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Harder Hardcore for KOTOR I


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I like Talchia Hardcore mod but I miss the ability to adopt it to your game-playing skill in similar way that Beancounter Hardcore mod for TSL can be adopted. It would be nice if a little harder version of Talchia Hardcore would be available and perhaps another even harder one (to use it with other mods). The last one should be really insanely hard. :)

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Yeah, I'd really like to see this too, along with improved AI for KotOR1. I'm currently trying (hopefully not completely in vain) to learn how to script in order to make it happen.


I've noticed that Beancounter's mod uses modifiers to determine the buffs instead of just adding attributes when the PC reaches a certain level like Talchia's. From what I can tell, however, Beancounter's mod apparently depends on the "GiveFeat" command, which is a TSL-only feature not present in KotOR1's nwscript, if I'm not mistaken. An alternative method would have to be used, but given my as-yet extremely limited knowledge of scripting, I haven't a clue as to what it would be.

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Perhaps someone could use the same method that Talchia used - adding attributes - but just give your enemies more of them. In this case you would have to make one hardcore mode for every difficult level but the good thing is that you only need to use the same strategy that Talchia used. I would do it myself but I am not good at scripting. Maybe I'll find some time to learn it in the future.

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You are right. I guess it could be done this way too. Although it is not the same because KOTOR I is harder at the begging but it becomes progressively easier as game advances, if you invest in right feats and force powers. This can be easily dealt with the right script but it is harder to correct this with .utc files. There are some class of enemies that you meet on different planets and even if you can edit every individual enemy, you cannot repair this problem completely because game is not linear and you can choose which planets you’ll visit first. But somehow it could be done this way too I guess…


I think it is possible to change difficulty by editing .2da files, which is definitely the easiest way, but this strategy has similar problems as .utc edit. If nobody will do the scripting, I’ll try to combine Talchia’s mod with .2da and perhaps some .utc editing. It might work…

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I've already done this with all of the dark jedi .utc files that I could find, but the problem is that doing so can sometimes mess with scripts that control certain dialogues and cutscenes, so that I'm constantly adding and removing files from override at certain points in the game to prevent this from happening. A solution that involves scripting would be superior, IMO.

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You can use these scripts to add skills, feats, powers and attributes



void main()
GrantFeat( int nFeat, object oCreature );


Force power

void main()
GrantSpell( int nSpell, object oCreature );



nAmount is how many the skills are ajusted,negative values will work.*/

void main()
AdjustCreatureSkills(object oObject, int nSkill, int nAmount);



nAmount is how many points they are adjusted by, negative values will work.*/

void main()
AdjustCreatureAttributes(object oObject, int nAttribute, int nAmount);

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Do you know how to add attributes to enemies depending on PC level? For example you give all enemies certain bonuses when PC reaches level 9 and then greater bonuses when you reach level 12 and so on? Talchia used this method.

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