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KOTOR! Starforge..possible spoiler..i need help


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ok on the star forge, when your character actually comes face to face with Malak, for the first time, then Malak summons numerous droids, how long does that battle go for, or is it constant untill something is destroyed? iv faught for 45 minutes, and nothing had happend, besides lots of xp, and many medipacs being used...what am i missing?

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You have to shut down the computer terminals that are making the droids. If you don't have enough computer spikes, each droid you kill/disable gives you one spike in the corresponding spike bin.


There's also a quick way which I've never tried, and that's to "bash" the door that Malak went through, and simply go on to the final fight.


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There's also a quick way which I've never tried, and that's to "bash" the door that Malak went through, and simply go on to the final fight.

Yup. Imagine my surprise after playing the game for well over 3 months before I caught this little gem in a walkthrough. Major *d'oh!* moment for me. :animelol:


Oh, and it does work. :thumbsup:



The door Malak goes through in that room, just target the door and bash it, then step on through.


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