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[FIC]Kreia : The Beggining

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Kreia the manipulative old scowl. Betrayed so many times in her life. She became Traya one that holds the knowledge of betrayal. Who has been betrayed in their heart, and will betray in turn...


The Prologue


I fall down the pain hitting me like a tidal wave I look up at Sion’s scarred face smirking at me he grabs my face and throws me across the floor my head smashing against the wall I become dazed. I had been careless.


But all things happen for a reason just like why I had searched out for the exile the perfect tools for the perfect plan of revenge…


Chapter I “ She may have looked good looking one day”



“Do it again” Vrook said as once again the chair I had been trying to levitate fell to the floor. I had been so close then just as it began to lift I lost concentration making it tumble to the floor as well as the data pads around my room which had lifted along with it. It wasn’t hard to lose concentration while upside down. I again began to concentrate on the chair trying to forget about balancing on my hands the chair lifted then began to rise higher and there it was levitating before the data pads and the chair.


“ Well done Vrook” Said in his normal dull unimpressed tone Impressing him is like getting water out of a stone I thought as I began to relax and lower my legs so I could stand.


Brushing a piece of my mousy blonde hair out of my eyes I looked over into the mirror in my room. In the reflection I saw what was always there after a bit of morning exercise my thin figure drenched in sweat wearing my vest and jogging bottoms. My blonde hair held loosely in a pony tail. Some may have called me beautiful. I looked over at my master he smirked at me nodded and turned to leave his long brown hair past his shoulders his strong muscular build he was not like any other master I knew. But then again he had been transferred. Spending his training at Telos everyone had heard of the legendary Consular Vrook and even though the youngest Jedi Master I never knew he would become the oldest Jedi left.


I turned and went into my bathroom removing my clothes I stepped into the shower and turned it on the room becoming almost instantly full of steam I began to wash my delicate figure using the force to manipulate the objects around me as soaped my body up a nearby brush combing through my hair after the shampoo washed out. I stepped out of the shower and dried my self and prepared.


Something would happen today. Vrook had come to me earlier then usual giving news of the council wanting to talk to me. Which was strange what would the council want with a lowly padwan like me? I asked my self as I put my hair into two separate plats then began to dress in my robes. Like padwan robes they were in the standard brown but these had a large hood and a more comfy tunic for underneath. A gift from Vrook.


“ I know how scratchy the tunics are so here you go,” he had said passing her the package on her first day as a padwan. Opening it quickly she looked over the robes and from that day she had liked Vrook. Really liked him.


Stepping out of the bathroom I picked up my lightsaber and opened my dormitory door stepping out into the corridor of the Coruscant academy I had been placed on Vrook an I both bowed smiled and began the short walk to the council chambers.


“You did well this morning it’s the first time you had managed to lift both the chair and the Datapad whiled doing a handstand” Vrook said know he himself couldn’t do it at my level of training. I had got good at moving stuff with the force and had helped many of the other students who along with me were transferred here with levitating items.


“Thanks,” I said looking at Vrook’s body instead of his face. To think I was once so foolish. Jedi are meant to have no such emotions. I told my self then began to watch were I was going.


Soon we reached the elevator and getting in I adjusted my robe quickly I wiped my brow droplets of sweat appearing.


“Don’t worry it will be okay” Vrook said.


The Elevator halted. We both stepped out walking into the chamber I had seen once on my arrival at the academy each of the Jedi Masters sittin in the chair Vrook stood waiting for what was to come.


“ Welcome, young padwan and Master Vrook” Vandar said a short guy his race unknown to all he was one of the kindest and wisest of the Jedi masters I looked upon each of there face each full of wisdom and power. Vandar, Zaabak the wookie, Beriu the Zabrak, Jaima the Twi’lek and Vrook. A council built up of many races and man individual techniques.


“ Forgive me for being impatient masters but why have you called upon me,” I asked Vrook walked towards his chair and sat the youngest out of the Five currently present at the academy they all looked at me as if judging me then finally Jaima the saber master of the academy spoke.


“ We have a mission for you off planet it will be dangerous but due to the skill Vrook says you have shown you should cope fine,” Jaima her face like the other showing no emotion. They hide there feeling from me. I thought looking at each of them then finally I spoke.


“What is it you wish for me to do?” I asked my Would it be exciting, dangerous, boring? I thought to myself I had been on a few small missions during my time on Dantooine taken on trips by my teachers but never by myself .


Vandar nodded at Vrook who began to talk.


“You must travel to the remains of the Ossus academy.” He said a bead of sweat began to run down his face he knew something may not be right he should have told.


“There you will be met by a small group of Jedi we had sent there a couple of months back who you will help in getting to the lower levels and artifact chambers.” Beriu said I bowed.


“Thank you masters I shall live right away,” I said turning I entered the elevator. Not knowing of what awaited on Ossus.

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First of all, it's the "Beginning". You might wanna correct that:) There's quite a lot of mistakes in punctuation and it gets quite confusing when you switch from first person to third person. There's various errors in word choice, for example, Kreia would "leave right away" and not "live right away". If you polish it up (which I hope you do), this could be a really good story. If you find it difficult to proofread (reading the same thing over and over again gets horribly boring...), ask someone to beta read for you.


Do keep writing, and most of all, enjoy yourself!:)

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Thanks for comments I know punctuation are bad and when I get into the flow of typing fast I do make my more mistakes... I need a self punctuating computer and ill be fine. I havn't had anyone check this but this is really only a draft. Still enjoy.


Chapter II: Hunger on Ossus


I walked off of the transport ship and nodded towards the cockpit where the pilot Hiro Rand sat he nodded back and began to take off. Small


“ Ill be back in a few days,” he said over the comlink I waved as the Betty disappeared through the atmosphere and turned to face four figures each dressed in long brown robes there hoods hid each of there faces.


“Welcome “One of them said. Each of them lowered the hoods revealing the faces of four Twi’leks I bowed and finnaly they spoke.


“You must be Kreia the padwan they sent to help with this expedition,” One of them said his skin was a blue colour unlike the others who had the green skin I was accustomed to seeing.


“Master Voos’ava I have heard of your work on other planets it is you who had inspired me to become a Jedi Historian like yourself” I said stepping forwards we began to walk toward the great ruins of the Ossus academy.


As I entered the structure I finnaly got to see what damage age can do to something it was like a old person there skin and face wrinkled, there structure weakened but still full of a life’s worth of wisdom. We began to walk into what seemed to be a centre room it was large and circular room one single beam of light shot through a hole in the roof revealing the yellow sun lit sky.


“ We are getting closer now to the chambers below the structure,” one of the Twi’leks said he pulled out a small holorecorder and played it revealing a map of the great library and showing several blocked off rooms underground.


“ But why is it you need my help what is it I can do for you,” I asked Voos’ava went to talk but was interrupted by the sound of footsteps close by coming from above us. They seemed to be getting closer and as we all looked around aimlessly trying to find it’s source it happened.


One of the Twi’leks looked up at the hole in the ceiling as the room darkened to be met by the outline of a great figure standing above him blocking out the sun light we all looked over and before we knew it the figure had jumped smashing into the Twi’lek he screamed out as the figure cut through the green body with his scarlet lightsaber. He turned the sunlight revealing his young face his jet black and red eyes.


“ You think you can defeat me,” he said his voice ruff he let out a harsh laugh and called out in a hissing language.


“ %$^£%”£^$&(*^^$%^**(()_*)((*^&£%$” he called out into the shadows.


And there we saw him a new figure taller and darker. Walking from the shadows wearing black robes and a white mask with black eye holes that when looked at made you feel drawn in.


“ %&&*^%$£^&**&%&& %^$^^&*^)(&%*)*&” He said the cloaked figure said. The ma looked from his master to us and finnaly said.


“Hunger is a terrible feeling,” The cloaked figure stood forwards his arm stretched out a beam of red energy seemed to shoot out of Voos’ava and Twi’leks body as they screamed out and became nothing but two still corpses.


“Who…” I whispered to myself looking at the body of my fallen idle now just a memory I activated my light saber its emerald blade lighting the room further but there was no one but loneliness in the room with me. The sound of foot steps getting further away deeper into the building. Bending down I took the holorecorder and began my journey deeper into the ruins.


After some time the sound of moving rocks began to fill my ears until I entered a small room quite possibly a sub chamber in front of me the man from earlier moving giant pieces of rock out of the lifting them partially off the floor the throwing them through an open gap in the war showing a wonderful view the sun setting below the surrounding mountains lighting up the orange sky I sigh the man stops and turns angry faced he draws his lightsaber activating it.


“You,” he hisses Jumping forwards within seconds I parry his flying attack counter attacking with my own combo of slashes and stabs trying to find some opening in his defences but still his defence was just as strong as his attack. Pushing my saber back he begins to swing madly at me allowing me only milliseconds to block each attack while walking back his advances getting faster and bigger until backed against the wall he steps back.


“Now I will do what my master did not,” He say knocking me to the floor. He bends down and throws my saber out into the open and smirks as I try and scramble up now in the corner of the room he raises his lightsaber ready to strike but something stops him. In front of my emerald green blade parrying his attack by it’s self and urged for it to push him back and as if it could read minds the lightsaber sprang into an onslaught of attacks getting faster as the man began to step back towards the crumble opening in the wall the saber stops.


“ My master will destroy you he will avenge my death,” The man says he tries to get past the emerald saber but I quickly wish for it to move in his way and it does.


“ Your master is one of the darkness he will consider you have been to weak and ask for me to join him,” I say stepping forwards the man lets out a short laugh then looks behind me and smiles.


“ (%&^%^&*)(*^%&$^&%&^*(*)” I hear behind me. I turn knowing where it had come from the great figure behind me cloaked in black with a mast of pure white he removes his mask revealing the face of a man his face pale scars all over it blue veins visible every where. He raises his hand my ear are filled with the screams of his apprentice a great beam of energy leaving the mans body. His body becomes still and lays there. Dead.


I stare at the mans face he begins to advance and immediately I run returning my lightsaber to my hand I run through the hallways hoping to escape the man now hot on my heels I trip over and stare back at his face his hand raises, I close my eyesand wait for the end.

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