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ladders and catwalk


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alright, i got 2 problems. first of all i can't get the ladder brush to work. i've created a ladder and placed a brush with the system/ladder texture that envelopes the whole ladder. it just doesn't work. i can't climb up.


my 2nd problem is that i've created a catwalk with a brush that uses the caulk texture except the two visible faces, where i have applied the imperial/floorgrate texture. when i compile the map i can't see through.


so could anyone give advice? :)

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well, i dont think ladders work in JA, but I may be wrong. as for the floorgrate, you must make sure you apply a shader, and not a texture. a shader tells the engine to draw that texture but to make the black parts see through. shaders have a white outline in the texture window.

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