the jedi Order, and even trains others in the ways of the force without following the rules of the Jedi, even the sith)

I shall be writing it soon. I can't write it now because I am busy at the moment!

So, I hope you all look forward to my story, and I sure am looking forward to writing it!

See you soon!

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Star Wars

Order of the Grays




Many years after the death of Darth Krayt and his minions of the dark side.

The Galactic Alliance take control of the Galaxy as the main governmental organisation.


Cade Skywalker struggles to rebuild the Jedi order after the recent massacre at Ossus, which caused its recent Jedi Purge. But while it slowly begins to restore, a revealing of a secret force sensitive organisation has risen who call themselves as the Order of the Grays.


Even after the fall of Darth Krayt and his followers, a new desendant of the dark side reveals himself to the galaxy and prepares for a rise of domination against the Galactic Alliance.


But as dark times quickly begin to return, a most unlikly human will become a destined hero to stop this new evil...

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The shortest chapter I've ever seen,I like it. Good job...


I see this is set in New Republic. Darth Krayt, Cade Skywalker and these character are in Star Wars: Legacy.


A piece of suggestion: Next time you write an chapter, be sure to have a storyline to help you organize your whole story. I mean, you should have a main line of whole story...[Pardon me, I'm not a native English speaker...]



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Link stared out of the cockpit window into the forever expanding darkness of the sky. With Jaq, the captain of the small freighter Arithamis, at his side as the co-pilot. Jaq looked tense as he gripped the steering control stick trying his best to dodge the laser firing from the enemy ships behind.

"You think we will ever survive this, sir?" Link asked his sweating captain next to him. Jaq looked back at him. "If you want to live, than I suggest you hang on to hope!" said Jaq, looking tense as ever while moving the control stick rather intensively.

Link was both a smuggler and crewmember of the Arithamis. He began his career when he was the age of 19, four years ago. He was once a farmer working with his brother and father on Bothawui. His older brother left to become a soldier during the Sith-Imperial War, but unfortunately died in the process. Afterward, and most unfortunately, five years later Link's father died of old age, making Link the last remaining member of the family. After the funeral, Link sold the farm and was recruted to work on board the Arithamis as a spice smuggler.

"Okay, but is there anything more “useful” we can do to survive?" asked Link.

"Wanna' make your self useful? Go to gun turrets and-and blow those... angry, angry bastards to smithereens!" ordered Jaq, focussing all his attention on controlling the ship to avoid enemy fire.

There was a loud bang that hit the ceiling. That seemed to get Jaq's attention.

"Did we just explode?" asked Jaq.

Link looked at his control panel with a screen showing a complete blueprint of the entire ship. There was a flashing red dot located on top of the ship, indicating that the enemy fired at the shield generator.

"No, but we are about to. They hit the shield generator!" Stated Link.

"Well what are you waiting for, boy? Get to turrets now!!!" Snapped Jaq.

“Sir, why don’t we just make a jump to lightspeed” asked Link.

“Wow Link! You’re a freakin’ genius! We cant jump to lightspeed because it will take minutes to plot a course and we can’t last that long. And besides, the Hyper drive generator needs repair… NOW GET GOING!!!”

"And take Cage with you! You two are the best gunners!"

Link jumped out of the pilots seat and ran out of the cockpit, grunting at the same time at the thought that he was going to work with the crazy mechanic, Cage.

A few days ago, the Arithamis and her crew were given a job to steal fifty packages of spice from the lord, Jogga the Hutt on Sab Rufo. The easy part was infiltrating his palace and disguising themselves as Jogga's servants.

They managed to bypass the codes that accessed his vault filled with many packages of spice. They filled up their hover-doley with fifty packages and made their way through Jogga's security, providing the excuse by saying that they were ordered to deliver them to his clients. Not very surprising, as the guards were none other than weak-minded Gamorians, they allowed the crew to pass. Now they were up to the hard part! Jogga was most likely informed by his Gamorian guards about the "servants" delivering the spice to his clients.

Disgraced at this news, he sent his bounty hunters after the Arithamis. And now here they are! Being chased by murderous bounty hunters, who just destroyed the shied generator and is now about blast the Arithamis into oblivion! Odds of survival? Pretty low, Link thought.

Link rushed down the circular passages, with vine-like cables smothering the walls. He made his way to the engine room, in search for Cage, the crazy mechanic. Cage was a rodent-like man covered with filth from head to toe. His hair made him look like he was shocked by Energy Binders for hours. He was often referred to as “the crazy mechanic” because of his insane-like personality. He always himself got himself into trouble when he speaks rashly and harshly to other people, which he always does. Even threw words of sarcasm into serious moments. Example, they were going to die! Even though his insanity consumed him, Cage was a good mechanic working on board the Arithamis.

“CAGE! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?” yelled Link over the roaring sound of the engine.

“Well, I-I-I can sure as well tell you I ain’t in hell!” said Cage.

“Cage we need to get to the gun turrets or we’re gonna’ die!” yelled Link, which wasn’t a surprise to Link that Cage filled his face with a nasty grin.

“So?” said Cage, with not fear but enjoyment in his eyes.

“So… err… none of us want to get fired with the firing of those damn bounty hunters!” Link explained. Cage just cackled with hysterical laughter!

“So?” Cage repeated.

“And… If we die, we won’t get our payment on the spice we stole!” said Link. There was loud bang.

“WHAT IS TAKING YOU TWO SO LONG?” shouted Jaq, his voice echoing throughout the ship.

“Come on, Cage! I need you with me at the gun turrets!” said Link, now getting frustrated with every minute he is spending trying to persuade Cage.

“Err… Hmmm? Maybe later!” Cage returned his attention on the engine.

Link withdrew his blaster from the holster around his leg. He pointed the gun at Cage’s face.

“Cage, I swear! I am warning you!” Link yelled, pulling his finger slightly on the trigger. Cage smiled.

“All right, fine! Lets get to work!”


The two of them made their way to the ladder, which led them to both the ship’s turrets. One on top of the ship, and another on the bottom. Link climbed up the ladder to the top turret while Cage climbed down it to the bottom one. Link climbed into the small chamber out looking the darkness of space. Link sat in the chair and accessed the control panel, pressing numerous buttons as fast as he could to get the Turret online. Alas, the gun was operational and ready to fire. Already, he heard Cage firing his turret at an enemy bounty hunter’s attacking ship. Link stared out into the sphere-like window, and could just make out three ships. Continuously firing their guns at the Arithamis, which they kept missing due to Jaq’s crazy driving. Link held onto the control sticks with triggers that fired the turrets. Link locked on to an enemy ship and pulled both the triggers. Bright red streams of lasers burst out of the cannons, which Link controlled. He heard Cage down the ladder with laughter of joy. “Hey farm boy! I killed one before you!”

That just left only two bounty hunters! Link concentrated all his fire on his target enemy ship. His index fingers not letting go of the trigger on each control stick. At last, his streams of firing finally met with his target. The little ship exploded.

“HA HA!” Link yelped with joy! One enemy ship left. Link stared at his radar screen on the control panel. The moving little blue dot was racing around the radar. Link looked up and saw the little ship firing constantly. There was a loud bang.

“Dammit, keep them off my baby!” Yelled Jaq from the cockpit. “One more shot and we’re done!”

Link fired his turret, following the last remaining ship. Beads of sweat drooled down his forehead. His eyes were burning with anger, as he was trying his best to shoot down the last ship. At last, he fired once more at the forward coming ship, and it finally blew into smithereens. It was done! They were saved!

“GOOD JOB, BOYS! WE FINALLY DID IT” Jaq yelled with happiness from the cockpit!

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A very nice chapter, even it's your first attempt.


A small advice: Would you double space all paragraphs, and all conversations? I like this work, and I like Jaq said, "Wow link, you're the freaking genius!" I don't know this is either sacrastic or real...

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As CSI suggested, please split dialogue from the previous non-speaking parts like this:




And there you have it. This helps some of us older members (Not me, since I'm fourteen) read what you're writing a bit easier. Good starting Chapter and nothing to improve on, except what I've suggested.

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"We barely made it alive, men!" Jaq said to his entire crew.


There was a conference in the living area of the ship, where most of the


interaction between the crew members occured. It was a large, circular-


walled chamber, which contained recreational objects. Such as a pazaac


game table, a holo-vid system and many other things.


Every crew member onboard the Arithamis was present: Jaq, Link, Cage


and the medic, Ahlan.


Ahlan was a rather lanky shaped person with all his hair shaved off. He


posessed rather acceptional skills in treatin injuries, but he certainly was no


doctor, even though everyone refered to him as "the doc".


Jaq continued. "We are just plain lucky we survived that catastrophic event-"


"Thats right!" Link interupted. "If it weren't for Cage and I, we'de be a floating


pile of rubble in space!"


"Duelly noted" Jaq said. "Now, Cage! Fix the hyperdrive. I want it in best


condition! Link, plot our course for Nar Shadda! Doc, give me a theraputic


back rub, I'm feeling that cink in my back, again!"


Ahlan sighed in disgust. Eventually, everybody set to work. Link made his way


to the cockpit. He sat in the pilot's seat and looked at the control panel


screen. He pressed a few buttons on the keyboard and suddenly a whole map


of the entire galaxy appeared on the screen. He plotted a course to Nar




Link was the youngest crew member onboard the Arithamis. Jaq was the


oldest. An over forty year old, retired soldier from the Sith-Imperial war. Age


was slowly catching up to him, and gray hair was starting to sprout in his


hair and short beard. Link, as a typical over twenty year old, left his slightly


long, blonde hair all scruffy. He didn't seem to care at all.


Finally, Link was informed that the hyperdrive was fixed. So he scharged up


the reactor for the hyperdrive, and blasted the Arithamis into Hyperspace...



Nar Shadda was always the same. The scenic terrain of skyscrapers towering


everything around them. Speeders zooming around the jungle of buildings and


towers, like little flies moving in rows and rows of straight lines. Jaq, now


currently piloting the ship, flew around the city aimlessly in search for the


nearest dock. And so he found it. Link looked out the cockpit window at the


dome-like building. A huge gaping mouth-like entrance on the base of the


structure was where Jaq flew into. Inside, doxens of ships were flying around.


Hundreds of platforms were attatched to stalk-like posts, where elevator


shafts ran down and up in. When looking at the posts, it was like looking at


huge, metalic plants with platforms as leaves on the stalks.


Jaq eventually found an empty platform, and flew towards it, dodging all the


posts passing by. He made it to the empty platform, now currently hovering


over it.


"Start the landing cycle, kid!" Jaq ordered.


Link pressed a few buttons, and looked at the diagram of the ship on the


control panel screen. It showed a side-on view of the Arithamis. Little legs


sprouted underneith theship, according the diagram.


Jaq carefully brought the ship down, until they heard a clank underneith,


which meant they landed. Jaq turned the controls off.


"I'll contact Kaiio, and let him know we've arrived with his spice." said Jaq,


now leaving the cockpit.


Ruar Kaiio was a crime lord on Nar Shadda. His wealth and power made him


a respectable leader. He was a Quarren, a species of alien whome are one of


the main powers of the crime organisation, like the Hutts.


Ruar Kaiio was Jaq's boss, and the Arithamis was technically his property.


Half an hour passed. During that time Link, Cage and Ahlan were in the cargo


hold, inspecting the spice.


"I'm just glad we made through alive!" Link destroyed the comfortable silence.


"I'd thought for sure we'de suffer-"


"Suffer? Ahlan interupted. "You think all of us are lucky we didn't suffer?


I had been forced to rub "Captain Jaq-Ass's" hairy back for an hour! What do


you call that instead of suffering?"


"Hey doc." said Cage. "My foot is starting to ache. Would you mind?"


Link laughed hysterically, Ahlan's face went red with furry!



Link changed out of Jogga's servant's disguise and put on his navy-blue mesh


jacked over his t-shirt. He strapped on his boots and attatched his gun with


holster around his leg. Jaq said he made into cantact with Ruar Kaiio, and


that he will send a batch of his men to retrieve the spice, and also sending


an invitation to his palace.


Minutes later, Kaiio's men arrived at the docks, and made their way into the


Arithamis to it's cargo hold. Meanwhile, Jaq, Ahlan and Link exited the ship


with cage left behind under orders to recharge the ship. They walked across


the platform towards the huge, wide post with the elevator.



Ruar Kaiio's palace was absolutly incredible. It wasn't exactly a palace, but


a skyscraper. But inside was even more amazing.


Inside the building was a long lobby, with scarlet red carpeting. The walls


around him were made of rough stone, with doors encrusted leading to many


places in Kaiio's palace. Inside the lobby was a black marble reception desk


with one of Kaiio’s servants working behind. Link, Ahlan and Jaq sat on the


chairs pressed against the wall, waiting. For a crime lord, Kaiio appeared to


have luxurious tastes. Finally, after minutes of waiting, the receptionist


appointed Link and the others in the direction of Kaiio’s office. They walked


into one of the doors, which led him into a large hall. Built like the lobby


earlier on, but had a different interior design. People of different species


walked around the hall, some were even bounty hunters. They found the way


to the boss’s room and barged in through the automated sliding door.


The room was large. A window covered up an entire wall at the the far back,


outlooking a view of the entire city of Nar Shadda in daylight. The carpet was


an aqua colour, with a neat stone, circular desk sitting on it, where Kaiio was


sitting. The Quaren looked up at the three. It was hard to tell what sort of


expression Kaiio was wearing on his strange alien head. But the three of them


knew he was glad to see them.


"Atlast! It is good to see you that you are all in one piece!" Kaiio spoke


through native language, which mostly consisted of grunts and gurgles and


other strange noises.


"It sure is! We just got attacked by Jogga's bounty hunters!" Jaq snapped.


"Never the less, it was all worth the trouble. An for that I thank you!" Kaiio




"Slave 9!" Kaiio shouted.


One of Kaiio's servants walked into the room and toward the desk.


"Slave 9, give these fine gentlemen a drink!" Kaiio ordered.


"What will it be?" Slave 9 asked.


"Give me a hit of Juma!" Jaq said. Slave 9 looked astanished.


"You want Juma? In the middle of the day?" He asked in a suprised manner.


"Yes! Why is it so much to ask for?" Kaiio asked the servant furiously.


"Comming right up!" He said, and walked out of the room.


Kaiio looked back at them.


"Okay, lets get sown to business. Like we discussed before, 30% of the


amount of credits from the spice shall be paid to you!"


"We wan't 50%!" Link said.


"50 percent?" Kaiio said in astonishment. "This is outrageouse! I refuse to


negotiate your payment!"


"Outrageouse? We risked our lives to extract your spice from Jogga's vault!" Jaq said.


"Not to mention he sent his bounty hunters after us, which could have destroyed us, along with my ship-"


"The Arithamis is not your ship!" Kaiio interupted. "It's mine! And I was friendly


enough to lend it to you to help you on your smuggling voyages!"


"Never the less, you technically put our lives in danger, and we deserve a


little more credit!" said Ahlan.


Kaiio stared at them, obviously furious!


"Fine! 50% it is! But lets move on to other matters, I have another job for you!"

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The Arithamis was currently traveling hyperspeed. Bright-white lines passed by out the cockpit window, which Link was admiring.


The crew just recently left Nar Shadda, after being given another job by Ruar Kaiio. They were to deliver twenty packages of spice to Krizzen, a mid rim world in the Algaran system. The client was a Rodian crime lord of the Southern Hemisphere, who goes by the name of Rrrupa.


Link was eventually got sick of watching passing-by stars in Hyperspeed. He set the control panel to Auto-Pilot, jumped out of the seat and exited the cockpit, making his way to the Living Area.


There he only saw Jaq and Ahlan, playing pazaak on the game table.

Cage was most likely in the Engine Room, where he most haunted to hide his insanity. Link walked right over to them and pulled up a seat.


"We'll be arriving at Krizzen shortly" said Link, sitting down.


"Damn. That won't leave me much time to win back my money!" said Jaq.


"Wait a minute. Your actually betting with money?" said Link astonished.


"Yeah, those ancient "republic senate rules" are getting boring." stated Ahlan.

"So, Jaq and I thought we’d make the game more interesting by betting with money."


"And so far, Doc is on a winning streak!" said Jaq, not looking up from his cards.


A short time later, Link decided to join in the game after rejected hesitations

on betting with his money. Suddenly, a loud beeping echoed from the cockpit, indicating that they arrived at Krizzen.


The three of them rushed to the cockpit, now switching the Hyperdrive off line. The stars came into focus, and the planet popped into view. But that wasn't all. There was a blockade around the planet. Dozens of large ships, fighters and freighters were hovering over Krizzen.


"What’s going on?" Ahlan asked curiously.


"Why is there a blockade around the planet?" said Link.


"If my vision is serving me correctly, those are Imperial War ships!" stated Jaq.


"Imperials? But I thought the Sith-Imperial war was over? The Galactic Alliance won, haven’t they?" said Link, reflecting over the history.


"Just because the Alliance won the war, doesn't mean they have destroyed the Empire. These are remnants!" said Jaq




Darth Caedos was looking out the window overlooking the world of Krizzen.

His black robes drooped down over his feet, which he was standing on the floor of his Flagship's bridge.


His apprentice, Darth Vaed approached behind him. He was a very promising

student, but arrogance consumed him.


"My master! We have conquered all of Krizzen!" he said, with a certain satisfaction in his voice.


"Excellent, my young apprentice!" Caedos said in a hiss sort of tone.

"And I assume that our young Jedi prisoner is cooperating well?"


Vaed hesitated to continue. His master glared at him.


"Well no, my master! She keeps resisting temptation to convert. Also, she has committed several failed attempts of escaping, and-"


"Then I suggest you double the security!" snapped Caedos. "Do anything it takes to turn Naya to the dark side, by all means necessary!"


"Master, forgive me! But why would we need her? To me, she is useless. And I am devoured in my belief that killing her would be more efficient!" said Vaed.


"Your beliefs please me and are admirable, Lord Vaed! But she is of use to me."said Caedos.


"As you wish my lord. But there is something else..." said Vaed.


Darth Caedos looked at Vaed, his patients wearing thin.


"This better of be of use of my time, Lord Vaed!" said Caedos.


"We have a small freighter approaching the blockade, called the Arithamis." Vaed informed.


His master paused and closed his eyes. He breathed steadily, and finally he awoken.


"Activate the tractor beam, bring the Arithamis onboard!" Caedos ordered.


"But my Lord, may I suggest we send the fighters out and destroy the freighter?" suggested Vaed.


"You questioning my orders will not be tolerated, Lord Vaed! I sense one who is strong with the force onboard the vessel…" said Caedos.


Vaed looked at his master, with question on his own face.


"As you command, my master!" vowed Darth Vaed.





Everybody, even Cage, was standing dumb-founded in the cockpit. Link was back in the pilot's seat, trying to turn the ship away from the blockade. But they were still moving forward. He increased the ship's power to maximum, trying to steer away from the approaching flagship.


"Why are we still heading towards the flagship?" asked Ahlan, with panic in his voice.


"They are using a tractor beam! They are pulling us through" answered Link, also with panic in his voice. "There is nothing we can do!" finished Link.


"Looks like we are gonna' die! YAHOO!" howled Cage, with a certain proud triumph in his voice. Jaq pinned Cage against the wall. A yelp of terror came from Cage.


"Listen you old rat!" Jaq yelled at in Cages face. "I'm getting rather sick of your arrogance! This is pretty damn serious, and your mocking it! If I hear another word from you, I'll skin you and tie your body to the roof of my ship!"


Cage nodded worryingly. Jaq unleashed him.


"Looks like we'll have to play along." said Jaq.


The Arithamis drifted slowly towards the flagship, a gaping mouth entrance was where they were being pulled into. It took minutes to enter the very large ship hold. It was like entering an abandoned warehouse, with nothing but closed boxes of ammunition scattered on the floor. The landing cycle of the Arithamis automatically started, and next thing the crew knew, they landed on the metallic tiled floor of the flagship's ship hold.


The crew stayed silent. Until Link, as always, broke the silence between everybody.


"So what’s our plan?" asked Link.


Jaq's eyes were wide open.


"Whoops! Haven't thought of that!" said the Captain.


"Oh, what a magnificent plan you have there, Jaq! Is there a Plan B?" Ahlan said sarcastically. Jaq glared at him


"I suppose we'll just have to play along until we can figure out something." said Link.


"Link, this is the Empire! They are most likely to take us prisoner. I don't wanna go back into one of those force cages!" said Ahlan, worryingly.


"We are just going to see what’s going to happen, and from there we move on-" Link was interrupted by a Stun Blaster shot that hit Cage first.


Link withdrew his blaster, but was shot down by the stun laser. He was knocked out cold.


"We'll resume our orders!" said the Storm trooper, looking over at the un-conscience bodies on the floor.


"Throw them in the brig!" Ordered the Storm Trooper Commander!




Link woke up with a staggering headache. His eyes were brought into focus, as he looked around the room.

He was inside a prison cell, with his fellow crew members awake. A death-laser grid acted as bars on the entrance of the tiny cell.


Link brought himself up.


“What happened? Where are we?” said Link curiously.


“We being held prisoner. This is the brig!” stated Jaq.


“Oh well, at least we are not in a force cage!” said Ahlan, trying to calm things.


Link looked across the from the laser grid to the cell across from them. Some one was sitting inside it, hiding in the shadows.


“Whose that?” asked Link.


“No idea. She never said a word since we woke up!” said Ahlan.


“And now I shall!” said the figure in the cell.


She stood up and approached the laser-grid on her cell. She was a pretty-faced Twi-lek girl, wearing what looked to be some-kind of tight, dark-blue robe. She was about Link’s age, with medium shaded blue skin.


“And who are you supposed to be, darling?” Jaq said to the pretty Twi-lek.


“What can I say? First of all, my name is Naya!” said the Twi-lek.


“Great to meet you Naya! Now if you’ll excuse us, my crew and I have some matters we need to discuss!” said Jaq, now turning away.


“I would just like to say-“ but Cage didn’t finish his sentence, as he was interrupted by Jaq.


“Cage, what did I tell you?” snapped Jaq. Cage was still a little shaken from the event in the cockpit.


“Okay, fine! I suppose you don’t wanna hear my escape plan, huh?” said Naya.


Jaq faced the Twi-lek again.


“What do you propose?” asked Link.


“Well, first of all, there are two guards outside the brig. And outside the brig is a security terminal, which can shut down all other security systems, like; turrets, droids and even cameras. Then there is a fork-passage. One passage leads to your ship, and another leads to the bridge, where you must deactivate the tractor beam. Then we can escape from your ship and seek refuge to a near by planet!” then Naya finished.


Everyone stared at her.


“I’m sorry, could you repeat that?” asked Jaq in a confused manner.


“How the heck do you know all this?” asked Link surprised.


“Did I mention I was a Jedi?” added Naya.


“Oh… well I guess that explains a few things!” said Link.


“If your some “all mighty Jedi” with a Lightsaber, how did you end up here?” asked Ahlan.


“It’s a long story, and we don’t have time!” stated Naya.


“Well, you conjured up a heck of a crazy plan, but one problem remains. How do we get out these prison cells, sister?” asked Jaq, getting irritated.


“See that control panel over on the far wall?” pointed Naya at the control screen on the far-ending wall of the hall of cells.


“Leave that up to me!” she said.


Naya focused all her attention on the control panel. She closed her eyes, and breathed steadily. Suddenly the control panel exploded, the laser grids disappeared!


Link was impressed, so were the others.


“Cool! I wish I could do stuff like that!” said Link.


Naya frowned at Link, but suddenly she seemed surprised.


“I think you could! I sense the force is strong within you!” she said.


“Okay, can we just cut all this Jedi talk, and figure out how to escape this flagship?” said Ahlan.


Naya walked out of her cell and stood in front of the crew members.


“I’m sorry! I didn’t catch your names!” she said curiously.


“Pah! I thought you Jedi could read minds?” said Jaq.


“I think that only works with weak-minded fools like you, sir!” she stated.


“I’m Jaq, captain of the smuggling vessel the Arithamis. And this is Ahlan, our medic. Cage, our special mechanic…”


“And I’m Link, co-pilot of this fool’s ship!” said Link jokingly.


“Right, well that’s all I need to know about you guys. Now lets get to work.” Ordered Naya.


The three of them walked up behind the entrance of the brig. Naya was about to press her thumb on the door command button, but Link grabbed her arm to stop her.


“Hold on! What about the guards outside the door?” he hissed.


“Do not worry. The force shall aid me!” Naya said.


Link freed her arm, and Naya proceeded. The door slid open. All of sudden, two Storm Troopers across the room came charging towards them, rifle in hand.


“HEY! HOW DID YOU—“ but the Storm Trooper didn’t finish his sentence, as the two of them were pushed away hard against the wall with some invisible tremendous force.


“Storm Troopers always underestimate the great power of the Force.” Naya said, looking down at the un-conscience bodies on the floor.


“Hey look! Our weapons!” said Ahlan, pointing over at a wall with an assortment of their own weaponry hanging off it. They walked over to it. The crew collected their blaster pistols and Naya picked up a long, cylinder object, with some kind of unique design as a handgrip.


“Is that a Lightsaber?” asked Link, very thrilled.


“Yes. I made it when I joined the Jedi Order. Now, the security terminal is over there!” said Naya, pointing over at a wide, computer monitor with a built on keyboard.


“Not a problem, I have handled this sort of thing before!” Said Jaq, walking over at the terminal. He pressed a few buttons on the keyboard, and a few minutes later, all of a sudden the soft humming in the background fainted. Jaq was very pleased with himself.


“Okay, we need to split up!” said Jaq, now taking command. “Cage, Ahlan and I will make our way to the ship to clear a path. Link, you go with Naya to the bridge to deactivate the tractor beam. “


“Why do I have come with you?” asked Cage.


“Because you always screw things! You’ll compromise Naya’s plan to the bridge!” stated Jaq. “I need as much help I can get if we are going to kill our way to the Arithamis!”


Cage smiled in satisfaction.


“Excellent! I love killing people! I LOVE IT!!!” Cage shouted!


“That’s a good idea, Jaq. But Naya and I can’t just simply walk into the bridge un-detected, and turn off the tractor beam with Imperials watching!” stated Link.


“Really Link? Are you sure? Maybe you should take a good look at these bodies, and what they are wearing!” said Jaq, pointing down at the un-conscience Storm Troopers.


“Steal they’re uniforms? Are you nuts?” said Link.

“Gosh, “steal” is such an ugly word! In my case, it’s borrowing without permission and not returning it!” said Jaq.


“Disguise can be a powerful weapon!” said Naya, using her wisdom.


“Okay, I don’t have any ideas better than this one. So lets get to work!” said Link.


Link and Naya walked over to the Storm Trooper bodies. They salvaged the knocked-out soldiers armor and they picked up the blaster rifles from their hands. Link pulled off the helmet from the un-conscience face, and examined the size of it.


“Hang on! You won’t be able to hide your head tentacles in these helmets!” said Link.


“I wouldn’t worry about that!” Naya answered, as she pulled out from her robes what appeared to be a small, black harness. She pulled the harness over her head and strapped the nooses around her tentacles. Then she pulled harder on the straps, and the two tentacles came into contact, and the two formed into one single braid. Link tried his best not to laugh.


“That must be very uncomfortable!” he said.


“You can’t imagine how much it does!” Naya said back.


The two of them strapped on their uniforms. Naya carefully pulled her braid over her shoulder, and slipped the helmet over her head.


“So, how do we look?” Naya asked the watching audience.


“You two you like crap! But you may pass as a real Storm Trooper!” Ahlan said towards the fashion contestants.


“I sense a few guards outside this door. Once we go in, we will be faced with three paths. The junction on the far right will lead you to your ship, and the middle junction will take Link and I to the bridge.” Naya’s voice was enhanced by the Helmet’s electronics.


“We better go first, because we can tell those guards shove off! When the coast is clear, we’ll continue on with our plan!” said Link, now putting the helmet on.


The team approached the door.

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Link and Naya first entered the wide corridor outside the brig. Only two guards were present inside the corridor, but they were not alone. As the ceiling above them had four turrets, scattered in different directions. On the walls, dozens of security cameras were laid. But Link and Naya had nothing to worry about, seeing as all security systems were shut down in this section, thanks to Jaq’s computer skills.


The two Storm Troopers approached them. Jaq, Ahlan and Cage stayed hidden in the brig.


“Hey! What are you two doing here? Your supposed to be on guard!” said one of the Storm Troopers.


“Uh… we are on our break!” Link said through the voice tech of the helmet he was wearing.


“Don’t play us for fools, trooper! Our break shift does not start until the next two standard hours!” stated the other Trooper. “What is your Imperial I.D code?” he demanded.


“Uh… er… w-w-well, y-you see… err!” Link stuttered. Naya sighed and raised her hand to shoulder level.


“You will let us pass. Your break shift has started!” she said, in a slow, obvious manipulative tone.


“… We shall let you pass! Our break shift has started!” the troopers repeated Naya’s words back to her. Then they both left the corridor, making it safe for Jaq and the others to come out.


“Okay, my will team proceed down to the hanger. While you two make your way to the bridge and disable the Tractor Beam!”


“We have to quick! The Dark Lord is on board this very flagship, as well as his



“Whatever!” Jaq interrupted Naya. “Now lets go! And be careful, kids!”


They crossed the corridor, and entered the automated sliding doors, which just as well led them in a fork intersection. The path on the far right led downwards, as well as the one on the far left. The middle path led upwards. Jaq and his team took the far right path while Link and Naya walked towards the middle path.


The two of them climbed up the passage, which led them to an Elevator shaft.

Link pressed the elevator call button, and the two of them stepped inside. He stared at the control panel on the elevator wall.


“You’ll want to press the button to the top floor.” Naya explained. Link pressed the top-numbered button, the doors closed behind them and the two of them felt the elevator moving up.


“Can I ask you a question? What happened back at the corridor?” asked Link after the short comfortable silence.


“Ah, just some old Jedi mind trick I learned. Nothing special!” Naya answered.


“Nothing special? You could control an entire army with that kind of force power!” Link exclaimed.


“I suppose I could. But it doesn’t work on everybody, only the weak minded. Also you should only use the force as a last resort!” Naya explained.


“I heard it’s tough being a Jedi. I mean there are all sorts of restrictions you must tolerate. Like controlling your anger.” Link commented.


“Yeah, it is tough at times, but I manage. Being a Jedi will be a hard obstacle to cross, but it’s worth it!” Naya said honestly. “I sense a potential within you to command the force. Perhaps one day you too can cross that obstacle to become a Jedi!”


Link was flattered. At least he thought he was. The elevator doors opened, and a staggered side path junction was revealed.


“The Bridge is straight ahead.” Naya explained, walking out the elevator door.


And so they crossed the path, passing by individual’s wearing Imperial uniforms and Storm Troopers. Alas, they made it to the end of the path, and came across a door in their path.


“I don’t sense the Dark Lord behind this door…” Naya murmured. She pressed her thumb on the door button. She opened it, and they entered the amazing bridge behind.


The Bridge was a huge command deck. The entire room was vertically triangular shaped. People in uniform were working behind terminals set against the walls. Up ahead was a large, cockpit window, overlooking the conquered planet below.


Suddenly, there was a sound of an alarm in the background.




Jaq must have made it to the hangar, Link thought. All the storm troopers outside the Bridge were making loud footsteps, as they were marching to the Hanger.


“We have to hurry!” Link said urgently.


“Hey, what you doing? You two are supposed to be in the Hangar, stopping the intruders!” yelled out a Commanding Officer to Link and Naya.


“We… we’ve been sent under orders to… to run a systems check with the tractor beam!” Link lied.


The Commanding Officer looked suspicious at them.


“Very well. Do what you must do! I’ll send a Computer operator to aid you.” The man walked off.


Link and Naya walked to an empty console set against the wall. Link was set to work to deactivate the tractor beam…





At last, they made their way to the Hangar, where the Arithamis lay. Link managed to disable the Tractor Beam as quick as possible earlier, so they were technically safe to leave the flagship.


There was a battle. Imperial Troops were firing at the Arithamis, but the deflector shield was active and impenetrable. Cage and Ahlan were obviously in the gun turrets, as hot-red single streams of lasers were firing from the ship. Link saw Jaq in cockpit, obviously waiting for him and Naya to return.


Suddenly, a blast of firing from the ship almost hit Link’s foot.


“HEY! AHLAN! IT’S ME, YOU IDIOT!” Link yelled out, as he pulled his helmet off. Naya did the same. The troopers around them didn’t seem to notice their unmasked faces, but concentrated all attention on the ship.


The two of them ran to the ship, firing at the opposing Troopers behind them. The ramp of the ship opened, and Link and Naya ran inside.


“JAQ, LETS GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!!!” Link yelled as they entered the ship, the ramp closing behind them.


The Arithamis was now hovering in the Hangar, Troops firing at it. It slowly turned around clockwise to face the open mouth exit into space. Then the next thing, the ship blasted out of the Hangar, and raced across the blockade.


Link and Naya were in the cockpit, as well as Jaq who was sitting in the pilots seat. Link jumped in the co-pilots seat, and pressed many buttons on the control panel.

Jaq gripped tightly on the control sticks, as he was steering the ship to dodge the up coming war ships. Eventually they escaped the blockade.


Link ran a systems check on the ship. As always, there was something wrong with the hyperdrive. The Imperials must have deactivated it while they were scavenging the ship, while the crew were in the brig. Suddenly, there was loud bang from the roof of the ship. Link observed the radar on the control panel.


“We’ve got fighters!” Link yelled. “I’m running the deflector shield up at maximum!” he continued, as he was quickly pressing many buttons on the ship.


“Plot a course to a near by planet! We can take refuge there” said Naya in all the commotion.


“I can do that, but there is something wrong with the hyperdrive! We’d have to travel there by stick!” explained Link, now searching through the galaxy map for a nearby planet to land on. Alas, Link found somewhere for safety.


“Got one! We’ll head to Kerilt, it will be safe there!” stated Link.


There was another loud bang.


“STOP TRYING BLOW UP MY SHIP, YOU BASTARDS!!!” Jaq complained un- necessarily to the Imperial fighters.


The terrifying flight to Kerilt seemed like hours upon hours until they spotted a green and blue sphere up ahead. Link didn’t realise how they could have survive this long with fighters behind them trying to destroy the Arithamis. Perhaps it is because of Jaq’s rough piloting the ship that they seemed to dodge the most of the firing behind them.


After many bangs occurred, another one happened. This time, they hit the shield generator.


“Shield generator is gone!” yelled Link.


There was another bang. More like an explosion, Link thought. The alarm rang inside the cockpit. They’ve been hit! Jaq was now right up close to the planet. Now the ship entered the world’s atmosphere, overlooking a great vastness of Rainforest. The Arithamis dived into the dense terrain, now landing nose-first into the ground. Link was knocked out cold.




When Link woke up again, he found himself in a bed, sheets tightened around him.

He sat up and observed the room around him.


“Careful now! You’ve been sleeping for six hours now.” Said a calming voice.


Link’s vision was adjusted, and sitting next to his bed was an old man, with long gray hair and was wearing some kind of tunic.


“Who are you? Where am I? Where are my friends!” Link was filled with many questions.


“Calm yourself! Your in a safe place, hidden from the Empire and the Sith! Right now you’re in the infirmary!” said the calming old man.


“Who are you?” Link asked curiously to the old man.


“I am both a master and the medic of this academy.” He answered.


“Master? What you some kind of Jedi or something?” Link asked. The old man chuckled.


“Err, technically speaking, no! Your questions will be answered later. Right now, you need rest young man! Both you and your other companion.” said the old man pointing at the bed next to Link’s. A knocked out, blue-skinned, female Twi-lek was laying on the bed, covered with blankets. Naya was fast asleep.


“Where are the others?” asked Link. The old man sighed.


“They didn’t make it!” he said.


“What?” Link yelped out in worry.


“They didn’t survive!” the old man said clearly…

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Link was petrified at the news he was hearing. His entire crew. His family. Gone.

But they couldn’t be!


“How could they be dead?” exclaimed Link.


The old man sighed.


“We’ve recovered their bodies and performed an autopsy, after we found your ship..” The old man replied.

“Your captain suffered from serious head trauma and internal bleeding.” He continued. “And the medic, while still in the bottom turret, suffocated from being buried in the earth that penetrated the window.”


Link was shocked. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing.


“What about Cage, the mechanic?” Link chocked.


“A mechanic?” the old man said. “We’ve searched every inch of your ship for other survivors or deceased ones. But we’ve never recovered anymore bodies.” The saddened old man answered.


“Wait, you mean… sorry, I didn’t catch you name?”


“My name is Master Fir’an!” he replied.


“Right! You mean, master Fir’an, that you have never recovered a third body?”


“No. All we’ve found was you and your Twi-lek friend, and two of your dead companions” Fir’an said conclusively.


Link sat in his bed trying to recap. Was it possible Cage survived the crash? Was it possible that he managed to escape the remains of the Arithamis.


“Where is the ship?” Link queried.


“We’ve recovered your ship from the crash site. It’s currently in the Hangar, being repaired.” Fir’an explained. “And also, while we were salvaging your ship, we’ve found less than 13 packages of spice scattered in your cargo hold. Care to explain?” Fir’an glowered.


Link looked at him with a bit of nervousness.


“Um.. you see… um… me and my crew are smugglers.” Link stuttered.


Thirteen packages? Either while the Imperials scavenged the ship, they recovered some of the loot. Or perhaps most of the spice was lost during the crash.


“I see. Perhaps one who is strong with the Force shouldn’t follow a career path that involves a life of crime!” Fir’an said firmly.


“Are you going to report me to Authorities, or something?” Link asked, with a shroud of nervousness in his tone.


“What, after the council sensed within you a potential to wield the force? I highly would never think such a thing!” Fir’an chuckled.


“What is this place anyway?”


“It’s a hidden academy for those who left the Jedi order and other force sensitive cultures. You could say that we are classified as Gray Jedi, some others would say!”


“Gray Jedi?” said Link.


“Yeah, you know. Force sensitive beings with a neutral alignment. We possess qualities from both the Light side and the Dark side of the Force. But, we are followers of the Light side.” Fir’an paused to let Link comprehend exactly what he was saying. “We are basically normal people, err…with Force powers and… err, a Lightsaber.”


“You’ve got to be kidding me!” Link frowned.


“Believe me, I’m not kidding.” Fir’an assured. “Look, I’m not the sort of person who can answer your questions. You may ask the council when you’re being debated for training.”


“Training? Look, my friends have just died, can I at least have some time to reflect on memories I had with them?” Link breathed.


“Of course! Please, you need rest anyway.” Fir’an got up from the seat, and exited the infirmary.


Link laid his head back on the pillow. He examined the room around him. It was fairly large, with white metallic walls. A window on one of the walls looked out at a vast terrain of rainforests and jungles.

Over in the corner was a desk with a terminal set on it. On the back wall from where Link was, were numerous beds lay.


He swept through his mind of the memories he had on the Arithamis with his crew. All the good times, the bad. Especially the bad, which happened most of the time. He remembered the time he enlisted for becoming a crewmember, and the moment he stepped on board the Arithamis. All the missions they had been sent on that endangered their lives.

On bright side, he technically owned the Arithamis. But it was still the property to Ruar Kaiio. Link glowered over the name. Ruar Kaiio.


If it hadn’t been for that slime, his crew would still be alive, he told himself. Link swore that the next time he’ll meet Kaiio again; he would bathe in his blood.



Darth Caedos stared coldly at the Head of Security. His apprentice at his side.

“Perhaps my apprentice didn’t make it quite clear to you that you should have doubled your security!”


They were on the bridge, after their period of meditation. The Head of Security, a weak and pathetic man, went to face his judgment for his appalling failure. But defended his actions.


“My-My lord! We’ve done exactly what Lord Vaed ordered us to do. So we put Naya back in the brig and modified the security systems…”


“Indeed! I gave you your specific instructions. But I never ordered you to place the smugglers in the same brig, with a Jedi!” Vaed said sharply.


The man looked nervously around the room


“Well… uh, you see, my colleagues never exactly predicted the outcome of putting the smugglers in the brig. I have…”


“Your arrogance will not be tolerated, weakling! It was you who ordered them to be put in the same brig with the Jedi, and it was you who should have predicted the outcome of would happen!” Vaed roared at man.


Darth Caedos was quite pleased with his apprentice.


“Failure is not an option among the presence of the sith! You violated our code! And the penalty… is death!” Caedos said coldly. He stared at his apprentice, a smile emerging in his cruel face.


“Lord Vaed! Strike down this weak, pathetic failure!” Caedos ordered.


“With pleasure, my master!” Vaed nodded with satisfaction.


The Head of Security, nervously, reached down at his side for his blaster pistol. Vaed pulled his Lightsaber from his belt and activated it. A beam of pure red energy shot out of it, and extended into a sword.


The Head of Security pointed the blaster pistol at Lord Vaed, but trembled and dropped it by accident. While his arm was still extended, Vaed drew the blade across the man’s arm. The man howled in pain, as his arm cut off. Next thing he knew, Vaed slashed the Lightsaber across his chest. The man fell down, breathing through endless pain he was suffering. He crawled towards the exit of the bridge. Vaed circled him, turning off his Lightsaber. He knelt down, and lifted the man into a sitting position.


“Pathetic fools like you are not needed for the Empire! And I am doing you a favour by ending your life of foolishness!” Vaed whispered in his ear. Then, he brought his Lightsaber under the man’s jaw, and turned it on. The red beam ran up the man’s skull. Vaed then dropped the body, and tore his Lightsaber out through the man’s face.


His master cackled with cruelty.


“You have done well, Lord Vaed!” Caedos said pleasingly. “You have always been a fine apprentice for me! But now I have a mission for you! You must track down Naya Jorr’yan, and kill her. You may use any means necessary!”


“As you wish, my master!” Vaed promised.






Link followed Fir’an through the many corridors and passages leading to the Council Chambers. The Academy was basically one large bunker, as Link was told that it was underground behind a cliff face. Some of the stonewalls were constricted with thin green vines, tangling over power cables attached to the walls that powered the Lights.

People, who were formally students of the academy, passed by Fir’an and Link.


As Link was lead to believe, force sensitive organisations commonly wore robes and garments. But the students and masters here appeared to where whatever they desire; armour, jackets, tank tops. Some even wore robes, but not many. But Link knew that they were obviously students, because there was a shine of a hilt of a Lightsaber clipped to their belts.


Finally, after many short trips though passages, hallways and staircases, Link and Fir’an approached a large door at the end of a great hall. Fir’an pressed his hand on the scan pad on the side of the door. There were tech noises coming from the machine. Seconds later, the door opened and the two of them stepped into a circular room.


The walls were made of rough, brown stone. Unique designed chairs were circling the walls, each seated to a master. In the centre of the room was a small pond, like nothing much as a simple water feature.


There were many masters in the room, some of a different species; one Zabrak, three Twi-leks, three Gaamazi and six Humans. Most of the members were male, including the Zabrak. All of them were wearing some kind of gray robe, over a matching tunic.

When Link and Fir’an entered the room, they seemed cut off from a conversation as they stared at the visitors.


“I apologise for disturbing, my masters. But I have brought with me the survivor of the crash, Link Raiden.” Fir’an introduced.


“Ah, yes! We have been expecting you.” said an old, female Twi-Lek.


Fir’an left the room, and closed the doors behind him. Everyone focussed their attention on Link. He wasn’t quite sure what to say.


“Err… Hi!” Link greeted.


“We welcome you to our Academy. We are the Council of our Order of the Grays” said the Zabrak.


“But first…” began a hairless, old man with dark hazel eyes. “Do you know why we have brought you here?”


Link thought for a seconde, back at the Infirmary and what Fir’an had told him.


“Uh… something about training me?” Link shrugged.


“We’ll need to debate on that later, but right now we need to ask you some questions!” said a brown haired woman. “Concerning on what happened to your ship!”


Link told them the story on what happened to him and his crew. After minutes of story telling and explanation, the council seemed intrigued at the fact that the Empire is returning.


“This is indeed shocking news to us all!” said an old female Twi-lek. “Many years ago, we have thought that Darth Krayt and his followers were finished! But it appears we have been proven wrong. It seems a new master of the Sith has risen into power.”


“And right now we need to take action!” said another human, who seemed to be the most important of all. He had signs of age in his skin, had short jet-black hair and had a short beared. “The Jedi are right now at a peak of endangerment. This is a battle they can’t fight alone.”


“And to do that, we need soldiers to recruit into our order!” said the Zabrak. “Soldiers, such as yourself” he pointed at Link.


“The Council is asking in desperation for your enlistment as a Gray Jedi among us!” said the black haired man. “Are you willing to go through training? Learning the ways of the force through our teachings, in order to stop this new Dark Lord?”


“Didn’t you say earlier on that you needed to debate on whether you can train me?” asked Link.


“Indeed! But as we have come to realise we need all the help we can get!” explained the old Twi-Lek.


Link thought about it. He always did admire Jedi for their potential to use the Force.

And even though these people weren’t exactly Jedi, but a different Order, this was Link’s chance.


There was a momentary pause.


“If you need time to think…’ the black haired man began but was interrupted.


“No, no… I have already made my choice! I am eager to learn your ways!” said Link.


“So be it!” said the Zabrak pleasingly.

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