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[WIP]The Redemption of Yuthura Ban


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I figured I'd post this to give people a taste and get some feedback.


I originally started working on this last year after T7Nowhere first showed us the new models that would become WotoR. I really liked the Yuthura Jedi saber, and thought it would be a bit of a waste not to have her as recruitable (so she could use T7's amazing model herself). Unfortunately T7's mod got delayed, so I stopped working on mine as well (no fault to T7 - I'm just happy to have his amazing work finally in my override).


Anyway, I put my nose to the grindstone earlier this month and I hope to have the mod completed and ready for release in the next month or so.


Yuthura has a new LS skin, and will be recruitable on Dantooine after beating her (and sparing her life obviously) on Korriban. After speaking to her on Dantooine (if you're LS), you will meet her Master Brin Chaal. Master Chaal will encourage her to join you in your struggle against Malak.


Here's a look at a few screenies:


In-game portrait:



Pic of Yuthura in her custom robes


Pic of PC in custom robes


Progress so far


New head skin for LS Yuthura

In-game portrait

Skin, icon, and uti for her custom robes (Yuthura's Redemption Robes)

Skin, icon, and uti for PC robes (Yuthura's Gift - for both M & F. LS only)

Recruit, spawning and dialogue scripts

Script for eliminating interjections from replaced NPC

Additional dialogue for Yuthura

Dialogue for Master Chaal

2da modifications



First test play-through (about 3/4 done) Done!

Lip-synch for added dialogue

New voice-over for added dialogue (not sure about adding this - probably not) (Not happening)

NPC replacement scripts (she currently replaces Canderous, but I think I'll change that to Juhani) Done!

arrange for performing rescue on the Leviathan Done!

Script for joining PC in the temple on Unknown World Done!

Final test play-through Done!

Package mod with stoffe's TSL patcher Done!


I had originally planned to have a side-quest for recruiting her, but unfortunately my scripting skills aren't up to the task. Maybe at some point I'll include it, but not for the initial release.


So, what does everyone think?

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I think this is a great idea and I know lots of people are going to love it. :D


I would use dialogue lines that she already has to talk to her so she has audio. There is plenty to choose from. That's just what I would do.


I would also replace either HK-47 or Juhani since the game is designed where you don't need those two to complete the game. Because there are some cut scenes where certain characters are required and you don't want Yuthura to interfear with it or end up using some like Canderous' voice files for a scene, like crashing on the Unknown World.

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I think this is a great idea and I know lots of people are going to love it. :D




I would use dialogue lines that she already has to talk to her so she has audio. There is plenty to choose from. That's just what I would do.


Yeah, I've done this already for the dialogue when she's in your party. I don't think I'll be adding VO for the recruitment dialogue between the PC, Yuthura and Master Chaal though. I think it'd ruin the "immersion" if I used another voice for Yuthura there.


I would also replace either HK-47 or Juhani since the game is designed where you don't need those two to complete the game. Because there are some cut scenes where certain characters are required and you don't want Yuthura to interfear with it or end up using some like Canderous' voice files for a scene, like crashing on the Unknown World.


I agree. I originally thought anyone would be fine, until I got to the Leviathan on my playtest. Having Canderous coordinating the escape when he's no longer in the party is a bit annoying. Changing the script to replace Juhani instead isn't a big deal. It would have been nice to offer an option of who to replace, but having Yuthura speak in another NPC's voice sort of ruins the convenience IMO.

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I agree. I originally thought anyone would be fine, until I got to the Leviathan on my playtest. Having Canderous coordinating the escape when he's no longer in the party is a bit annoying. Changing the script to replace Juhani instead isn't a big deal. It would have been nice to offer an option of who to replace, but having Yuthura speak in another NPC's voice sort of ruins the convenience IMO.


This will also happen for juhani, when your on the unknown world, juhani and jolee both try to stop you going in there alone, so, hmmm, hard choice.

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This will also happen for juhani, when your on the unknown world, juhani and jolee both try to stop you going in there alone, so, hmmm, hard choice.
If you don't have Juhani, Jolee will say lines that Juhani would have if she was there. You don't need Juhani.
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This will also happen for juhani, when your on the unknown world, juhani and jolee both try to stop you going in there alone, so, hmmm, hard choice.


That's true, but there's a script attached to that cutscene that checks if Juhani is still alive. It should be possible to modify it so that Yuthura goes to the temple, but Juhani's dialogue doesn't fire.


I haven't gotten that far in my playtest, but I'll experiment with the scripts when I do.


@Darth InSidious: I'd love to have them. I'll PM you my email addy.

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Sounds like a great mod, but unfortunately it is going to conflict with one I have been working on myself. For those of you who haven't read the thread dealing with "Walk-up Animations," I planned to have Yuthura give you one or both of her lightsabers on Dantooine depending on what dialogue options you choose in conversation with her. I am also going to replace her Sith uniform to something more appropriate for the setting. I guess when I am done people can choose which mod to use based on whether or not they want to recruit her.

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You know ... that looks like a great mod you are working on there! :thumbs1:


I definitely like the way you're implementing this; meeting her old master who then encourages her to help you in your mission, additional dialogue with Yuthura (cut content, if I understood that correctly?), and especially: finally getting her to change out of that Sith uniform! ;) Okay, okay, that's more a welcome detail than anything else - though I really have to admit that I like the look of the two robes you gave us screenshots for! :) (Though, her Redemption Robes seem a bit ... dark ... maybe ... for a redemption to the Light Side? Not that that really bothers me, it was more of an observation. ;))


What I'm a bit more unsure about is her lightside skin - not the idea of giving her one, that I definitely agree with, but rather the "de-purplification" of her ... Mind you, it looks very well done, judging from the two screenshots! But from my understanding, it would be strange for a Twi'lek to change her skin tone ... maybe (maybe!) a removal of the (Sith?) tattoos while keeping her skin tone would be a better alternative? *scratches head* Mind you, I am not sure about that, it was just an idea. It might very well be that a removal of the tattoos might result in an unwelcome "de-yuthurazation" of her! :eyeraise:


... Just a thought. :)



I would also replace either HK-47 or Juhani since the game is designed where you don't need those two to complete the game.

I absolutely agree with that! Juhani may be the best choice there, as Yuthura and Juhani do have certain basic similarities, as far as background and talents are concerned. (Both Jedi, both recover from a walk on the Dark Side ...) I have no idea whether that would be doable, but maybe you could even get Yuthura to help you stay strong on the temple roof on the Unknown World? (Or at least support Jolee there? Maybe you can scavenge a bit of her voiced dialogue for that, and be it only parts of her recital of the Jedi Code on Dantooine ...)



I don't think I'll be adding VO for the recruitment dialogue between the PC, Yuthura and Master Chaal though. I think it'd ruin the "immersion" if I used another voice for Yuthura there.

Here, too, I agree. Especially considering that Yuthura has a great, engaging voice! If you don't get someone with a very similar voice to do her VO, you're probably really better off leaving her voiceless for that dialogue.



Good luck with the mod! I'm already eager to play it! :D


Korto Vos

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Though, her Redemption Robes seem a bit ... dark ... maybe ... for a redemption to the Light Side? Not that that really bothers me, it was more of an observation. ;)


Yeah, they are a bit dark I guess. Although when you're doing re-skins, you're limited by what looks good in-game. I experimented a bit with brown robes, but they just didn't look very good on Yuthura. Once I decided on the royal purple colour for the tunic, I was limited by what looked good with that - pretty much the only colours that do are black and grey.


What I'm a bit more unsure about is her lightside skin - not the idea of giving her one, that I definitely agree with, but rather the "de-purplification" of her ... Mind you, it looks very well done, judging from the two screenshots! But from my understanding, it would be strange for a Twi'lek to change her skin tone ... maybe (maybe!) a removal of the (Sith?) tattoos while keeping her skin tone would be a better alternative? *scratches head* Mind you, I am not sure about that, it was just an idea. It might very well be that a removal of the tattoos might result in an unwelcome "de-yuthurazation" of her! :eyeraise:


... Just a thought. :)


I'm not sure what you mean by "de-purplification". If you look closely at her on Korriban, you'll see that her skin is actually grey, with hints of DS corruption - very much like the DS transition skins for PC's. Here's what her Korriban skin looks like:




All I did was reskin her face to get rid of the DS, and changed her makeup and lipstick. Her purple headtails are exactly the same as before. I used "twilek_f03" and "twilek_f04" as references when doing the reskin. If you check these out in KotOR tool, you'll see that although their headtails are coloured green and blue respectively, they both have (sort of) caucasian faces. I'm generally happy with the reskin, although she does look a little pasty in strong light. :D



Good luck with the mod! I'm already eager to play it! :D


Korto Vos





That sounds like a great idea. I'll definitely check out the clothes. It might be a bit of a hassle doing the underwear though - I'd have to recolour all of the flesh tones to match her new skin.

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I'm not sure what you mean by "de-purplification". If you look closely at her on Korriban, you'll see that her skin is actually grey, with hints of DS corruption - very much like the DS transition skins for PC's. [...]

Yikes, you're right! For some strange reason, I had "archived" her as purple-skinned; must have been the lekku, the tattoos, and probably the eyes making so strong an impression that I didn't really pay attention to the actual facial skin ... Whoops.


But looking at the two screenshots in your first post, the skin still seems to have a definitely different hue ... Hmm, maybe that's just a trick of the light or something. (I especially don't remember how her skin looked like in Dantooine's sunlight, so I might be easily wrong.)


And if you're happy with the reskin, that's great! :) I'll just trust your judgement then and wait until I see it ingame! ;)



Korto Vos

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A little update.


The scripting for the mod is done. Yuthura will now replace Juhani. All instances where Juhani would normally speak (or otherwise interact) should be eliminated pending a final playthrough. Juhani will return to the Enclave gardens just as if she never joined, and her entry in the quest list will be removed. Additionally, I've inserted a conditional script and some dialogue so that Yuthura can rescue the party on the Leviathan - I'm still not sure if that will work properly, but it should be OK. I'll see in the next few days when I'm able to get that far. She should also replace Juhani at the Temple on the Unknown World, but Jolee will be the only one with dialogue.


Some good news as well - I've received permission from T7nowhere to use his amazing Yuthura saber models. She'll come equipped with them when she joins. I've changed the names and tags so they will be completely compatible with T7's WotOR mod (they'll essentially be different items). I've also done a slight reskin on her Sith saber and replaced the crystal with a green one. There will be a back-story explaining this in the description of the saber.


Hopefully, the only things left to do are a final playthrough and then packaging the mod with stoffe's TSLPatcher.


Here's a screenie of Yuthura with her custom lightsabers:




But looking at the two screenshots in your first post, the skin still seems to have a definitely different hue ... Hmm, maybe that's just a trick of the light or something. (I especially don't remember how her skin looked like in Dantooine's sunlight, so I might be easily wrong.)


Korto Vos


Yeah, I did change the grey skintone. Like I said, my take on it was that it was a result of DS corruption rather than being her natural coloration. She's closer to "caucasian" in the mod.

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Well, the robe colours are actually for the two custom robes that will be included with the mod (Yuthura's, and ones that she gives to you). I haven't done any other colours, although I guess it wouldn't be a big deal.


The Bastila skin is one I did myself after seeing something very similar in T7nowhere's WIP gallery (http://gallery97455.fotopic.net/c282048.html). T7 said in another thread that svösh had done the one that he had, but hadn't released it.


It's a reskin of svösh's "good/evil Bastila clothes" (which was later made into another mod by ChAiNz.2da IIRC - Bastila's Revelation Robes). The original colour is teal, but I liked the dark brown in T7's screenshot better, so I reskinned it.

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I think that this is a great idea. Is there a way to allow for choosing an NPC? I mean, it'd be difficult to replace T3, who, after Taris, is pretty much useless. However, I do happen to like Juhani. Replacing Carth or Bastilla would ruin the storyline. Replacing Canderous would be confusing in certain spots. I like having Mission around, although she's got a pretty bit part, and then there's Zalbar. If given an actual choice, I would say either Zalbar or T3 should get replaced, but that's just me. Anywho, keep up the good work!

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It's actually not a big deal to offer a choice of who to replace, but I elected not to do it that way for a couple of reasons.


I want the addition of Yuthura to be as seamless as possible, so having her replace Juhani is the best way to accomplish this. Having Yuthura speak in another voice during cut-scenes and such is something I really want to avoid - it really ruins the player's immersion in the game IMO.


In order to accomplish the seamless feel that I want and still offer a choice of who she replaces, I would have to do quite a bit more scripting and modify a lot of dialogue files (making the dialogue conditional depending on who she replaced). More effort than it's worth IMO.


Since Juhani and HK-47 are the only characters who are not required by the plot, it comes down to replacing one of them. And having her replace Juhani is the easiest way to have Yuhtura come along to the temple on the Unknown World, so that pretty much settled it (and the fact that HK-47 is liked a lot more I think).

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