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Guest Dr._Threepwood

no I don't think he was trying to spam here. He probably just wanted to post a topic that could get personal coveration.


Though it is spamminf if you don't show importance in a topic.





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<center>It’s Tuesday, and I’ll have my coffee Black</center>


_____In a way I guess we should have seen this coming, a day when everything stops, and lives are changed forever. This past year and even in 1928, the warnings of an economic disaster were sighted, and even heeded by some of the Wall Street Elite, but the majority of the population went on with their lives as if nothing would, nothing could, ever happen to them. It seems clear that everyone involved in the speculative boom of the last year or so knew that eventually stocks would drop. Who cares though? At the moment, we were in the business of making money. When the bulls were running, stampeding and even trampling some, all it did was create a cloud that covered our eyes and blurred our vision of what was to come: The crash.


_____The year 1929 started out with a feeling that good times would last forever. Everyone was singing “nothing but blue skies from now on” in light of the new era they had supposedly entered. The stock market was the wave of the future, and without much more work then it takes to get out of bed people were becoming rich. Everyone wanted a piece of the action, but few could pay to play this expensive game of roulette. The answer? Buying on margin, with only $1000 you could buy $10000 of your favorite stock, and worry about paying it back later. This idea of “buy now and pay later” was amazingly appealing to those who had never had a chance to own stock before. And that is just what they did, in vast amounts, not knowing that one day it may all turn on them.


_____The stock market became nothing more than a game of follow the leader. Rich stock holders and owners of businesses would manipulate the value of stock, falsely inflating its value above what it truly was worth, and this caused the market to become unstable. More than once the market looked as if it were going to bottom out, but just as that happened stocks were manipulated even more to create a fake sense of security and to calm the panic. This could only go on for so long without tragic consequences. In late March 1929, just after the inauguration of Herbert Hoover, the Federal Reserve Board met every day behind closed doors. There was no doubt heavy discussion about the market and the national economy was the topic of conversation. The first of many 'mini' crashes and recoveries began on Monday, March 25, 1929. As a result, for the next six months, it was probably a nervous market. October was approaching quickly.


_____The summer was not bad, it was actually calming. It resembled some of the good old days of optimism and endless prosperity, And even though there still was an air of nervousness, the market appeared to be stable. It was on September 3, right after the holiday, that a bear market became firmly established. The roller coaster was on its final descent. Last week there was a true panic, many rich people became poor and many poor people became poorer in a single day. That day was yesterday, and it was the blackest of all. I do not want to begin to think about how this is going to affect our nation, but as the masses shrug it off, I will be preparing for the worst, and I suggest that you do the same.



just pulled this out from an old assignment. fun eh? smile.gif




~What could this be, too much MTV? Chalk another fad up for its fall into infamy.

What is in a standard if it changes all the time? You’re still having trouble in defining your own kind.-Kling

~Stop pretending that you don't want me.


[This message has been edited by newfoundgloryboy (edited May 02, 2001).]


[This message has been edited by newfoundgloryboy (edited May 02, 2001).]

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I think the monkey is very annoying and he is just spamming so he can become a threeheaded monkey which is pointless because it comes with no added benefits whatsoever.


Also, he should stop blaming things he does on his age.


(You did say anything)




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OK- here's my first Jerry Springer story, it's kinda crap coz it doesn't have any *Beeep**Beeeeeep* in it and the violence isn't as good as I wanted it to be, but oh well frown.gif


BTW- I hope this doesn't offend those who are in the story, it's not how I see you guys, but when I started writing it, I was taking into account the "If you could date anyone..." topic, so yeah... biggrin.gif Depending on the reaction, I'm gonna write a few other stories


So it's really gay, but yeah...



Jerry- Good evening guests and welcome to tonights show. Tonight we have a rather different story for you all. Believe it or not, this story began on the Internet, with the question "If you could date anyone on the forum, who would it be and why?" Well believe it or not, this topic has brought out some issues and feelings, that need to be resolved. First of all, lets meet NiKo


Jerry- Welcome to the show NiKo, I understand you have a few things you want to say today?

NiKo- Yes I do, you see, I really like Frenchy, who is NFGB's girlfriend, and she likes me, and we're both here today to tell him that we're gonna be together

*Crowd Boos*

Jerry- Let's bring him out shall we? NFGB come on out!

*NFGB walks on stage and sits beside NiKo*

*Audience applause*

Jerry- Welcome to the show NFGB, NiKo? I understand you have something you want to tell NFGB?

*NiKo turns to NFGB*

NiKo- Well, I know you like Frenchy and everything, but I'm here to tell you that we've secretly been having an affair

*Everyone gasps*

*NFGB stares at NiKo in shock*

NFGB- I don't believe it, we were together just last night, we were telling each other last night how much we loved each other and how we wanted to spend the rest of our lives together

NiKo- Believe it pal, she's mine now *smirks*

Jerry- Let's bring out Frenchy- Frenchy, come on out!

*Frenchy walks on stage and kisses NiKo passionatly infront of NFGB*

*NFGB stands up and attempts to bash the hell out of NiKo, but is caught by the gaurds Murta and Brief*

*Frenchy looking at NFGB*

Frenchy- Calm down baby, you knew it wasn't going to last, you're just too... well punky for me, I never really did like punk music and I only listened to it to make you happy, but I've had enough, I'm moving on, and I'm staying with NiKo.

Jerry- Frenchy? NiKo has something he wants to say to you...

NiKo- I don't it's not important, I'm with Frenchy that's all that matters

Jerry- Well if you won't tell her than I will

Frenchy- NiKo sweety? Tell me what?

*NiKo takes a deep breath and turns to Frenchy*

NiKo- Well, I haven't been exactly honest, I love you I really do, but I've ummmmmm *pauses and takes a deep breath

*Frenchy looks at NiKo worridly*

Frenchy- It's ok baby, you can tell me

NiKo- well, I've been seeing Storken behind your back

*Frenchy slaps NiKo accross the face*

Frenchy- How could you? I thought you loved me and this is how you treat me? By seeing someone behind my back?!

NiKo- well it wasn't my fault, you claimed to love me and yet you were still with NFGB, if you really loved me then you wouldn't have stayed with him for so long

Frenchy- Don't try and turn the blame on me you jerk, you're in control of your own actions, if you loved me you wouldn't have cheated on me!

NiKo- And if you had loved me then you wouldn't have stayed with NFGB, you kept saying you were gonna tell him it's over but you never did

NFGB- Hey listen pal, she didn't tell me it was over coz deep down she still loves me

*NiKo stands up and stands over NFGB and Frenchy*

NiKo- Shut up NFGB, you know it's your fault anyway...

*NFGB standing up*

NFGB- how the hell is it my fault?

NiKo- it is your fault, you tried to brainwash her with that pathetic stupid punk music

*NFGB punches NiKo in the face and NiKo returns the punch before Murta and Brief can get on stage to seperate both NFGB and NiKo*


Jerry- Ok, sit down take a few deep breaths everyone, do you all want to meet Storken?

Audience- YES!!!!!!!!!!

Jerry- OK Storken, come on out.

*Storken walks on stage and high-5's NFGB and turns to NiKo*

Storken- I can't believe how you were sucked in so easilly, did you really think I was interested in you that way? Of course I wasn't, I was only doing what NFGB paid me to do

NiKo- Paid you? *stands up and faces Storken*

Storken- Yeah he paid me to be with you, coz he knew that if Frenchy ever found out it would be over for you and her.

*NiKo punches Storken right in the nose*


*Frenchy turning to NFGB*


*Frenchy slaps NFGB across the face*

NFGB- Face it baby, you're just the same as me now, you live and breath punk music, we're destined to be together

*Meanwhile NiKo and Storken are bashing each other up in the corner while Brief and Murta try to seperate them*


Audience- Jerry Jerry Jerry Jerry Jerry

Jerry- OK people, can we sit down and talk this through?

*Everyone grabs their chair and sits on oppisite sides of the stage*

Frenchy- Forget it, I want nothing to do with NiKo or NFGB, if NiKo loved me as much as he said he did he would never have gotten with Storken

Jerry- so it's over for you and NiKo then is it Frenchy?

Frenchy- Hell yeah, I want nothing to do with either of these guys anymore, it's over

Storken- I've got something I need to tell NiKo...

NiKo- Save it, I don't wanna hear it

Storken- I need to say it NiKo, please?

Jerry- Go on Storken...

Storken, This whole thing may have been a setup, but while we were together, I did start to develope feelings for you, I don't care about the money, I care about you NiKo, and I want us to be together

NiKo- You mean that really? You're not lying to me?

Storken- Never

NiKo- Oh Storken I care about you too!


NFGB- You 2 make me sick, you're on national television and you're basically making out, geeez you 2 get a friggen room

Storken- Listen pal, just coz you lost, doesn't make it my fault

NFGB- Yeah it does, you betrayed me

Storken- You only betrayed yourself, and now you've gotten what you deserve, Frenchy doesn't deserve you, she's way too good for you

NFGB- Yeah whatever, I'll get my revenge on you even if it's the last thing I do

NiKo- Whatever, go home and listen to your crappy punk music

Jerry- We'll be right back after the break!

Audience- Jerry Jerry Jerry Jerry





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Yeah, well NiKo didn't wanna be gay so I changed it to make him happy but then changed it back biggrin.gif but it was origionally gonna be NiKo and NFGB having the affair LOL, but NiKo said no coz he didn't like that idea (Don't know why LOL)


Next story involves Dr Threepwood, Trevor and Jonathan Carter, but if anyone else has an idea lemme know, coz I swear it's funny writing these scripts biggrin.gif





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OK, next Jerry Springer story biggrin.gif The thing is I... nevermind, tell me what you think of it first


You know, Threepy would scare me if he was like this frown.gif



Jerry- Goodevening everyone, today we are talking to people who are concerned for their love ones who are being stalked by what they claim to be sick and twisted individuals and have come here today to resolve these issues. First of all, lets meet Dr Threepwood who is here because he is concerned about Trevor who has been threatened by Jonathan Carter, who hates Trevor for some reason and wants to kill him. Dr Threepwood come on out!

(audience applause as Dr Threepwood walks on stage)

Jerry- Welcome Dr Threepwood, please tell us why you are here today?

Dt Threepwood- Well, my friend Trevor has been threatened by some mainiac who wants to kill him, I'm so worried, it's scaring me, I've told him to *beep* off and leave me and Trevor alone, but he just doesn't get it so I'm here today to tell him he doesn't scare me, and I'm gonna put an end to it in a fight to the death.

Jerry- You sound pretty serious, so you're prepared to have a deathmatch right here on stage are you?

Dr Threepwood- You *beep*ing bet I am, he's gonna go down for wanting to kill Trevor

Jerry- Well before we meet Jonathan, lets meet Trevor to see what he has to say about the situation, Trevor come on out

(Trevor bounds onto the stage and runs over to Jerry giving him big furry sloppy doggy kisses)


(Trevor bounds over to Dr Treepwood and jumps into his lap)

Jerry- That's Trevor?! I thought Trevor was a person!

Dr Threepwood- No Trevor is my dog and that *beep* wants to kill my dog and I'm not going to let it happen

Trevor- Woof Woof

(Jerry sighs, obviously confused by the fact that Trevor is a dog)

Jerry- Lets bring Jonathan Carter out!

(Audience boos as Jonathan walks on stage)

Jerry- Welcome to the show Jonathan

Jonathan- Yeah whatever ya *beep* reckon, I'm only here so I can kill Trevor on national television

Dr Threepwood- Whatever you reckon *beep* you're *beep* going down.

(Meanwhile Trevor has walked over to a plant in the corner and has decided to give it a watering)

Jonathan- Whatever you reckon, I could kick your *beep* any *beep* day!

(Dr Treepwood smacks Jonathan Carter square in the jaw with a right hook punch)

Jonathan- *beep* *beep* *beep* *beep* you're going down, and once I've gotten you out of the way, then Trevor is going down

Dr Threepwood- Come and get me then, you're nothing but a *beep* beep* beep* *beep* coward, so come on bring it on, come and get me!


Jerry- OK guys sit down for a minute, Dr Threepwood has something he wants to say

(Both Dr Threepwood and Jonathan Carter sit down)

Dr Threepwood- I chalange you to a deathmatch

Jonathan- Ohhhh kinda like celebrity deathmatch? Alright you're on, prepare to die you pathetic *beep* *beep*

Dr Threepwood- Yeah look at me, I'm so scared.

(Brief and Murta move everything off the stage)

(Jonathan picks up Dr Threepwood and throws him across the stage)

(Dr Threepwood gets up and punches Jonathan right in the stomache and he goes flying across the room)

(Dr Threepwood runs across the stage and jumps on him)

(Out of no where Trevor runs up and grabs Jonathan right inbetween his legs and starts playing tug of war)


Jonathan- GET YOUR *beep* *beep* *beep* DOG OFF ME THE STUPID BLOODY GAY FAG

Dr Threepwood- GOOD BOY TREVOR, GOOD DOGGY, YOU'RE GOING DOWN YOU *beep* *beep* *beep* *beep*

(Jonathan pushes Dr Threepwood away and punches him in the face)


(Dr Threepwood returns the punch)

(Jonathan screams as his balls have been ripped off by Trevor)

(Trevor gives the balls to Dr Threepwood who shoves Jonathans balls down his throat)


Jonathan- Mppph Grrrrble Ukfglt Wrrrrrrrnle


Jonathan- Jrrrft Frrrruk vzzzzibift

Dr Threepwood- You're going to die now

(Trevor comes around and bites hard down on Jonathans throat)

Dr Threepwood- I always knew you were gutless, too weak to fight your own battles, you're nothing but a gutless *beep*

(Jonathan Carter slowly begins to stop struggling, due to massive loss of blood and also because he's pinned down by Dr Threepwood and Trevor, finally, he stops moving and it's clear he's dead)

(Dr Threepwood stands up and starts kicking the hell out of the body, just to make sure)

Jerry- Wow, we've never had anything like that on the show before

(Murta and Brief drag the body off stage)

Dr Threepwood- Well now he's learned his lesson, not to mess with me and my dog, anyone who messes with me and my dog are going to pay, isn't that right Trevor?

Trevor- Woof Woof

(Audience screams and goes wild)

Jerry- And we'll be right back after the break

Audience- Jerry Jerry Jerry



[This message has been edited by Natty (edited May 03, 2001).]

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Originally posted by Kid:

I think the monkey is very annoying and he is just spamming so he can become a threeheaded monkey which is pointless because it comes with no added benefits whatsoever.


Also, he should stop blaming things he does on his age.


can someone tell me how to work my sig?


(You did say anything)







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