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Swoop Race Question

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I can't figure out how to move up and down.... It says in manual that w and s are up and down for the PC controls, but they don't move it up and down for me? I know space and right mouse are to jump and those work, but then when the race starts I'm high up and just end up crashing into stuff high in the air and can't go down....

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I've actually always used the left mouse button to move forward. The only thing on the keyboard I use for swoopracing is A and D for steering, and even with that, I sometimes move the mouse left or right.


But anyway, about staying up in the air, it's a glitch. Do you have the most recent patch? If not, I'm pretty sure it will be fixed once you download it.

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Ah, I see, alright. I thought there was a key to make you go up or down, because it always starts high and I can't hit anything but walls up there lol. I will see if there's a newer patch to fix it.


Edit: I updated to patch 1.0b but it still starts with my swoop up in the air even though the patch says it fixes that issue... I have to hit sideways into something to get it to come down :(

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you don't need to do anything to increase speed - you just need to "switch gear" when possible and steer left or right. I hardly ever use the keyboard during the swoop races, because you can't make sharp turns with them. Most people (on the pc version) probably disagree with that, though, since using the mouse is terrible. But I use a trackball, and so it's no problem at all :D

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