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[FIC] Revan: A Day in the Life of A jedi

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Journal Entry for General Arianna "Revan" Shouldo


Walked thro Duxun jungle today. Saw trees, trees and yes, MORE trees. Malak had to stop about 50 times to pee! i swear that boy will be the death of me someday! anyway, he's taking a nice long leak and a cannok suprised him! leaked all over my good boots! i found it EMENSLY hilarious, but Dire did not. why i drag that girl around i don't know.... She has no sence of humor. Man, i wish this war was over soon, i miss my parents terriblly right now.

Sent a transmition to my Grandparents, and asked them what it was doing back home. Rainy, as usual. I really really miss them alot. they raised me in the absence of my parents,who are exiled. long story, don't have alot of time to explain. well, i must head off. chow time and i have to try to cheer my self up, which will fail miserably.... Untill next time. Takeo Nou!

God, i love writing in my own tounge!!!!


Journal Entry for General Arianna "Revan" Shouldo


Ok, I SO have to tell you this! I like Lemon Pie.... end of entry. Nah, just kiddin! Atton said that to make me laugh and i worked, so i am much happy now. All it takes is seeing the crazy Jaqie doing what he does best and i can't be so upset anymore. An explaination is owed i believe as to why i was sad. It was my parents Anniversery of their Corination, and they are both..... oh what the word i am looking for? In derillan we say Ashi hio... which means Spirts of the Netherrelm, but i do not quite grasp writing in basic yet. i speak it very well, as i do Derillan, but Derillan's my native tounge so i speak very very quickly. AH! Deceased! thanks Atton! Atton helps me with my language issues. in return i teach him a few words. well, i must go now. I have a Dinner to attend.


Entry for... well you know who by now..






ok, besides me stating that i like pie, not much has happended. i called carth Lt. Hot pants... malak bust into laughter, Dire did also. my freinds, i have a sence of humor... it is burried under all this war general crapola.... well, alot to get done and malak has bust into song and it's not funny....


Personal Entry for Arrianna Shouldo


I was just thinking about Lonna.... my sister in the force, i was the crazy one, the consumate thinker of things, Planner off all things Illegal or "non jedi". For the first time in many many months i tried to contact her , she's not taking any holo coms! i still left a message saying " Lon... it's ari. no need to contact me back, just saying how much i miss you right now and i wish i could hear your wisdom telling me not to worry, the worst thing that could happen was that we'd all get in trouble with Vandar! Sisters in blood, sisters in spirit, sisters in the force, may our bond never be broken." Force do i miss her. i'm closing for now... i'm tired and i wanna cuddle


Journal Entry for General Arianna "Revan" Shouldo aka Her Royal Pain in the Highness ((thank you anarra!))


well let me tell you who anarra is, she is my older sister, and therefore rightfully titled as Her Royal Highness, Princess Anarra. me, i'm just princess Ari or as anarra calls me, Her Royal Pain in the Highness! Atton had a good laugh at that. Narra's a sweet heart, but she's a pain.

we all love her tho, even me. alas, i must depart.. War meeting, and i have holocoms to answer.... oh joy...


Journal Entry for General Arianna "Revan" Shouldo


WOOOO AHH! WE WON! WE WON! WE WON! GO REPUBLIC! GO REPUBLIC! i'm dancing around the room btw while doing this holo journal thing, so you may get alot of joyous expressions and on top of it all..... IT'S MY BIRTHDAY! IT'S MY BIRTHDAY! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME. yeah, i know.... lame right? sorry... the war is over, we have deafted the mandalorians, and now we kick back and PARTAY!!!! i have to go know.... i'm just gonna embarass myself in later years with this. STAPLE FIGHT!!!! STAPLE FIGHT!!!


Journal Entry for General Arianna "Revan" Shouldo

Lord Revan..... Dark Lord of the Sith Revan..... what ever happended to the carefree Ari.... i can't think about that... i have orders to hand down.... i'm sorry i ever set out on this.... war.... where will i be in 10 years? will i still even be dark lord? so many questions.... Not the time to answer them... i have orders to hand down.... and i have to appear strong at least... even if i can feel myself slowly becoming Dead... Revan..... it sounds so.... Sith....


Journal Entry for Lord Revan


I felt i should at least title these entries with my new name. I guess this is what Vandar and the rest warned us about. A long Hard fall to the Dark Side. I'm still not so used to handing down orders to murder people, but hey.... Such is the fate of a Dark Lord. We are Strong in power, but weak in mind.

oh, i wanted to introduce you to the Kick Ass Birthday song i wrote last night,but i forgot the words.


Journal Entry for Lord Revan


i remember the words to my song, well roughly... i used to sing it to master vandar on his birthday, and Kavar used to laugh.... i am not a good singer at all, but i will attempt to at least try once. not to day tho, i have a funny story to tell you. i was talking to saul yesterday, and i couldn't stop laughing... the reason: MALAK! he was making faces at me behind saul's back. so i started going like "stop, i can't laugh..." and making the sign for cut it out. well needless to say saul caught on and chased malak around. and hk found it funny that the " meat bag" malak, was in trouble... again. tween cannok's and malak's faces, i don't think i'm gonna say serious for long today. geez, long entry.

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Mmm...A journal of Revan? Intersting...Keep up good work, Darth. This is an interesting concept of revealing Revan's past. Since very few people try to write the past of Revan. Keep up.


Welcome to LF!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Journal Entry for Lord revan


ok, for all you how have waited for Revan's rendition of the birthday song.... Tough titties! As i said i don't sing very well, plus this is malak doing an entry for revan since she sounds like an overly asthmatic version of HK, in other words: the dark lord is REALLY sick today. she hasn't even gotten out of bed yet, that how baddly sick she is today. I told most of the sith and aides to give her a wide berth today, to make appearances and annoyances scarce, just to let her lungs rest up, cause she was hacking and wheezing all night. i won't kill her.... yet. If she keeps me up one more night tho, she is an ex Sith Lord! Now, if you'll excuse me i hear my name being bellowed.... Yes, i think Revan's ready to get up or at least to command the ship from her room. oh never mind... she's just bellowing anyone's name cause she ticked. lousy mood this has put her in, i say. oh, and about me and saul, i was honsetly only trying to bring a little levity to the bridge crew, Heck i do a really good revan. *impersonates revan* MALAK!! get over here, my tuakta pooped ALL OVER! MALAK! Where's my ale? MALAK! where's my saber? See? i am sooo funny!well, i may as well attend to my master. at least i can make her laugh,not that i'd want her to, but i just wanna see a smile, and she tell me something really weird like " you smell like kolto!"

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