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bug/help in MI 1 (please)

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I've come to your forum because I am having a huge dilemma with Secret of Monkey Island. I am on Part 3. I have given the monkey 5 bananas and it began to follow me. Unfortunately, instead of going to the Monkey Head with it (which, according to hints, is what I should have done, I decided to take it on a boat ride with me.


Now, the monkey is stuck in the water next to the beach at the very south of the island. No matter how many times I take my raft over to it, or enter and leave the beach or jungle, it will NOT follow me. It remains in the water. I have gone into the water to attempt to "retrieve it" many times.


Please help me because I am going crazy. Thanks in advance to anyone who is kind enough to offer a solution :)

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Being the only other person on here tonight it would appear the only advice I can offer is to go back to the last saved game. Don't know if its an option but I doubt you'd get patches etc for such an old game.

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