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[Poetry]Darth Revan's Poetry Journal

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Darth Revan's poetry Journal



The Force I wield is the power of dark,

When I face a Jedi I leave my mark.

I am a monarch, the Monarch,

In fact, I am THE Lord of the Sith.


I slay all races from Wookies to Bith,

I darken the light,

And I rule the night,

I am the Dark Lord of the Sith.


From Courscant to the far reaches of Korriban,

I rule, to destroy all who oppose me...

To destroy every last remaining Jedi.

I along with my apprentice, Bastila Shan.


From former Jedi to newly christianed Dark Jedi,

I rule with an Iron Fist.

I kill the weak and lead an army of strength,

No matter the height or length.


The Force I wield is the power of black,

When I face a Jedi they go in the sack.

I am a king, the king,

In fact, I am THE Dark Lord of the Sith.

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