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[Shortie Fic] Choice By the Wayside

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This was my latest entry for the KFM DCC. This is a one shot deal set in the time just before the events of TPM. Here a young Avalonian tries to so how choices affect even the tiniest of events.


Choice By the Wayside

It was dusk, almost time for lights out but that didn’t deter the young woman sitting with half a dozen children sitting around her. It had been her day for instruction and yet they didn’t get much done but that didn’t bother her since she told them stories. Of course they had to be about other Jedi but she knew plenty.


She was about to tell the group that it was time to go to bed when a youngling piped up, “Master Starlighter, we know that Jedi Revan disappeared into the Unknown Regions after the Star Forge. What would have happened if she had stayed or if for that matter he went with her?”


Ashira-Li Starlighter looked at the youngling with an inquiring look. It was an interesting topic. She of course knew what old Petronius had told her about Revan but never thought about what would have happened if events did change. She glanced at the dying sun knowing full well that she would have to answer for it later. Smiling she said, “Well I think we have time for one more story.”


She waited until the younglings sat up and waited attentively. She then began in her musical voice…




The celebration of the victory of the Star Forge had been about a year in passing and things seemed to be looking up for the Republic. It was still struggling to undo all the damage that Malak had done but it looked as if things might look up. Things weren’t so great for the lone Jedi who spent each evening gazing over the balcony searching for something.


Jedi Lilah Aldstar, formerly Revan, was troubled and had been troubled for the past year. She didn’t want to admit it but more and more she kept remembering things she had done and it put a strain on her. It was agitating that everyone asked if she were alright when they knew just by looking at her that she wasn’t. What hurt the most was when Carth looked at her with that worried look of his. She wanted to tell him but she couldn’t for she didn’t know what was true memory or the ones the Council had implanted. One thing she did know was that she had to leave and soon.


The day she left was quiet. Of course the Mandalorian would follow her but she had a duty to give him. That she would reveal later after they had left Coruscant. Right now they needed to get the Ebon Hawk lifted off and heading towards the Outer Rim. It was easier than she thought for the Hawk was well accustomed to the various crew members of that journey touching the controls. It was like a settled routine that would continue going even if something were to shake it up. That provided some comfort as she headed with Canderous towards the Outer Rim. Once there, she would give him the helm of Mandalore.




“Master Starlighter, what does this have to do with the story?” a youngling asked.


Ashira-Li looked at the youngling with a softened expression. Unlike the cantankerous Jolee Bindo, whose exploits the children loved, she didn’t mind if they interrupted to ask a question. She answered, “A story has to have a beginning in order to see the end.”


Satisfied somewhat, the youngling allowed her to continue, “Now about Mandalore…”




Leaving Mandalore at the edge of the galaxy with the order to bring the clans together was easy and yet hard. She could almost hear the thought that she was a coward but it was of her own invention and not Mandalore’s. She tried not to think of it as she turned the helm of the Hawk towards the Unknown Regions. What took her by surprise was the firm hand whose touch never ceased to melt her placed upon her shoulder and a whisper in her ear, “Where you go I go Gorgeous.”


It took her by surprise and yet she was sad. She wanted to make sure that he was safe but he chose to come anyway and he knew how to hide from her senses. She turned to face him. She said in a weak voice, “I thought I told you to stay.”


The brown eyes looking back at her spoke volumes as he responded, “And I came to be with you. You might need help. It was my choice.”


“It is a place that I must walk but you can’t because I cannot take the ones I love.” It was a poor excuse and she knew it. She had used it before.


“Weren’t you the one who said that being with those you love makes you stronger? You gave me a future and I want to give you one too. I said I’d promise to protect you and I aim to do that.” As if to seal the argument, he sat down in the co-pilot seat of the Hawk and turned to look at her with his arms crossed. He added, “We have choices. I made mine and that is to be with you.”




Ashira-Li broke off from her tale to watch the younglings. They were all staring at her with rapt attention. She had the sneaking suspicion that they were seeing what she was saying by concentrating on her voice and forming the images in their mind. She thought no more as she continued.




Their absence was noticed by everyone, the Jedi, the fleet, the Republic. Still life went on in spite of everything. Telos was the forerunner for restoration after its devastation and the Ithorians were on schedule somewhat. With Czerka interfering, it was difficult. The Exchange had a bounty on Jedi and the world Katarr had suffered. That was unknown to anyone on board the Ebon Hawk who had just picked up a passenger.


Darius Talbert had been exiled for following Revan to war and here he was with Revan again. Revan and Carth had found him on one of the planets at the edge of the Rim and convinced her to join them. What was more difficult was allowing Revan to help Darius restore his connection to the Force. In the end, Darius agreed and the three of them set off again in search of what Revan was searching for but couldn’t name. There appeared to be much tension even on board that ship since both men knew Revan and were a bit…possessive.


Meanwhile Telos suffered greatly. Czerka with their access to some of the Restoration Zones thwarted the Ithorian attempts of restoring life to the barren lands. In the end, the effort failed and the Republic refused to finance another. The other worlds that had been struck would now remain the graveyard worlds they had become. The bounty was still on the Jedi but few could be found. They continued to put pressure on the Refugee Sector on Nar Shaddaa.


What was more troubling were the rising tensions on Onderon. Queen Talia and General Vaklu were engaged in all out war over who was the rightful leader of Onderon. Talia was trying to keep Onderon within the Republic so that Iziz, and Onderon wouldn’t be destroyed by Vaklu’s ambition. In the end, the war laid waste to that which was once beautiful of Onderon. Its people were angry and bitter and continued the fight throughout the years becoming what Saul Karath did to Telos in one stroke.


Then came the Ravager, the ship that was at Malachor. It came to finish Telos by consuming the Force Sensitives to feed the Lord of Hunger. The Republic did send a fleet and they managed to destroy the vessel but by then Telos had suffered too much and the Restoration effort was in shambles. Malachor still remained and two Sith Lords were about warring with each other to destroy the Republic and the Jedi. In the words of the Lord of Pain, ‘The Old Republic is crippled. There is nothing that can stop us.’




“In the end, the Republic collapsed on itself for there was no one left to keep it strong as Revan intended when she headed out. In the end, they never discovered the Avalonians and instead perished somewhere beyond the Outer Rim in the Unknown Regions,” Ashira-Li finished gently as the sun finished setting on Coruscant. She sat there looking at the younglings as they opened their eyes and looked at her. One asked, “Is that what would have happened if things didn’t happen in the archives?”


Thinking about her answer, Ashira-Li cast a sweeping gaze over the younglings there. She then answered, “It is a possible result. Nothing in life is certain and is up to the will of the Force.”


“So the Force willed it that Revan disappear and reemerge with the Avalonians?”


“I would think so,” Ashira-Li replied softly and standing to her full height to stretch her muscles, “I would say it had to be otherwise I wouldn’t be here teaching you right?”


“I suppose so.”


“Remember that things do happen for a reason. It could be fate or as I said the will of the Force. It is up to you to decide,” Ashira-Li began to usher them out of the room so they could head to bed, “We all have our choices. In this story, Revan and Carth made theirs out of their love for each other. It was probably selfish of them as it affected the galaxy as a whole even more so that Darius was found by them instead of Kreia.”


“So our choices affect everything?” the youngling who asked for the story queried.


“Indeed. If Carth went with Revan, then the Avalonians, my people, wouldn’t have joined the Republic and I wouldn’t be here to teach you. The Republic could have collapsed unable to defend itself against the remaining Sith factions. There are many possibilities,” Ashira-Li replied as she led the way through the dormitories. Nothing more was said as she guided the younglings and wished them a good-night before heading to her own room to think before sleeping. Indeed, if Carth had went with Revan, then I wouldn’t be here. And if I weren’t here then I wouldn’t have met him.

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