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[FIC] KotOR III: The Unknown Regions

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Ferc walked past his fellow pilots to try to find Padmé among the cheering crowd of Telosians. He soon spotted her among the crowd. She stood far off with Atton holding her hand. He stared in unbelief at them. He thought he must be misconstruing what he saw. He looked again. They were more than holding each other's hand; They appeared to be either hugging or kissing. He hid himself in the cantina for most of the early morning. When he came back to their apartment later, he went on the couch and fell asleep. The next thing he remembered was waking up smelling something good. Padmé apparently was cooking breakfast. He started to stretch & get up.


"Good to see you up, sleepy head." Padmé said upon hearing him stretch. "I didn't see you come back from the battle. Where were you?!! Atton and I were waiting for you."

what you were doing. One could've mistaken it for something else." Ferc replied, sarcastically. "I was waiting for
to catch up with me. But, that clearly didn't happen. So, I went to a couple celebrations instead."

"I see. Forget me will you?! I'll have to teach a lesson for that." she replied.

"Much as I'd like that lesson, I have to go somewhere. Oh; And, tell Atton to stay away from you." Ferc said, on the verge of shouting.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"Nothing." he replied, sighing deeply.

"Don't do this. Let me help you; I...I will do anything you ask." Padmé pleaded.

"Forget it. You'd feel too sympathetic if I told you." Ferc said, decisively.


Ferc now remember some of Kreia's last words:
There must always be a Darth Traya...
Ferc turned back to Padmé.


"I'm going to be off Telos for a short while. I need to think about something...alone." Ferc said.


That night...

"Ferc sent me to keep tabs on you." Atton said to Padmé, as he entered the apartment.

"You look worried. What's up?" Padmé noted.

"Well...It's a long story." Atton said.

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"To summarize, all that I have told you over the last few hours, in a nutshell: His tracking device, which he usually carries on him at all times, isn't giving a signal anymore. This makes me very concerned. When did you last see him?" Atton asked.

"Yesterday." Padmé replied.

"Did he say where he was going?" Atton asked, attempting to gain insight.

"He didn't." she replied.

"I need your help, then." Atton said, bluntly.




Darth Balatro stared towards the lava. This was the Dark Lord of the Sith. Darth Balatro wore a mask to hide his face. He also wore the traditional black robes of the Sith with his hood up. A Sith soldier walked up to Darth Balatro. He glared at the soldier, waiting for the news.


"Padmé Starkiller has just arrived, my Lord." the soldier said.

"Inform me when
arrives." Darth Balatro said. "For it is inevitable that he will come & find her here."

"Yes, my Lord." the soldier said, saluting before leaving.


Darth Balatro went invisibly to the landing pad. There was Padmé Starkiller in a brown Jedi tunic and some young man. He analyzed the situation and deduced that he would need to possess her to set his plan in motion. He then used the Force in order to possess her, while remaining hidden.


Padmé lay faint on the ground for a while. He awoke inside her.
Good; It worked.
He thought to himself.
I will duel with the Exile, then re-possess her & journey with him. I can then kill him when he least expects it.


"Are you all right, Padmé?" the young man asked.

"Yes; I am fine, whoe'er you are." he said, which came out sounding like her voice.

"You've known me for months. How could you forget me, Atton Rand, charmer of girls like yourself?!" Atton asked, a bit offended.

"It was the fall that caused me to forget...Atton." he said.


Darth Balatro got Atton back in the ship while he was outside still. Padmé couldn't remember anything for a while. Everything seemed to get dark all around her. The next thing she remembered was being chained against the wall of a dungeon.


"Good; You survived." Darth Balatro said, from the shadows.

"Ferc Kast will come for me." Padmé said, confidently.

"I know. That's the reason that I brought you here." Darth Balatro explained. "You are the perfect bait for my plan."


Hours later...


The Sith soldier returned, bearing a urgent message: "My Lord,
has just landed."


"Excellent. See to it that he finds me on the upper landing pad." Darth Balatro replied.


Darth Balatro ran to fight Ferc; He waited patiently on the upper landing pad. Ferc jumped up to it from the lower landing pad.


"Unhand her." Ferc said, threateningly.

"Watch that temper; It's going to get you in more trouble than you can handle one day." Darth Balatro replied.


Ferc drew out his lightsaber, keeping it unactivated for a moment. He then activated it and swung towards the Sith; But, it was blocked by the Sith's red lightsaber. Darth Balatro kept attacking Ferc, barely getting Ferc hurt. Ferc blocked every stroke with undeniable prowess. But after hours of dueling, Darth Balatro cut off Ferc's right hand.


"There is no escape. Don't make me destroy you as you thought that you destroyed Traya." warned Darth Balatro.


As Darth Balatro made his death blow intended for Ferc, Atton jump out of nowhere to sacrifice himself for the greater good. While Darth Balatro watched Atton fall down to the ground, Ferc stabbed his lightsaber into Darth Balatro. Darth Balatro had failed to follow his orders from Traya.


"Did I save you, yet?" Atton asked, weakly.


Ferc only looked at Atton, unable to reply.


"Your eyes...That bad, huh? Always was ugly...Now the outside matches." Atton said.


Atton then became one with the Force. Ferc mourned Atton's death while he rescued Padmé; He set their ship's course for Mandalore Prime...

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There were Mandalorians all around this planet. And, recruits from the Unknown Regions were arriving constantly. Ferc recognized some of them as the leaders of the Unknown Region resistance. He remembered those 3 years of fight side by side with them. How unfortunate that it wasn't enought to defeat the True Sith once and for all. Ferc and Padmé boarded aship bound for Androus V, a planet on the other side of the galaxy.




Ferc constructed a mechanical hand, which looked exactly as the hand hand he'd lost in the duel with Darth Balatro, for himself.


"Atton, your sacrifice won't be in vain." Ferc had said said weeks ago at Atton's funeral.

"Ferc, come follow me." Padmé said, taking hime to a hidden room.


There was only a bed in the room. She lay with him & he kissed her. She went with him everywhere, obeying his every whim.

All was right with Ferc until he realized it is but a dream. He was lying with Padmé as a gaurdian only, but nothing more. She was only inches away.
What is stopping me from truly lying with her?
he wondered to himself. He left the room to meditate. He felt her approach from behind. She turned to go back into the room.


"Don't go. Your presence is soothing." Ferc said.

"I didn't want to dusturb you." she replied. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing; Only a dream." Ferc said.


The rest of the day, he shut himself up in the room alone. Ferc couldn't understand Atton's death.
Why did he sacrifice himself? He could've prevented that lethal blow; Yet, he chose not to. Why?
he pondered to himself.

Mandalorians were fighting all around the planet. The True Sith had taken the bait. Their ships were starting to get out of hyperspace.


"Quickly, man the turrets to blast them through the planet's shield." Ferc said.

"But, sir, one of our fighter is headed straight at them." One Mandalorian said, urgently.

"How could thi...Padmé." Ferc replied. "Padmé, get out of there."

"And, what of the Sith fighters?" Padmé replied.

"Good point; Although, I'm sending more fighters to help." Ferc said

"Very well." Padmé responded.


Within the hour, she was getting out of her starfighter. She bore scars from the battle above the planet. Ferc ran up & hugged her. She lay her head upon his shoulders and cried.

Later, she sneaked aboard her starfighter to a garden on Telos' surface. Ferc arrived there minutes later. He found her possessions outside of the garden. He grabbed her hands before she could stab herself with the dagger she had with her.


"I can't bear this grief anymore." Padmé said, attempting to rationalize.

"You didn't truly know him as I did. So, you have no reason for this action." Ferc countered.


That evening, Ferc watched her with Bastila and Revan's help. They avoided the subject of Atton all that night. Padmé retired to her room hours later.


"Are you going to be fine overnight, Ferc?" Bastila asked, the green dots on her cheeck gleaming in the available lights.

"I should be." Ferc said.

"Considering all, I'd say that you should go for your target after we leave. Sooner would probably be better at this point." Revan said.


The next day, Padmé could control her emotions. The two went through a park. As they were flying towards Duxn, Ferc, holding Padmé's hand in his, decided to go for his target another day...

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The duo did many things together while following Revan's orders. They were on Duxn. All was quiet;
was was quiet as Sith surrounded them. The shield went up after all the Basillisk War Droids were launched towards the Sith ships in the area. There came a call from among the Mandalorians: "Charge!!!" Ferc looked for the source of the call. To his great astonishment, it was Atton. Atton wore a white Jedi robe, wielding a silver lightsaber. And, charge they did. The Mandalorians & Republic soldiers and Jedi stationed therestarted attacking these Sith. The Sith soon gained the upper hand. Upon realizing this, Ferc used his Master Battle Meditation power. The tide began to turn; The Mandalorians fought perfectly, making their deaths more honorable and blows more lethal. Every blade reached its' mark. There were still losses for the Republic, just mostly these True Sith were dying and losing. The Republic later forgot that through Ferc, they had won this victory against the True Sith.

Bodies lay everywhere within 2 days of the tide's turn. The Mandalorians made their stand and won, barely. Only a handful of Mandalorians, including Mandalore himself, survived the battle. Padmé was heavily wounded during this battle. Ferc looked for Padmé for 1.5 days before finding her, by which time she had fainted from loss of blodd.


"Atton, get over here!!" Ferc shouted.

"What happened? More Sith?" Atton asked.

"No; It's Padmé." Ferc replied. "If you don't get here soon, she will be listed among the deceased."





She thought she heard a voice speaking to her in the midst of darkness from her fainting. She felt warm, yet not entirely warm. There was nothing more or less than a quilt over her. A door was opened & one set of feetsteps left as another entered.

Padmé's eyes opened as Ferc entered the room. There was something different about him that she couldn't place. He looked a bit uncomfortable in this room. He appearaed as if he had slept in a while. There was a tense silence between the two for a few minutes.


"You said something to me while I was out of it; Of life...of being. Faint." Padmé said, remembering vaguely.

"I did indeed.. And, what of it?" Ferc replied.

"What did you say? And, please, be honest with me." She requested.

"I said...You sure you want to know?" He asked.

Padmé nodded. "Yes."

"It was something along the lines of...'I would stand in death's door for you before I would let this happen again. My caring for you exceeds the instensity of 9 billion suns. My target is and has always been...'" Ferc started...

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"It was something along the lines of...'I would stand in death's door for you before I would let this happen again. My caring for you exceeds the instensity of 9 billion suns. My target is and has always been...'" Ferc started.


Ferc had almost finished his sentence when Zhar-Das Jinn rushed into the room; He spoke like never before.


"The one who will bring balance to the Force will be born unto she who is without husband. He will be found by one called...Jinn, who shall...fight a Sith Lord...die upon his enemy's lightsaber. Chosen One...Sith...will defeat...Jedi...Balance will be brought by through the Chosen One." Zhar-Das said.


The duo stared at him;
Had a prophecy truly been made?
they pondered to themselves.




A Sith Lord aproached Jinn from being. The Sith activated his lightsaber & stabbed Jinn.


"Sorry; Can't have Jedi Seers roaming the glaxy." the Sith said.


Before anyone could see, the Sith hid himself. Zhar-Das Jinn lay on the ground, dead.

Ferc & Padmé ran toward Jinn when they felt a disturbance in the Force. Upon seeing him dead, Padmé remembered his words when he agreed to join her:
...Don't cry when I die.
So, she mourned his death with silent tars. Tears that didn't even leave her eyes. Ferc held her in his arms. The sunset rested on Jinn's body. The Sith sneaked up on them. Padmé, instictively, threw herself in front of a killing stroke intended for Ferc. She was
before she hit the ground. The hope of this war vanished from before Ferc. 'Twas over...

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Padmé woke on board the Cessation. Only one other person was with her on this empty Republic cruiser. Zhar-Das Jinn.


"Am I dead? Are you dead?" Padmé asked, immediately.

"On the contrary, you are alive. I, on the other hand, am completely dead." Zhar-Das replied.

"But how? I meant to die for Ferc when I jumped between the deadly blow and him." Padmé asked, utterly confused.

"That made all the difference. You were Ferc's last unresolved conflict from the Mandalorian Wars. Hence, he lives. And, you live through him now by means of your sacrifice." Jinn explained.


Padmé looked around.


"Where is this ship taking us? And, how am I to return to end this great war?" Padmé asked.

"This ship is heading for the galaxy far, far away. To the beyond. The latter question is simple. Just open your eyes." Jinn answered.

"Open my...Wait a second. Aren't my eyes open? Which makes this, by definition, a dream yet reality?" Padmé asked.

"Yes." Jinn replied.

"How did Atton come back? He was
." Padmé asked, perplexed still.

"He never died; He willed that blow to not kill hime." Jinn explained.

"He influenced the midichlorians?" Padmé asked, amazed.

"'Tis not the time to stop and chat. 'Tis the time to ensure the victory of the Republic. May the Force be with you." Jinn replied.




She opened her eyes once more as the Sith brought body before the Republic and Unknown Region resistance on Duxn.


"This is what will happen to those who oppose us. There are none who can escape death." the True Sith said, lying Padmé's body on the ground.

"The resistance will fight you until the end." Ferc said, defiantly.

"You're the first to go. This time, there's no girl to die for you." the True Sith said, matter-of-factly.

"You're clearly forgetting me!" Padmé suddenly cried out, getting up off the ground and activating her lightsaber.

"Impossible! You were killed when he ought to have died." the True Sith said, in unbelief.


A great battle followed across Duxn's surface & skies. Stroke after stroke, the resistance fought against the True Sith. Revan jumped out of his custom Sith fighter, which was in mid-air. He led the resistance into brilliant combat. Resistance members fell every so often while True Sith fell more frequently. Hours passed during this conflict. Finally, Revan sliced the last True Sith's head. There was blood all across Duxn's surface. Revan looked among the casualities. His former Master was not among the deceased. So, he gathered the leaders of the resistance for one last grand council...

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Revan paced back and forth. Like the others, he was pondering the status of the Republic. There were a few moments of silence until Bastila broke the immense silence.


"If Darth Traya had already won, we would be aware of it." Bastila said.

one last planet outlined on her Star Map: Malachor VI." Ferc said.

Revan, sensing the planet being inhabitated by the True Sith, spoke finally. "It is finished. The Republic and Unknown Region resistance has failed." he said.

"No; Not as long as we get there quickly in our starfighters and army. We can bait them into fighting us." Padmé replied.

"There's but one ship large enough for the army: the Ebon Hawk. And, I would not wish its' destruction." Revan noted.

"But, if we don't go, then Traya has already won. We might as well be planning our exile, if that were the case." Padmé responded. "But, 'tis not the case. What's it going to take to o'erthrow them? Can we do it?"

"Yes!" the majority of the council cried.

"Then, we must go..." Padmé declared. "...regardless of any risks."


The Republic troops and Unknown Region resistance forces boarded the Ebon Hawk to challenge the True Sith for the last time.




Meanwhile, Darth Traya laughed at every word of the council.


"So, Revan, it is a fight you want? Then, it shall be a fight like none you have fought before. None who travel with you shall survive the encounter." Darth Traya said. "If the Galaxy puts you away like a book is put on a shelf never to be read again, will you take the victory or accept the defeat?"

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The Republic troops and Unknown Region resistance forces got off the Ebon Hawk and waited at the site of the upcoming battle. There was an intense silence as they waited.


"Perhaps, they're not taking the bait?" Ferc suggested, to answer the unasked question of all.

"Then, we must make them come to us like a Gizka comes to a Rancor." Revan replied.


Revan ran forward, his white robe catching the limited movement of the wind. Ferc, Padmé, Bastila and Atton followed him.


"Let the Lord of the True Sith come forth! Let justice be done upon her!" Revan shouted, loud enough to be heard by everyone & everything on the planet.


The True Sith answered the call of justice by gathering their army for one last fight against the Republic and Unknown Regions. The resistance and Republic army was being surrounded by hundreds of thousands True Sith. Revan, Bastila, Atton, Ferc and Padmé fell back closer to their army. The combined armies started to fall back.


"Hold your ground! Hold your ground." Revan shouted.


Revan went in front of the combined armies in order to raise their morale and spirits.


"Heroes of the Republic! Of the Unknown Regions! My brothers. I see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart of me. A day may come when the courage of Jedi fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is
this day. An hour of Sith and shattered lightsabers when the Age of Jedi comes crashing down, but it is not this day! This day we fight! By all that you hold dear in this good galaxy, I bid you stand Knights of the Republic!" Revan declared loudly.


They were soon outnumbered by the remainder of the True Sith. Darth Traya stood far off from the other True Sith.


"Never thought I'd die fighting side by side with an exile." Padmé said.

"What about side by side with a friend?" Ferc asked.

"Aye, I could do that." she finally said, giving into her heart's desire somewhat.


Revan was remaining still as he heard Darth Traya speak provoking words to him.


"Revan..Force's Heart..." Darth Traya said, loud enough only for Revan and Bastila to hear.


Revan remained motionless as he stared straight at Darth Traya. Revan turned to face his army.


"For the Republic..." Revan said, charging forward.


Those fighting for the Republic charged forward at the same time. Thus, began the last battle. Bastila used her Battle Meditation. The Republic and Unknown Region army, under Revan's command, fought so perfectly against the True Sith. For every dead person fighting for the Republic, there were 30 dead True Sith. Yet, somehow the True Sith started to gain the victory; They would have won were it not for Revan's brillant military leadership. For, he lead troops to the areas where the True Sith were breaking through. Then, Revan openly attacked Darth Traya; He blocked stroke after stroke, striking back against her. After many hours of fighting, only 5 remained fighting for the Republic: Revan, Bastila, Atton, Ferc Kast and Padmé Starkiller. There were a hundred left of the True Sith. Soon, Revan held his lightsaber at Darth Traya's throat.


"Well done, Revan. Now, finish me as the Exile thought he killed me 3 years ago." Darth Traya said.

"You asked for this, my former Master." Revan said, cutting down Darth Traya forever.


There was a might wind and earthquake finishing off the last of the True Sith. The Republic had won; Yet, the five heroes were temporary knocked out by the earthquake.

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There were only five living people upon the planet: Revan and Bastila Starkiller, Atton Rand, Ferc Kast and Padmé Starkiller. The Ebon Hawk lay beaten, much as it was when it landed on Peragus 3 years ago. When they woke, the five surveyed the damage that had been done on/to the planet's surface. Before, it had looked much like Korriban when Revan went to the Star Map for the second time; Now, it mirrored Malachor V entirely. There was a small ship on the surface with room enough for 3, but two more could fit in the cargo hold.


"I wish we had not taken the Ebon Hawk here. Now, it will fly no more." Revan said, mournfully.

"Or won't it?" Ferc asked, looking at most of the broken areas. "You three, go head to Dantooine. We'll be there shortly afterwards."

"It's your choice." Revan replied. "May the Force be with you."

"May the Force be with you." Ferc and Padmé replied, in perfect unison with each other.


Atton, Revan and Bastila took off in the small ship. Ferc looked at Padmé's expression for a minute. He could see it was the perfect time to corner his target. Now was the time to seize the day.


"Padmé, would you that we two should be made one in marriage?" Ferc asked.

"Ferc, you know my answer already." Padmé replied.

"I do?" Ferc asked, perplexed.

"Yes." she replied.

"Oh; What a joker you are!" Ferc said, while starting to laugh.


They repaired the ship, while kissing every few minutes. When it was repaired, they punched in the coordinates for Dantooine.




As the dawn's early light rose, crowds gathered to greet and celebrate the heroes of the 'Hidden War', as they would call it for years to come. They were presented with medals for their service to the Republic, which should have been remembered for all time and enternity. However, 'twas not the case...

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Padmé and Ferc's wedding was but a small one. Only their closest friends came. Although, the entire Republic was aware of it. They went to Naboo for their honeymoon. They then returned to the Jedi Temple.

Eventually, the Republic forgot all about what the five victors had done for them. The Republic now treated the five victors as common peasants. Revan and Bastila had a small family of their own. Revan would always look towards the sunset at night, remembering how he had once held the galaxy within his grasp. Yet, now he was no better than Aubrey Sunrider, whose entire story only Revan and Ferc knew. Yet, she was widely known during her reign as Dark Lord of the Sith. The galaxy had shut him out as they had with her. Revan's name commanded no more attention, except to a few historians. He kept in touch with his former allies from the war.

After the day when the Republic paid no heed to the 5 heroes, Padmé and Ferc Kast changed their last name to Skywalker and abandoned the Jedi Order. They settled down on Naboo for a few years before they finally settled down on Tatooine. Little did they know that through their lineage would come the Chosen One in thousands of years...

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Ferc and Padmé were trying to get their kids to sleep. Ferc was having dificulties with their youngest son, Ben.


"Dad, tell me the story of Aubrey Sunrider." Ben Kast asked.

"Ask your mother; She tells stories better than I. And, in any case, it is time for you to go to sleep." Ferc replied.

"Please..." Ben requested.

"Fine. Anything to get you to sleep." Ferc began. "A long time ago in a galaxy not-so-far away..."



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This story was lucky to even make to the ending today as I wrote all of this on my Sony Clié, which died Monday night; I, due to a lucky mistake, beamed the story over to my old Palm III.


Trivia concerning this story:

-Aubrey Sunrider, my next planned fan fiction, is a reference to a dear friend of mine from school.

-Padmé Starkiller, contrary to popular belief, is not in any way related to Bendak Starkiller.

-I only knew the ending when I began this project.

-This was all started to take form during my free time.

-My favorite part to write was HK's dialog during Revan & Bastila's wedding. I needed humor and HK provided the perfect opportunity.

-My original concept art of the story's ending

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  • 8 months later...

Great story, bit Lord of ther Rings in the dialogue towards the end, but when the words have already been spoken to best effect, it's hard to change them.


It's also generally acknowledge that the Exile was female, but i think people are prepared to overlook that fact if the story holds some weight.

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