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Problem with GiveItem Cheat


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I hope this is in the right forum. If it isn't, my apologies!


I have a problem with the giveitem cheat. All the other cheats work just fine, but when I use the giveitem cheat instead of the item I asked for I usually get a picture of a grenade with no name or description. Can anyone give me a hand? I'd appreciate it.


- Waffles :)

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That would be what we call around here a "Null-Nade"... it is the result of a misspelling of the items tag.


Example: giveitem g_w_blstrrfl001 will give you a blaster rifle... but if you misspell the items tag (the second g_w_blstrrfl001 part of the code) you get a blank grenade.


To find a list of the items look here (For K1) and here (For TSL). The items code is the part in the title surrounded by parenthesis, sans the .uti part.


I hope this helps. ;)

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Just a suggestion, but you might want to save your game at the beginning and then use KSE to get the inventory items you want and then start playing. It's a lot less work (ie typing).....I know b/c your problem happened a lot to me when I first started playing the game. At least it's not so bad w/KOTOR b/c you can check for a spelling mistake, unlike TSL where the words are invisible.

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