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[K1 Request] Clone ARC Trooper


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it would probably be easier to do in TSL since there are already armors with the half skirt thing (butt flap) but the shoulder pad thing would be hard to do. there already is a nice mod by prime for K1 and tsl that adds clone troopers but just plain ones with a few different colors.


if no one else wants this i can attempt at a reskin for tsl granted ill have to get ahold of prime for his clone trooper helm and some textures for it. but as i stated i dont think theres any models in K1 to use.

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Yea your right there isnt really any armors that match well in K1, the only reason I asked for K1 in the first place is I happened to lose my TSL discs when I moved. :cry8:


For the shoulder pad, granted im no modeler by a longshot, but couldnt that be modeled in fairly quickly using the same properties the skirt peice uses?


Also, once again im not a modeler, but couldnt the skirt peice be taken off one model and simply attached to another model thats K1? Or would that be considered porting?

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im not sure if its porting or not im no modeler.

well i did a quick one i just got home from college and it turned out allright but its for TSL and before i would be able to release it i need to here back from prime b/c i used some of his textures. here it is doesnt include helmet and it just replaces the Zeison Sha warrior armor. :headbump but i couldnt get the knee caps to look right so i left them white.

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oh i thought you meant taking the skirt from tsl and attach it to a model in k1 sorry my mistake glad you like it. ill post it for download as soon as i hear back from Prime


Oh lol that IS what i meant.

and it turned out allright but its for TSL

Sry if im incorrect but im under the assumption what you did is for TSL. But by all means if you can attach the skirt to a K1 model that would be fantastic. :nod:

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packaged and waiting on prime.


Arc Trooper A-17's Armor


A-17 was part of the first batch of clones trained by the Kaminoans to be independent. This specialized class of clones were known as Advanced Recon Commandos or ARC Troopers. They were trained personally by Jango Fett himself. The ARC Troopers were untested in battle, however, he and other ARC Troopers were deployed by the Kaminoans to defend Tipoca City against Separatist forces in The Battle of Kamino. He was then sent to defend the Naboo moon of Ohma D'un in The Second Battle of Naboo alongside Obi-Wan Kenobi.


attribute bonus= constitution +2

attribute bonus=dexterity +4

Defense bonus=3


Gender restriction=Male

improved saving throws= fortitude melee 1

custom icon


i did some research b/c i was having trouble finding more pictures of the specific clone and found out about A-17


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yeah it all right ill probably be able to post it tomorrow(hopefully)

finished the readme and all the files are sitting a .rar file

p.s. you will still need to download prime's Clone trooper mod on his website for the helm i just used some of his textures like the chest and the back slightly modified and the rest is mine.(when you get you TSL)

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alright Prime gave the go ahead so in about 2hours ill be posting it on http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/ and if it will let me on pcgamemods (but the later one may fall through since noone knows how long itll stay up this time). so ill post the link in here and in the TUCE so have fun until then



alright ive sent it to kotorfiles and it is being processed now i guess

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