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[AUshortie]Star Wars:Once Slave, Now Emperor

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Once Slave, Now Emperor


Kyp Durron flew the Sun Crusher toward the Black Hole in the Maw Installation ready to destroy it. He was ashamed of his actions when he destroyed Carida and the Cauldron Nebula but now he was having second thoughts.


There were imperials there, they deserved to die, Kyp thought. He was about to deny his thought when a voice entered his head.


“I’m still here Kyp,” The voice of Exar Kun said. “Dying but here.”


“You tricked me,” Kyp told him in discuss.


“No I told you to do what you wanted, the imperials gone for good. You believed there government was corrupt, evil. You were right, but now you’ve started to believe the Republic is corrupt to. And you are right.”


“Then what should I do blow up Coruscant, Yavin 4 and every other Republic capital? Start a new government? What?”


“Do both you have said, create the Sith Empire, one ruled by one man, you. No senate, no politics, just you.”


Kyp considered. Then wiped the voice of Kun from his head. He reached over to the firing panel and launched a torpedo into the Kessel system. He heard the screams over the com as he jumped to hyperspace.


Luke Skywalker, Chewbacca, Wedge, and other Republic Generals and soldiers were dead. Kyp Durron had killed them all with one torpedo. A torpedo that could destroy a whole Solar system, and he had fired it. And now another torpedo was about to hit Coruscant and another at Yavin 4. Kyp Durron will create a new government from scratch, the new Sith Empire.


When Kyp arrived at Coruscant he found and entire Republic fleet waiting for him.


Kyp laughed over the com after he heard Han Solo’s voice saying “Hey Buddy.”


“Why so happy, Han? Grim News for you: The Falcon’s gone along with Luke and Chewbacca.”


“You no good bloody-” Han started.


“Han,” Leia’s voice came over on the com. “It’s a trick he’s firing a torpedo at Coruscant. Get a tracker lock on it! Now!”


Blaster fire emerged from the Sun Crusher damaging the Tracker beam emitter. Kyp felt Han’s disappointment and Leia’s sorrow. Then he grinned, time for Yavin 4.





Han Solo sat amazed at all the loss the Republic had been given today. It had been rebuilt for only 6 years now, and today or tomorrow it will be torn down forever. Kyp will bring back a Sith Empire; destroy the remains of the Republic and the Galactic Empire for good. If only he knew a weakness of the Sun Crusher, but all the information had been destroyed in the explosion of the Maw and Kessel. No it hadn’t. Tarkin, he knew about the Sun Crusher. Han jerked up and reset his hyperspace coordination for the remains of the Death Star, at Yavin 4.


The ship Han was in came out of hyperspace right when flames burst out from Yavin 4. Han saw the Sun Crusher zoom past him jumping to hyperspace. Han had a second to curse himself. Of course Kyp would choose Yavin as his next target, it is the jedi base. Now he had killed himself and Leia.




Kyp Durron sat on the thrown of Lehon the capital of the New Sith Empire. It had been 10 years since the Republic’s grand defeat. And he was sure it would never rise again.

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