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[FIC] Star Wars: In a world of Darkness

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Chapter 13

The plan


Three weeks later


Tiso waited and waited. It was getting dark now and sitting on a chair all night was not his idea of fun. He was not alone. Heme was their too sitting their breathing fast.


They heard some glass smash from another room and it sounded like it was from a window so Heme slowly got up.


"No, we must wait for them to come to us, not us come to them" he whispered and Heme sat back down.


He could hear the footsteps get louder and Tiso cluctched his sabre as he knew he would have to use it.


He looked at the security camera and nodded.


The door opened and a hooded figure entered slowly working.


The camera moved so it could see the figure and then it fired.


The figure rolled away and ignited his or hers lightsabre and blocked the fire back at the camera so it blew to pieces.


Heme and Tiso force flipped off the chairs and force pushed them at the figure. They hit him and he tumbled towards the wall. The hood slipped down and it was... to them an unknown sith.


"So which one of the three are you?" Tiso spat.


"Heros" moaned the figure as he kicked aside one of the chairs.


"They made me go twice!" said Heros, "That it would not matter if I followed Kroyt's fate!"


"I'm here to kill someone more important than you two!! " he said so cold that Tiso shivered. "He's a jedi knight, pretty new here he's going to be the next Grand Master!"


Tiso knew who he meant and so did Heme. It was actually Heme's dad and this made Heme angry, so angry he unleashed anger and hate and more forbidden emotions and he could not help but lunge at Heros. Swing his sabre at him with all his might but Tiso did not want to risk his own life again nor Heme's but he had to, yes he had and it was one dangerous matter. There was no stopping Heme the hate was already out.


"Arrrrrrrgh!" shouted Heme and he threw his lightsabre at Heros who ducked and it went into the wall and stayed their.


Heme was unarmed but he still thought that his own fists was an option. Tiso had to defend him!


Tiso jumped at Heros and swung a deadly swing at his feet but Tiso jumped from it so the sabre skimmed the ground and they looked at each other for a minute. Just a minute and then they went for it enaging themselves in a lock and it was Tiso who came of with luck giving a burn to Heros's face.


Heme tried to pull his sabre out of the wall but it was well and truly stuck.


Then Heme's dad burst through the door and ignited his... what? Silver lightsabre? This shocked Tiso but he must accept reinforcments!


The two lunged their blades at Heros who threw lightining at them and Heme's dad was slower to reply for defense and was hit and Heros carried on hurting him and Tiso jumped in the way of the lightning so it him instead but it was no use Heme's dad was already dead and Heme who was lost for words snapped out of confusion and kicked Heros in the ribs so hard they cracked. Tiso sunk his sabre into Heros and Heme fell on the floor crying.


"This is your fault, your the sith ain't you!" shouted Heme.


"What?" Tiso said shocked. "I didn't want this to happen!"


Heme got up and walked over to the wall and with great strenght pulled out his sabre and lunged as Tiso and burned him.



Tiso fell to the floor in pain and Heme ran far away. Away from the temple and away from all jedi. All and Tiso was no exception.

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Well since you read my Fic, I'd thought I'd read yours. Anyway, I didn't read much, but looking at the first Chapter, it seemed that there was too much dialogue and there wasn't much description, if in fact none. Luckily, I noticed later Chapters improved over the course of writing this Fic, but it needs some work. Now for good comments, I feel that with some editing, this Fic can improve and it does have a good plot about it. I shall try reading it properly some time, if I'm not lazy, like I normally am. Good luck Aida and I agree that this is your best Fic so far.

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Chapter 14

The Final Reckoning




"Why do you have to go?" asked his friend Siya.

"He's gone mad" replied Tiso.

"Then let him go mad!" shouted Siya.

"He's a threat to the Council and the New Rubublic he want's to know who killed his father" said Tiso more quietly.

"What about Ken he told you not to go after him!" she exclaimed.


"Then that's a risk I must take" he said boarding his ship.

"You can't leave!" she shouted.


"Because, I love you" she said.


Tiso's jaw dropped.

"You love me?"

"I always have and always will!"

"I love you too and WILL return."

"Are you going to kill him?" she asked.

"I hope not the force will decide."


He jumped into the ship and kissed her on the lips.

"Please return the council needs you!"

"I will, don't worry Siya" he said.


He flew off with tears pouring down Siya's face.


"I love you!"


Tiso had set off for the sith temple where Heme had ran off to. Just one hour ago all the jedi set or the temple in jedi starfighters to bomb the temple's cloning facility and kill each one of them. Tiso and Heme were not allowed to go but Tiso had ti stop Heme and might even have to kill him.


The sith temple was on Vero in a very, very large opening of trees. Tiso was flying over but he saw a blue lightsabre come towards the front window and it smashed through messing up the controls. Tiso looked down and saw the attack was by Heme. Tiso then noticed he could not control his shio and it was going down and was going to hit the facility. He opened the door and jumped out seconds before his fighter caused mass destruction on the facility. He hit the floor hard and looked up. There had been water in large silos and they poured out smaking the ground and making a flood. Glass was shattered everywhere and many dead sith clones lay trampled on the floor.


He then looked away from the damage and saw Heme standing a good distance away from him.


"Leave me alone!" he shouted in fury and he entered the main doors of the temple. A jedi starfighter flew over Tiso and fired some shots at one remaining silo. Then the water shot out like a hose and knocked Tiso over.


Two jedi walked up to Tiso and gave him a hand up.


"Are you not a bit young to be here mate?" asked one hairy jedi.


"I did not mean to come here, I have a private job to do" Tiso replied shaking the water of his hair.


"Whatever you say" the man replied and he ran and force jumped onto some high rubble near Tiso's destruction.


Heme was probably far ahead of him now and he had no chance of catching up with him unless he made some sort of distraction. Still Heme could be anywhere because this sith temple was the size of a really big city. Tiso's damage was only a small part of the temple it happened to be where the water was kept. He had to move on and he could only catch up by force running and he had to be careful not to bang into anything unfriendly.


He ran really fast down one large hall the force guiding him. Then he made a sharp turn slipping and banging his head hard. He got up still dripping from the odd happenings earlier and this time walked. There were a lot of doors with numbers and names for example the door nearest to him said.


"246, Sith Commander 4001." Thois was probably where the siths small rooms where and their were many doors so they were likley to have small rooms.


One door opened and Tiso jumped back in fright and ignited his blue lightsabre. The enemy sith clone did the same and swung for Tiso's head. He ducked and headbutted the enemy in the stomach and force pushed him at the wall knocking him out. He did not want to kill him but he had to or this guy would blab to the other sith. Tiso sunk his sabre into the clone's chest and walked on.


He could still sense that Hene was far ahead and he could hear battles raging on. It was clear what Heme was up to he was hear to kill the last and original sith. Tiso had forgotten his name now so had Heme but they had seen pictures of him and he was easy to recognise but some of the sith looked like him but their senses could establish who was real and who was a clone.The clones still were no where near as powerful as they needed training up. The first batch were strong and used only when urgently needed.


The ceiling and then rumbled and cracked and then fell down just infront of Tiso and it blocked his way. He tried to use the force to move it off but it was too hard. So he used his sabre and slowly cut away the pieces making his way through. He could hear the battle rage on sith and jedi fighters alike falling down to death. He was getting closer to Heme but how did Heme know where this original sith was? He could be in battle far all they knew. Heme somehow knew so Tiso just had to follow his senses.


Then there were two staircases leading different ways. They were very twisty quite scary infact as they had the patterns of snakes on them. Tiso ignored this and took the staircase on the right as this is where he though Heme was. There were not many sith around as all which were not being healed, trained or cloned, which was what eighty five percent of them were doing were out at battle.


So Tiso could feel Heme was now in the same hall as him and he walked up and saw two grand halls with a large hole in it clearly cut by a sabre. He peeked through and he could see two sabres red and blue engaged in a battle. It was Heme and the orignal sith.


Heme was losing struggling to win but then he used a large force explosion wiping the sith out knocking him onto the floor and Heme cut his neck so that his head rolled off. Tiso was sick at the sight.


Tiso crawled through the hole and Heme spat on the ground at the sight of him.


"If you can't beat them, join them" Hene said plunging his sabre into the wall like a while ago so it was stuck. Heme then picked the red one up and ignited it.


"You may not be a sith but I am, they are so impressive with what they've done to the jedi so I would like to be just as powerful and your not getting in my way!


"You will try" Tiso replied igniting his sabre and he swung at Heme's feet instantly burning him.


"Come on Heme, you can do better than this can't you?" Tiso mocked.


So Heme plunged at Tiso who made a good block and then counterswing skimming Heme's arm.


"This is a bit easy isn't it?" Tiso laughed.


Heme was in quite a bit of pain. Tiso notcied a large cut on his forehead which was bleeding heavily. Probably from the sith Tiso thought just then blocking a attack.


For five minute he stayed with defence tiring Heme out and then he swung at Heme with a overpowerful attack which he just blocked and they made a lock. Then Tiso was more strong and slowly pushed the red sabre towards Heme's face. Heme then ducked and moved away and put his sabre behind his back and ran forward just about to swing it down but Tiso had flung his lightsabre in his heart and Heme gagged and dropped his new sabre instantly switching off.


A jedi came along and said.


"Impressive fight er i'm planting the mega charge so you need to get out of here!"


He ran out the main doors and jumped in a fighter with his new friend and all the other jedi fighters flew off. Tiso looked back and there was a super explosion big enough that it hit the whole temple and slowly it burned and burned raising smoke into the sky. Tiso had lost a friend and done so many things without Master Ken's help.


One month later


"Tiso we'd like you to be the Grand Master for the temple" said some jedi.


"I'm too young!" he explained.


"We can afford to break the rules for once" he replied.



Hope you enjoyed it and look out for Star Wars: In A World of Darkness 2.

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